

时间:2024-07-27 12:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】找工作写简历这件事,再用心准备都不为过!想你所想,痛你所痛。®文档大全网搜集了英文简历中会用到的奖项、称号、社团、职务等等翻译。欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


国家奖学金:National Scholarship

国家励志奖学金:National Encouragement scholarship

单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship

三好学生:Merit Student

学习优秀生:Model Student of Academic Records

突出才能奖:Model Student of Outstanding Capacity

先进个人:Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student

一二三等奖学金:The First/Second/Third Prize Scholarship

优秀工作者:Excellent staff

优秀学生干部:Excellent Student Cadre

优秀共青团员:Excellent League Member

优秀毕业生:Outstanding Graduates

优秀志愿者:Outstanding Volunteer

优秀团干:Outstanding League Cadres

学生协会优秀干部:Outstanding cadres of Student Association

学生协会工作优秀个人:Outstanding Individual of Student Association

精神文明先进个人:Spiritual Advanced Individual

社会工作先进个人:Advanced Individual of Social Work

文体活动先进个人:Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities

道德风尚奖:Ethic Award

精神文明奖:High Morality Prize

组织奖:Prize for The Best Organization

突出贡献奖:Prize for The Outstanding Contribution

工作创新奖:Prize for The Creative Working

团队建设奖:Prize for The Team Contribution


篮球比赛:Basketball Matches

男子100米:Men’s 100-metre Race

女子100米:Women’s100-metre Race

男女跳高比赛:Men/Women’s High Jump Matches

男女三级跳比赛:Men/Women’s Triple Jump Matches

男子110米栏:Men’s 110-metre Hurdle Race

男女铅球:Men/Women’s Shot Put

男女标枪:Men/Women’s javelin throwing


博客大赛:Blog Contest

主持*赛:Golden Microphone Host Competition

创意T台服装设计大赛:Creative Fashion Design Competition

军训优秀通讯员:Excellent Correspondent in Military Training

军训先进个人:Advanced Individual in Military Training

十佳社团:Top Ten Outstanding Associations

体育道德风尚奖:PE Morality Award

优秀指导教师奖:Excellent Guide Teacher Award

突出贡献奖:Outstanding Contribution Award

工作创新奖:Innovation Award

团队建设奖:Teamwork Award

台风奖:Best Stage Style Award

人气奖:Best Popularity Award

优秀组织奖:Outstanding Organization Award

创意奖:Best Creativity Award

优秀团体奖:Excellent Group Award

优秀节目奖:Best Program Award

十佳新秀奖:Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award

潜质奖:Most Potentiality Award

才艺奖:Outstanding Talent Award

气质奖:Outstanding Quality Award

口才奖:Best Eloquence Award

演员奖:Best Actor Award

剧本奖:Best Script Award

优秀会员:Excellent Member

辩手:Best Debater

优秀辩手:Excellent Debater


法律促进协会:Law Promotion Association

模拟法庭竞赛:Moot Court Competition

英语口语协会:Oral English Institute

交流会:Exchange Meeting

书法协会: Calligraphy Association

心理健康促进协会:Association of Advancement of Mental Health

足球协会:Football Association

毽球协会:Shuttlecock Association

篮球协会:Basketball Association

三人篮球赛:Three-player Basketball Match

旅游爱好者协会:Travel Enthusiasts Association

创意风筝节:Creative Kite Festival

演讲与口才协会:Speech and Eloquence Association

企业与市场调研协会:Business and Marketing Research Association

职业经理人挑战赛:Professional managers Challenge Match

假面舞会:Masque Ball

摄影协会:Photography Association


学生会:Student Union

团委会:Youth League Committee

学生社团:Students' Association

体育部:Sports Department

文艺部:Arts Department

学习部:Learning Department

*部:Girls Department

心理发展部:Psychological Development Department

外联部:Public Relations Department

宣传部:Propaganda Department

生活部:Life Department

纪检部:Discipline Inspection Department

秘书部:Secretary Department

组织部:Organization Department

编辑部:Editorial Department

学生会主席:President of the Student Union

团委会书记:Secretary of the Youth League Committee

团支书:League Branch Secretary

团支书:Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee

副书记:Vice Secretary


学术部干事:a member of the Academic Department

宿舍长:Head of the dormitory

优秀团员:Excellent League Member

班长:Monitor/Class President


文体委员:Recreation & Sports Secretary

学习委员:Study Secretary

生活委员:Life Secretary

宣传委员:Publicity Secretary

生活委员:Organization Secretary

勤工俭学:Work-study Program

青年志愿者协会:Youth Volunteers Association

政治辅导员:Political Tutors

晚会主持人:Host on the entertainment/evening party

礼仪队:Reception Team/ Protocol Team

三下乡:Volunteer Activities for the Country People

综合测评:Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’ Performance

预备党员:Probationary Party Member

入党积极分子:Applicant for Party Membership

综合素质优秀学生:Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality

优秀青年志愿者:Outstanding Young Volunteer

校园十杰:Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus

品学兼优的学生:Student of Good Character and Scholarship

模拟招聘会:Mock Interviews

军训:Military Training

艺术团:rt Troupe

义教:Voluntary Teaching

迎新晚会:Welcome Party for the Freshmen

招聘会:Job Fair

广播站:Broadcasting Station

学生处:Students Affairs Department


社会活动:social/public activities

课外活动:extracurricular activities

社会实践:social practice

学术活动:academic activities

籍贯:native place

婚姻状况:marital status

家庭状况:family status

可到职时间:date of availability

教育程度:educational background


职业目标:career objective


工作目标:employment objective


希望职位:position wanted

优良学风班:Class of Good Style Study

团结合作:Solidarity and Cooperation

创新能力:Creative Ability

沟通能力:Communicational Ability

兼职:Part-time Job

促销员:Sales Promoter

派传单:Deliver pamphlets

市场调研:Marketing Research

乒乓球协会:Table Tennis Association

社团艺术节:Community Festival

招聘网站:Recruitment Site

党支部:Party Branch


英语培训中心:English training center

成绩优异:Outstanding Academic Results

学业技能:Academic Skills

思想品行:Ideological Morality

文体表现:Arts and Sports Performance


