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【#成人英语三级# 导语】因为坚持,才会有破茧成蝶这样美好的故事。作为备考人,我们也想为自己争取一个完美的结局。为此,©文档大全网为大家准备了“2020学士学位英语完形填空基础检测题”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  In China, it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the west this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true__1__women, and even more__2__if the inquirer( 问候者) is a man.

  However, it is very__3__to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind being asked__4__. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to __5__the age, especially. If they feel they look young__6__their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a__7__question like "how old are you?" If elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive a compliment (恭维话)on how young they look, they may easily bring__8__the topic themselves and ask the other to __9__, how old they are. __10__ such a situation, it is quite acceptable to discuss age__11__. They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, rather than__12__that they look very old__13__westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not__14__that they are not interested in knowing how old other people are. They may ask__15__for the information, __16__they may try to__17__the topic indirectly, sometimes discussions about educational__18__and the number of years of working experience may provide some__19__, but this is not always the__20__ Of course, individuals also vary in what they are interested or willing to talk about.

  1. A. with  B. for  C. of  D. to

  2. A. that B. than  C. such  D. so

  3. A. averaged  B. normal  C. expected  D. unusual

  4. A. too  B. also  C. neither  D. either

  5. A. reveal B. reflect  C. release  D. remark

  6. A. to  B. with  C. for  D. at

  7. A. open  B. strange  C. impolite  D. direct

  8. A. about  B. up  C. along  D. to

  9. A. guess  B. know  C. learn  D. predict

  10. A. For  B. With  C. In  D. On

  11. A. free  B. with freedom  C. freely  D. in a free way

  12. A. being told  B. told  C. to tell  D. to be told

  13. A. Even  B. Though even  C. Even that  D. Even though

  14. A. include  B. intend  C. mean  D. conclude

  15. A. no one else  B. anyone else  C. someone else  D. everyone else

  16. A. still else  B. or  C. so else  D. rather else

  17. A. approach B. solve  C. address  D. discuss

  18. A. background B. level  C. knowledge  D. systems

  19. A. topics B. clues C. evidence D. suggestions

  20. A. case B. troth C. reality  D. fact

  1.【解析】C。本题考查固定搭配。be true of sb.对…来说很适用,符合…的情况,如:The same is true of au the students.这同样适用于所有的学生。

  2.【解析】D。本题考查语法知识。代替上文出现的事物或现象,应用so。如:The movie is very popular and possibly to become more so.这部电影很受欢迎,而且有可能更加受欢迎。




  6.【解析】C。本题考查词义辨析。for相对于…来说,如:She’s healthy for her age,isn’t she?相对于她的年龄来说,她很健康,对吗?


  8.【解析】B。本题考查短语辨析。bring about导致,引起;bring up养育,教养,提出;bring along带。B为正确答案。


  10.【解析】C。本题考查固定搭配。in a…situation在…的情况下,如:In that situation,we should take action.在那种情况下,我们应该采取行动。


  12.【解析】D。本题考查并列结构。因为前面是expect to be complimented,此处也应保持一致。

  13.【解析】D。本题考查even though引导让步状语从句的用法。如:I will have a try ever though I may fail.尽管我可能失败,但我还是会试一试。


  15.【解析】C。本题考查词义辨析。根据上下文,此处应是肯定句,排除A和B。D不正确,因为你不可能问每一个人的年龄,只能选C。someone else别人,其他人,如:We’ll have to find someone else to be the head.我们只好找别人来做头儿。

  16.【解析】B。本题考查逻辑关系。两个句子都是以they may开头,推断它们是并列关系,因此选B。


  18.【解析】A。本题考查固定搭配。educational background教育背景。

  19.【解析】B。本题考查词义辨析。clue线索,如:I will provide clues about his crime.我会提供他犯罪的线索。

  20.【解析】A。本题考查固定用法。it is the case(that)情况是…,如:We may think they are wrong,but that is not the case.我们可能认为他们是错的,但情况并非如此。

