

时间:2022-02-04 01:05:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】玫瑰原产中国,栽培历史悠久,玫瑰在植物分类学上是一种蔷薇科蔷薇属灌木(Rosa rugosa),“玫瑰”现在常被引用为蔷薇属一系列花大艳丽的栽培品种的别称,这些栽培品种亦可称做现代月季或现代蔷薇(和真正的玫瑰长相不同)。以下是©文档大全网整理的《关于玫瑰花的小学生英语作文》,希望帮助到您。


  Some people love very modest bamboo, some people love Ling Han plum blossoms, some people love someone love go with head high and chest out of pine, selfless grass, people love the sweet scented osmanthus Xiangpiao Shino and people love jade, Kingston Canna, and I love the dignified rose.
  Rose, is a perennial herb, bright colors, such as red Sihuo, purple Xia, white like snow... Beautiful!
  People say "roses with prickly". This sentence makes a lot of sense. The stems of the roses are thin and long. The composition stem is still long with a small, like a needle, like this, can protect the leaves and flowers.
  Rose leaves, Cuise flow, tooth edge is the lottery. As soon as the wind blew, the leaves of the roses swaying gently, as if the whole flower was dancing.
  The flowers of the rose, the flowers overlap and overlap, about five or six petals. It's deep red, like a flame, as a whole, like the Olympic torch. It is white, like a snowball, purple, purple, especially beautiful.
  My corner of roses, blossoming flowers like rosy clouds to praise good color, and was full of heaven and earth. I love roses.


  Flowers are creatures of nature and symbols of people's beauty. Flowers can bring us beauty. If there is no flower, it is equal to how important it is for mothers to have their own children and flowers.
  My favorite flower is roses. It is a beautiful symbol of love, everyone likes it, and 99 roses represent the love of everyone. There is a thorn in the branch of a rose. When you go to pick it, you must be careful, or it will be stabbed. The roses are purple and red. Off-white。 Pink... The fragrance of the rose is very strong, and it can also be perfumed.
  I once went to uncle home, see uncle home a lot of roses, so I went to the uncle to the two trees, planted it in the garden, it carefully cultivated roses, vitality is very strong, not afraid of strong growth, exposed to wind and rain, to add luster to the nature, to make contributions to the people......
  I feel a very painful head, I want to come out breathable, walk into the garden, suddenly smell a very strong smell, ah! Feel the spirit of many, the original is the rose, smells good! I do not think that the aroma of roses can also treat headaches.
  Ah! Roses, I love you!


  There is a red rose in my neighborhood. It looks great.
  There are many colors of roses: white, red, black and yellow, and the leaves are oval. All the stems are stings. I water the roses everyday, and dew rolls on the leaves. They are lovely.
  One day, I saw two little bees sucking the pollen of the rose. It seems to say, thank you, your little friend, that you helped me raise the roses, and we had the pollen. The roses seemed to say: Thank you for bringing me up, or I or bud, the honey bee to me, I feel very happy. I also said to the roses: no thanks, I like roses.
  Sometimes, when I am not happy, I will look at the roses, the unhappy things thrown to the cloud nine, you really have the special function of roses.
  Once, I heard the cousin say: eggshells can help plants to have nutrition. I heard that, I eat up wild with joy, then put in the earth shell.
  Roses are the most beautiful. I like roses. What about you?

