

时间:2023-12-03 15:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

ⅰ、单词连线。在右边找到左边各单词的汉语释义,并连线。 (20分)

horse照相机鱼carrot baseball大象足球soccer camera马热狗fish elephant剪刀胡萝卜hockey scissors棒球曲棍球hot dog   ⅱ、小学英语一年级期中试题下学期试题:单词分类。请将下边方框中的单词按照用途放入不同的房间。(20分) bed bathtub kitchen knife flowers wardrobe TV table computer broom telephone clock bookcase mirror bowl lamp chairs sofa refrigerator towel cupboard   bedroom:_____________________



  living room:_____________________



  ( )1.What’s he doing?

  ( )2.Where are my cats?

  ( )3.Have you got a computer?

  ( )4.What do you do at school?

  ( )5.How are you?

  ( )6.What’s her favourite sport?

  ( )7.Do you like bananas?

  ( )8.What’s your name?

  ( )9.Please have some chicken.

  ( )10.How old are you?


  a. Her favourite sport is tennis.

  b. I’m 9 years old.

  c. They’re behind the bookcase.

  d. Yes, I like.

  e. He’s sleeping.

  f. I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

  g. No, thanks.

  h. No, I haven’t.

  i. My name is May.

  j. I read books.

  ⅳ、读短文,判断正( )误( )。

  I like sports. My favourite sport is badminton. At 7:00 a.m., I go to school and play badminton with my friends. In the afternoon, I play badminton. In the evening, I watch badminton games on TV. Do you like playing badminton?

  (  ) 1. I don’t like sports.

  (  ) 2. My favourite sport is table tennis.xjlet.com

  (  ) 3. I go to school at seven in the morning.

  (  ) 4. I watch TV in the afternoon.

  (  ) 5. I play badminton with my friends in the morning.


  d  y  i  c  e  c  r  e  a  m  n

  r  t  b  o  q  l  s  v  t  o  v

  i  p  i  z  z  a  u  e  o  r  h

  n  t  n  g  m o  r  n  i  n  g

  k  f  e  e  q  v  r  i  c  e  o

  p  g  c  a  k  e  u n b  h  v

  c  z  u  t  t  y  f  g x  s  q

  t  k  j  f  e  o  r  a n  g  e

  y  h  a m  b  b  u  r g  e  r

