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【#英语资源# 导语】每年农历八月十五日,是传统的中秋佳节。这时是一年秋季的中期,所以被称为中秋。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It is the first Mid Autumn Festival in my memory when my family gets together. On this special holiday, my parents and I went to the aristocratic family to eat steak. Dad parked the car downstairs. In addition to locking the tire lock, he also added a pair of anti-theft locks. There are many thieves here. We'd better be careful.

  After Dad ordered the dishes, he might not be worried about the car outside and went downstairs to see the car. Because not long ago, my electric car was stolen. Just as my mother and I were taking snacks, my father came up. He was making a phone call and his expression was very ugly. Sure enough, our car was stolen again. There was only ten minutes between us. Damn thief!

  When the steak was served, our spirits were all wiped out. Dad said today is the Mid Autumn Festival, and the family should be happy. After eating the steak carelessly, we cancelled the day's arrangement and had to go home.

  It was not easy for the family to get together for a mid autumn festival, but they were so disappointed. The moon has been hanging in the sky for some time. It is yellow and looks very hazy through the thin clouds. The mood of mom and dad seems to be shrouded in a thin cloud, without the original brilliance. I want to change the atmosphere. Therefore, it was proposed to hold an ancient poetry competition, the premise of which was poetry about the moon.

  I was confident as soon as I came, because the teacher asked us to collect ancient poems about the moon on the Internet a few days ago. I first recited a poem of Li Bai's quiet night: the bright moon in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. My father continued: the moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. My mother is not weak. She usually cares about my study. She knows all the poems I have learned. As expected, my mother blurted out: when I was young, I didn't know the moon. I called for a white jade plate. I tried my best to think of the poem "the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty and the pass in the Han Dynasty". Then I recited "when will the bright moon come? Ask Qingtian about the wine..." the opportunity is to favor those who are prepared. I proudly picked two large grapes and stuffed them into my parents' mouths, which amused them. I don't know when the clouds in the sky have disappeared. A bright moon hangs over my balcony. At this time, my parents are also very happy.

  Yes! On this day of family reunion, thieves should also be reunited with family members, instead of secretly harming others. How I hope that thieves can find a job and live a fair and honest life, so that their hearts can be as pure as moonlight, and our society can be more harmonious and peaceful.


  I had a very happy mid autumn festival. On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, all the little friends in the yard came out, all with the joy of the festival. I also came out to play with "special permission".

  We discussed how to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. We talked and argued. Finally, I figured out how to have a happy mid autumn festival. I said to everyone, "let's have a 'baby Mid Autumn Festival large-scale performance'". Everyone said "good"!

  After discussion, we took out our usual "private money" and bought some candles and matches at the nearby canteen. I also told them to buy a moon cake. Whoever performs well can get the moon cake.

  We put candles on the table tennis table regularly, then lit them, and the performance officially began. I am the host of the program. I stand on the table tennis platform to host the program for you, because it is our stage. I said to everyone: "the Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you a happy festival!" My friends applauded for me. I was very proud. "Welcome to our performance. The first program is" the moon represents my heart ", which I gave you. Everyone clapped again. I sang very beautifully and the audience was fascinated. When I said" thank you ", it was thunderous applause. Then I will host the second program, "Zhao Li will perform next.", Zhao Lisheng, afraid of my mistake, immediately whispered "dance, dance" to me. Everyone heard that Zhao Lisheng's performance of dance was even more vigorous, and another round of applause broke out. As we all know, although he is a boy, he has always insisted on practicing in the dance company, and his dancing is very good. Then came Wang Zhao, Wang Kai and Lu Jiacong. Finally, even the quiet cousin of our family could not bear to be lonely and insisted on performing a set of martial arts for everyone.

  How time flies! Our performance is about to end. Who can perform? Everyone agreed that it was Zhao Li who was "four different". So we sent the moon cakes to Zhao Li, and he shared them with everyone. At this time, I found that today's moon was particularly large, round and bright. I said, "let's start enjoying the moon." so everyone raised their heads and watched the moon carefully.


  At more than four o'clock yesterday afternoon, Pang Chengren, Liu Xuantong, Mo feiran, Weng Jiabao, Wang Ruize and Yang Zikuang went to the mangroves to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. First of all, we put all the food on a large mat. I looked at the food and my mouth drooled! The most eye-catching thing is the bottles of wine. I'm really worried that they will walk around after drinking!

  The boys are the most excited. They only eat a little food and play. The girls are also very excited. They play without eating anything. I calmed myself down and thought: anyway, eating more food will be more powerful. There is no need to go to play so early. The scene was really lively. Although we were a few people, the whole cushion was full of laughter and laughter. My parents were laughing, and I was curious to join in.

  I watched them drink bottle by bottle, especially Liu Xuantong's father, who drank a lot and was drunk. I was eating the second bread, and the aunts had noticed me, so they laughed and said: only one Zhu Jiaying was eating, and Liu Xuantong was going to sleep! ha-ha

  We were all full. My mother took me to see the moon. I was not happy to sit there, but my father promised me to come back after only one look. I just lingered. I was shocked by the scene ahead: a full moon hung in the sky, white and bright. I was intoxicated. I didn't wake up until my father called me. I skipped away, but I was still thinking how the bright moon could be as dazzling as a lamp? That's strange.

  After a while, the boys called us to the tree base. Mo feiran and I lived in a tree with sparse branches and leaves. Weng Jiabao was also there. We climbed up and down like monkeys. Except for Mo feiran, she said she was too weak to climb and was afraid. I think climbing trees has become my pleasure, but sometimes I am scared by Mo feiran. The strong tree is weak and seems to be broken.

  We were all tired and ready to go to bed. We were so excited that we played cat and mouse again. We were out of breath and happy. When mom and dad said "go home", we were disappointed and hoped to play for a while, but after 11 o'clock, everyone was very sleepy, so we left with a happy and disappointed mood.


  As we all know, the Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese people. But our class 114 had a late Mid Autumn Festival. You may ask, "why did you have a late Mid Autumn Festival?"

  Please don't worry. I'll tell you slowly. Just before the Mid Autumn Festival, Mr. Zhou arranged the students to prepare the Mid Autumn Festival items, and planned the entertainment programs at the Mid Autumn Festival Party: chess competition, checkers competition, singing competition, riddles and so on. The students were all jubilant. However, it was unexpected that the school announced a three-day holiday, and the students were disappointed. We had to postpone the party for one day. The holiday passed in the blink of an eye. We were happy to come to the school. When I came to the school at 10 o'clock that day, I saw that many students in our class had come. We are all patiently waiting for the arrival of that moment.

  This romantic night finally came. The students all scrambled to decorate the venue. Some students were busy putting tables and chairs, while others were busy putting moon cakes, fruits and other snacks on the table.

  At 7 pm, the party finally kicked off. First, the host Liu Yan delivered an opening speech: "Dear teachers and students, good evening! Today we have a happy gathering to celebrate the late Mid Autumn Festival. Today we will hold many programs. Now let's invite the members of our chess team to participate in the preliminary competition. The members of our chess team are like birds in a cage. They rush to the stadium and start the first round of the round robin. I am one of the players. We started playing chess. I and the vice class Commander Peng Qihong played the first game. The squad leader was very smart. First, he fired a gun and ate my central soldier. He jumped across the river. I hurried out to chase the gun. He hid the gun. I set up a gun and killed his central soldier. He turned his horse in a leisurely manner. I ran out of the car and bumped into him head-on. I ate his horse at one stroke. I only wanted to eat. I didn't pay attention to the array arranged by the squad leader. Soon, I fell into the encirclement, The squad leader beat me when I was killed unprepared. Then Zhang Zhengqi and I, before I got into the state, were scattered by the opponent with heavy guns. Finally, Zhang Zhengqi, Zeng Wenhua and Liu Xinpeng entered the final. In the end, Zeng Wenhua won the championship. The cheers of the students were rising from wave to wave. The later events are even more exciting, and our audience can see them with rapture.


  Our family is a special family. The members of our family are scattered everywhere: my grandparents are in Zhangzhou, my father is in Shanghai, my aunt is in Guangzhou, and my mother and I are in Fuzhou. I seldom see my grandparents. I can only see them once or twice a year. Generally, my grandparents call me when they think of me and call them when I think of them.

  This year's National Day holiday is 8 days. I can finally go to Zhangzhou to meet my grandparents. Moreover, October 3 is the Mid Autumn Festival, which is also my birthday. It seems that our family can get together on this special day.

  On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, Grandpa and grandma disappeared. They waited for a long time before they came back. It turned out that they had heard that I loved to eat Andrew's cake. They were afraid that they could not buy it during the festival, so they went to wait early in the morning. I asked grandma, "what kind of cake did you buy for me?" Grandma said mysteriously, "well, I can't speak until evening."

  Finally, at night, the moon was hanging round in the sky, and my round cake finally appeared. The cake was covered with a layer of half white and half yellow cream, which looked like the moon. In the middle of the cake, there was a little rabbit made of fruit. It's really mouth watering!

  Grandma helped me put candles on the cake. Grandpa, who was slow to move because of his poor health, sat smiling and watched. Dad took pictures and photographed while mom was busy receiving "congratulatory messages" from grandma and aunt Hua. Dad said, "make a wish!" My hands were folded and my eyes were slightly closed, but before half of my promise, I was interrupted by my mother's voice: "I forgot to light the candle!" Grandma pointed at her father and said, "I'm confused!" Everyone laughed and lit the candle. After I made my wish, everyone shouted, "blow the candle, blow the candle!" Only grandpa kept silent and waited for me to blow out the candles for a full minute before grandpa said slowly: "you forgot to sing the birthday song..." ah? What? " Everyone laughed again. Finally, under the command of my father, we sang a birthday song.

  Although there is nothing special about this mid autumn festival and this birthday, it leaves me very happy memories to have a happy time with my grandparents and parents. It is true: the moon is round, the cake is round, and the people are reunited.


  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15th. We got up at 5:30. After packing up the things, my father, mother and brother and I took dad's car to the supermarket first. We bought moon cakes that we liked and that grandma and grandpa liked. My father and brother like to eat white sugar and brown sugar moon cakes. My mother, grandma and grandpa like to eat strawberry flavor moon cakes. After we bought them, we took my father's car to my hometown, baijiajian. I was excited all the way! After a while, I asked my mother, "can I make dumplings with you today?" Mother said: "yes!"

  It took me a long time to arrive at my hometown, baijiajian. I only saw grandma and grandpa meet us at the door, smiling and saying, "welcome." We were very happy.

  At noon, our family began to make dumplings. Mom is rolling out the dumpling skin. We make dumplings. I hold the dumpling skin in my hand, then wrap the meat stuffing in the middle of the dumpling skin, and finally hold the dumpling skin. After I wrapped it up, grandma and grandpa praised me and said, "our granddaughter has grown up and will help us." When I heard this, I said happily, "thank you for your praise, grandma and grandpa. This is what I should do." after wrapping, I cooked the dumplings in the pot. I watched the dumplings in the pot drool. After the dumplings were cooked, I wolfed down the dumplings. Everyone said, "I'm starving the child."

  In the evening, grandma moved a special big table with all kinds of fruits and moon cakes. There are apples, pears, grapes... The moon cakes have strawberry flavor, brown sugar flavor, white sugar flavor... At night, the moon girl slowly appears, and soon the moon is completely out. When I saw the dark figure shaking, my grandmother began to tell the story of Chang'e running to the moon. It turned out that there were ten suns in the sky, and Hou Yi shot down nine suns... It was finished in a short time, and I was fascinated.


  People all know that the Mid Autumn Festival is the night of reunion, and my family is no exception. My sister also came back from school, and the whole family spent a happy and peaceful Mid Autumn Festival together. Mom and dad prepared a day for the reunion dinner. In the evening, when we eat, the table is full of our favorite foods, and there are moon cakes symbolizing reunion.

  In the evening, the bright moon came out quietly with the expectation of people's reunion. Our whole family sat around the table, eating moon cakes, enjoying the full moon, and chatting about family life. They talked about their work experience and learning. My mother also told me about the legend of the Mid Autumn Festival. At this moment, I think how happy and happy we are as long as our family can stay together like this!

  I carelessly threw the moon cake that I had just bitten on the ground. Seeing this, my mother said: "little baby, why don't you treasure the fruits of your work and throw them away without eating them? It's too wasteful. What a pity. It's wrong to do so."

  Mother said and breathed a sigh, And he said in earnest: "Children, when we were young, the conditions were not good, and we could not eat moon cakes during the Mid Autumn Festival. If the conditions were better, the whole family would share a piece of moon cakes. Now that the living standard has improved, you can eat enough moon cakes, and you can't waste any food. We should always remember that hard work, simplicity, diligence and thrift are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. As Chinese people, we should also inherit this traditional virtue and carry it forward."

  After listening to what my mother said, I quietly put the second piece of moon cake on the table. Looking up at the full moon in the bright starry sky, I lowered my head in shame.

  On this reunion night, what I gained was not only the happiness brought by the festival, but also the edification and education of my mother with her accomplishment.

  This is really the mid autumn festival that I can't forget.


  August 15 of the lunar calendar is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival in China, also known as the Mid Autumn Festival and the reunion festival. I spent a very interesting Mid Autumn Festival with my parents.

  On this day, I have been expecting for a long time, and finally I can eat delicious moon cakes! I couldn't wait to take out the moon cakes and said excitedly to my parents: "there are three kinds of moon cakes. Whoever gets the filling of" flowing egg yolk "is the winner." I gathered all my strength on my hands and confused the order of the moon cakes, trying to make my parents unable to guess. But mom and dad's eyes seemed to be glued with magnets. Where the egg yolk filled moon cakes moved, their eyes followed. After a few rounds, my "strong wind hand" finally lost the battle. My parents are really fierce! My mother grabbed the moon cake with egg yolk filling quickly and proudly opened the package. I still have some envy in my heart! The aroma immediately came to my nose, and my mother immediately took a bite. The egg yolk quicksand inside was as bright as gold sand, and the egg liquid inside was crystal clear and sweet. While we were tasting delicious moon cakes, we listened to my father saying, "the Mid Autumn Festival is a day of reunion, and the family should always be together..." at this time, I could not help but think of "thinking twice of family in every festival." Yes, how people who work in other places miss their relatives!

  When I looked out of the window, the bright moon radiated silver light, which made people intoxicated. I said to my parents, "tell me some idioms with" month. " "Every day changes with each passing day, the flowers are perfect, the moon is full, the Chang'e is running to the moon, the winter moon, and the stars are on the moon..." I said again: "say a few poems with the moon!" "Look up at the bright moon, look down and think of your hometown." I rushed to say. My father is not willing to be outdone: "the beacon has been burning for three months, and the letter from home is worth ten thousand gold." As soon as my father's voice fell, my mother said excitedly, "when is the spring flowers and Autumn Moon..." at this time, the family was full of laughter.

  This Mid Autumn Festival is really interesting. It has been deeply engraved in my heart and will never be forgotten.


  "Grandpa, granddaughter missed you..." I called grandpa in my sleep. Grandpa, did you hear me?

  The moon is especially bright tonight. Will the moon send my greetings to you by express? Did you enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival? Are you doing the same thing as me?

  There are so many things I want to tell you. It's a pity that I can only look at the same bright moon in different places.

  "I miss my family more every holiday" Grandpa, do you know how much I miss you on such a important day? I have been in Guangdong for two years. In these two years, I miss my hometown and grandpa so much. I still remember that I spent the Mid Autumn Festival with my grandfather every year, but now there are two mid autumn festivals that I haven't spent with my grandfather and haven't seen you again. I'm not used to it without my grandpa, and I'm not happy about the Mid Autumn Festival without my grandpa. Grandpa is here, he will make me happy, he will make me laugh. Although he sometimes nags me, the nagging makes me know that my grandpa loves me and loves me. Grandpa, now I want to go back to the past!

  I feel like there is something missing on the Mid Autumn Festival without Grandpa? It seems that the lack of something will make me regret this year's Mid Autumn Festival. Yes, it's grandpa. Yes, it's grandpa. I didn't have grandpa to watch the moon with me for the Mid Autumn Festival. I left a trace of regret on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. At this moment, I miss my Grandpa very much. This year's Mid Autumn Festival, I really want to have grandpa by my side. I really want to listen to Grandpa's story about the moon once again, which makes me laugh.

  Every Mid Autumn Festival, I spent with my grandfather, but today I am missing him. The moon is round, but the people are not round. I really want to get together. I can't help sighing! Grandpa, I must spend next year's Mid Autumn Festival with you. I won't let this regret happen again.


  On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, the three of us took some moon cakes and sweets and got on the bus to Huaiyang.

  On the highway, I saw the farmers harvesting their booty corn. The farmers used sickles to turn the upright corn stalks into feeble grandfathers lying on the ground. Some also use machines to break the corn stalks, and then pull them up and put them on the ground.

  At about 10:30, we arrived at Huaiyang bus station, and then we took a tricycle to walk 4 kilometers to grandma's house. As soon as I got off the bus, the autumn wind suddenly started. The cool autumn wind blew on me, and I could not help shaking. I ran to my grandmother's door like a mad cow and helped her into the house. I found that grandma's face was hurt by a fall, and I couldn't help crying.

  That night, when my uncle's house was harvesting corn, I saw eight villagers pour the corn in the bag into the mouth of the machine. Soon, the corn cobs came out and the corn kernels came out, but they both had their own places. After beating, my uncle and I scattered the corn cobs and corn kernels mixed together on the screen, and the corn kernels came out below. There were corn cobs and small stones on the screen. After a while, the corn cobs piled up like a mountain, and the corn kernels were laid on the cement ground in the yard, like a natural pure yellow carpet.

  The next morning, I began to dry the corn. My father and uncle climbed up the roof with a ladder and hooked the basket with a rope to carry corn on the roof. My little friend Gao ran and I were responsible for loading corn under the house. She was responsible for changing the hook and I was responsible for loading corn into the basket. I worked like this for two hours and finally finished it. We were all so tired that we could not stand up. When my mother saw that Gao ran and I worked very hard, she rewarded me and Gao ran with five yuan each. We immediately laughed happily.

  From the matter of harvesting and drying corn, I feel that it is not easy for farmers. They get up very early every day and go to bed very late at night. They are busy working day and night. How hard it is! So we should treasure every grain, because every grain is equivalent to a drop of sweat of farmers!
