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Lesson 44
1. D。我们从I come from America.可以得知他是美国人;又从I’m at No. 15 Middle School.知道他是
2. C。My parents work in Beijing and they bring me here, too.已经告诉我们,他们现在在中国。
3. A。该题是在问Bill 的父亲的职业。我们从My father is an engineer in a factory.能够得知,他在工
4. B。该句的两个句子My friends ride bikes to school. So do I.明确地指出,Bill 是骑自行车上学的。
5. C。从So I often play football with my friends after school. Sometimes we watch football games on TV
on Saturdays and Sundays.我们可以看出,他们很喜欢足球。
1. D。参考文章第一段第二句话和第三句话。
2. B。参考文章第二段第二句话。
3. C。见文章最后一句话。
4. A。见文章第三段第一句话。
5. B。文章的大意是:养成怎样的学习习惯才能达到好的效果。
1. Are there any cars here?
2. Are there any books on the shelf?
3. Is there any soap here?
4. There are some cars in front of the building.
5. But I can’t see the tea.
6. There isn’t water in the cup.
7. Are there any newspapers beside the vase?
8. Can you see there is someone behind the door?

新概念英语第一册Lesson 44课后练习册答案.doc
