

时间:2023-12-16 05:39:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





  Your university plans to provide another type of food to attract more students. What kind of food would you like the university cafeteria to add? Explain the reasons with examples and details.







  Do you prefer to take adventures or you don't like adventures at all.




  2)建议答题思路:比如选择prefer to take adventures,理由一:more adventures,more excitement and passion for life;理由二:adventures possibly help you acquire something new.


  1. What does the professor mainly discuss?

  A. Different ways to apply a particular teaching technique

  B. Research showing that most students have learning-style preferences

  C. An analysis of research into a particular approach to teaching

  D. Feedback from teachers who adapted their teaching styles to the learning styles of individual students

  2. What did the psychologists conclude after reviewing research on the meshing hypothesis?

  A. The hypothesis is not adequately supported by valid research data.

  B. Teachers should adapt their lessons to students' individual learning styles.

  C. Students generally learn best through hands-on activities.

  D. Individual learning styles differ much more than previously believed.

  3. According to the professor, how might school spending be affected by the psychologists' findings?

  A. Schools could focus on spending that addresses the diverse needs of individual students.

  B. Schools could reduce costs by eliminating purchases of unnecessary materials.

  C. Schools could find new sources of income so that they can afford to introduce more advanced teaching methods.

  D. Schools could ignore the psychologists' recommendations in order to save money.

  4. What does the professor's example of a science class illustrate?

  A. A teaching approach in which students could choose among several types of learning activities

  B. A reason that teachers need to know the learning styles of individual students

  C. A situation in which the teaching method was matched to the lesson's content

  D. An opportunity for students to discuss their learning-style preferences with one another

  5. What is the professor's attitude toward new trends in education

  A. They have been responsible for major educational improvements in recent years.

  B. They can be ignored, since they rarely lead to improved teaching methods.

  C. Teachers should be aware of them but not adopt them without proof that they are effective.

  D. Teachers should put them into practice without further delay.

  6. What does the professor mention as a weakness of the article published by the psychologists?

  A. Its conclusions are contradicted by newly published research.

  B. Its conclusions are limited to lessons taught in science classes.

  C. The psychologists did not follow the scientific method carefully enough.

  D. The psychologists failed to consider teachers' accounts of classroom




  Title:Extinctions at the End of the Cretaceous

  It has long been recognized that the dinosaurs disappeared from the fossil record at the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), and as more knowledge has been gained, we have learned that many other organisms disappeared at about the same time. Themicroscopic plankton (free-floating plants and animals) with calcareous shells suffered massively.The foundation of the major marine food chain that led from the minute plankton to shelled animals to large marine reptiles had collapsed. On land it was not only the large animals that became extinct. The mammals, most ofwhich were small, lost some 35 percent of their species worldwide. Plants were also affected. For example, in North America 79 percent did not survive, and it has been noted that the survivors were often deciduousthey could lose their leaves and shut downwhile others could survive as seeds. As in the sea, it seems that on the land one key food chain collapsed: the one with leaves as its basic raw material. These leaves were the food of some of the mammals and of the herbivorous dinosaurs, which in turn were fed on by the carnivorous dinosaurs. Furthermore, it is most likely that these large dinosaurs had slow rates of reproduction, which always increases the risk of extinction. Crocodiles, tortoises, birds, and insects seem to have been little affected. The two first named are known to be able to survive for long periods without food, and both can be scavengers (feed on dead material). Indeed, with the deaths of so many

  other animals and with much dead plant material, the food chain based on detritus would have been well-supplied. Many insects feed on dead material; furthermore, most have at least one resting stage in which they are very resistant to damage. In unfavorable conditions some may take a long time to

  develop: there is a record of a beetle larva living in dead wood for over 40 years before becoming an adult. Some birds were scavengers, but the survival of many lineages is a puzzle.

  What happened in the biological story just after these extinctionswhat is found in and just above the boundary layer between the deposits of the Cretaceous and those of the Tertiary (65¨C2.6 million years ago), termed the K/T boundary For a very short period the dominant microorganisms in marine deposits were usually diatoms and dinoflagellates(both single-celled types of plankton).The important

  feature for the survival of both these groups was the ability to form rotective cysts (sacs around organisms) that rested on the sea floor. Above these, in the later deposits, are the remains of other minute plankton, but the types are quite different from those of the Late Cretaceous. In terrestrial deposits a sudden and dramatic increase in fern plant spores marks the boundary in many parts of the world; ferns are early colonizers of barren landscapes. The fern spike (sudden increase), as it istermed, has been found also in some marine deposits (such was the abundance of fern spores blown around the world), and it occurs in exactly the same layer of deposit where the plankton disappear. We can conclude that the major marine and terrestrial events occurred simultaneously.

  Many theories have been put forward for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but most of them can be dismissed. Since 1980 there have been more focused, but still controversy-ridden, investigations. In that year Louis and Walter Alvarez and colleagues from the University of California published their research on the amounts of various metals in the boundary between Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks (K/T boundary) in Italy, Denmark, and New Zealand. Theyhad found, accidentally, that a rare metal, iridium, suddenly became very abundant exactly at the boundary and then slowly fell away. This phenomenon, known as the iridium spike, has now been identified in K/T boundary deposits in over a hundred other sites in the world. Iridium occurs in meteorites and volcanic material, but in the latter case it is accompanied by elevated levels of nickel and chromium. These other metals are not especially abundant at the K/T boundary. The Alvarezes concluded that the iridium spike was due to a large asteroid that struck Earth 65 million years ago.




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is not that important for families to regularly eat meals together?






  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important thing people learned is from families.





