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  annual cycles of the traffic accident of a city

  traffic accidents ar e one of the most serious problems in modern cities . many people have lost their lives every yea r .

  the two graphs show the compa rison of tr affic accident cycles in a city for the past two years ( 2003 and 2002 ) . in each graph , the a r row indicates the annual ave rage point for each tr affic accident . the cha rt for 2003 t ells us that most t raffic accidents happened in december , while early spring ( march ) has a r elatively higher percent . tr affic accidents dec rease f rom april to octobe r , and j uly has the lowest per centage of t raffic accidents for 2003 .

  in 2002 , the low points lasted for five months , f rom may to septembe r . the year ly peak of accidents was in february . in compa rison with tha t in 2003 , the per centage of peak points decreased by 30% . the va riation between monthly t raffic accident percentages is much less than that of 2003



  · 2003 年情况描述

  · 2002 年情况描述以及与2003 年的比较



  本文是一篇图表作文, 这类作文首先要看清图表, 写作时要写得清楚扼要, 没有必要写每月的的变化或作计算, 只需写清每年的高峰、低谷和平稳期, 然后将两年的情况作一比较。


  the ar row indicates . . . 箭头指示为⋯⋯

  relatively ad . 相对地

  last v . 持续

  yearly peak 每年高峰

  in compa rison with . . . 与⋯⋯相比较

  variation n . 变化

