
时间:2021-08-18 01:07:51 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】美丽的月光,飞舞的轻霜,金菊又飘香,桂花遍地芳,烟花灿烂绽放,灯笼快乐飞扬。喜庆的节日又来到,团圆的日子真热闹,好运月饼传吉祥,远方朋友祝福忙。中秋佳节,愿你花好月圆人康安,合家团圆福寿添。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  This year's Mid Autumn Festival was very happy and full. I not only tasted delicious moon cakes, but also held my own Mid Autumn Festival party. The content was very wonderful. The members were my parents, grandparents, aunts, aunts, sisters and me. It was a harmonious family. My parents worked part-time as the host. We finished dinner early, The venue was arranged in advance. I blew a lot of balloons, tied them with tapes, and hung them on the door frame. Then I bread a layer of colored paper on the light, the light suddenly becomes colorful, and the atmosphere of the stage suddenly becomes very strong.

  With mom and dad announcing the official start of the party, the party has come to the point. First of all, led by mom and Dad, they sang a song "intimate lover". After they sang, we gathered warm applause. My aunt and uncle couldn't bear it. They performed their unique skill - Er Ren Zhuan. They performed well. We also gave warm applause, and the party slowly came to a climax.

  Next, I'm going to appear. I'm performing poetry recitation - "when will the moon come?" when will the moon come? Ask the wine to the blue sky. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is this night... I hope people will last for a long time and share the beauty of thousands of miles. "

  Each of US performed the program in turn. The climax of the party was wave after wave. At the end of the party, our family sang a song "I love my family". Finally, our parents announced the end of the party and took a picture of the whole family.

  The Mid Autumn Festival Party brought me infinite happiness and left me a deep impression and good memories.


  "On August 15, the moon is bright. Grandpa makes moon cakes for me! Moon cakes are big, sweet and fragrant. Give grandpa a piece of love! " With the nursery rhymes of childhood, the annual Mid Autumn Festival comes quietly. It is a festival of reunion. Every family should put fruit and delicacies together to enjoy the happiness of their family.

  At this solar term every year, the indispensable food of Chinese folk traditional culture is to eat moon cakes, which is the Chinese people's wish for a better future. Our family makes moon cakes at this time of year, presents them to relatives and friends and sends blessings.

  My mother and I bought the raw materials for making cakes, started to stir with low gluten flour, special syrup and baking soda, made the flour agent, and then woke up for 30 minutes. Next, mix the prepared purple potato, egg yolk and bean paste with sugar one by one. Wrap the stuffing with different flavors in the flour agent, and finally choose your favorite mold for extrusion. Pieces of semi-finished products are sent to the oven and finished after three times of sauce brushing and three times of baking.

  After the moon cakes cool, my mother and I put them in a beautifully packaged gift box. She gave it to grandma Zhou, a lonely old man on the fourth floor, because she has been in poor health. It was given to the uncles and aunts on duty of the property office. Maybe they can't go home for reunion due to work. In the evening, the moon rose slowly, and we held a small Mid Autumn Festival party in the courtyard. Everyone held out all kinds of delicious food, including fruits and snacks, and mother's famous cantonese moon cakes were sold out.

  The moon is hazy and full of interest. I paid my sweat but gained happiness during the Mid Autumn Festival. What is unforgettable is the surprised and happy smiling faces when I received the gifts. Spending the holiday with you let me know how to cherish and share the infinite happiness I get.


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. The Mid Autumn Festival can eat moon cakes, enjoy the moon and put lanterns... The customs are different in different places.

  After dinner tonight, at seven o'clock, I said to my mother, "I'm going to enjoy the moon!" Mother said, "there will be a full moon at eight o'clock." I waited and waited, and finally it was eight o'clock. I rushed to the balcony. I looked up and saw a bright moon hanging high in the sky. I saw a fairy on the surface of the full moon. When I wanted to ask my mother, I suddenly remembered the legend of Chang'e running to the moon. It turned out that the fairy was Chang'e. I also seem to see Wu Gang cutting a tree next to Chang'e. As long as the axe is cut, there will be cracks on the tree, but the tree will automatically change back to its original appearance. That is because Wu Gang made a mistake, so the immortals punished him for chopping laurel trees. Next to Wu Gang, a jade rabbit was pounding a bottle of medicine. It was pounding the elixir of immortality.

  After enjoying the moon, I picked up a fragrant coke and ate it. Just as I was eating the fragrant coke, my mother's voice came from the kitchen: "cut moon cakes!" I hurried to the table and sat down. At this time, my father came out with a box of moon cakes and put them on the dinner table. I couldn't wait to open the moon cake box. A large and round moon cake was displayed in front of me“ How fragrant! " I couldn't help shouting. My saliva was almost flowing out. After my mother opened the wrapping paper of the moon cake, I immediately picked up the moon cake knife, first cut it in the middle of the big moon cake, then cut it horizontally, and finally cut it obliquely. After cutting the moon cakes, my parents and I tasted delicious moon cakes and all kinds of fresh fruits.

  The Mid Autumn Festival can not only watch the beautiful moon, but also associate with ancient legends and taste delicious moon cakes. I like the Mid Autumn Festival.

