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【#四年级# 导语】成绩要从点滴做起,写好每一个字,算好每一道题,只要认真仔细,多动脑筋,就一定会考出好成绩,加油啊!®文档大全网小编整理了四年级上册英语第四单元练习题【三篇】,希望对你有帮助! 篇一

 (     )1、冰箱   A. fridge          B. friend            C. floor
  (     )2、电话   A. please          B. phone            C. elephant
  (     )3、在旁边A. on             B. under             C. near
  (     )4、桌子   A. table           B. make             C. twelve
  (     )5、笔记   A. not             B. note             C. hot
  (     )6、鸡肉   A. key            B. kitchen           C. chicken 
Go to the            . Watch TV. 
Go to the             . Read a book.
Go to the             . Have a snack .
 Go to the             . Have a nap .
Go to the              . Take a shower .   
(   ) 1.  A. bedroom          B.  kitchen           C. book  
(   ) 2.  A. juice             B.sofa                C. fridge
(   ) 3.  A. classroom        B. bedroom            C. here 
(   ) 4.  A. she              B. we                 C. her 
(   ) 5.  A. friend           B.friendly              C. sister
(   )1.  phone      hot       (   )  2.  cute       study 
(   )3.  sofa        no       (   )  4.   in        rice
(   )5.  fridge      window   (   )  6.   nap      snack 
1.        Uu          2.         Pp          3.         Ll

4.        T t          5.        X x           6.         Ww

(  )1、Is this your bedroom ?
A. Yes,they are.     B. Yes,it isn’t.     C.Yes,it is.  
(  )2、Where are your pens ?   _______________. 
A.It’s on the desk   B.Yes,it is.   C.They are on the desk  
(   )3、Are the boys in the classroom?
A. Yes,they aren’t.  B.Yes,it is.  C.No,it is.  D.Yes,they are.
(   )4. Where is your mother ?     ___________.
A Yes,he is.  B.She is in the home.  C.He is in the kitchen. 
(   )5. Are the keys in the door ?  Yes, __________.A they aren't  B it isn't  C they are  (   )6. Where is your sister ?  She       in the study.  A is   B am  C are   (    )7.How many rooms do you have ?  ____________.
A. A living room, two bedrooms   B. Six   C .I can see two desks.
(   )8. Go to the _________. Have a snake.A. living room     B. bathroom    C. kitchen 
 (   )9. A: How many ______ do you have?   B: I have 8.
          A. classmate         B. phones          C. bed      
 (     ) 10.A: Is this your bedroom?      B: Yes, _______
        A. it is.          B. is it.     C. it isn’t. 
 (     ) 11.A: Is she in the kitchen?     B: No, she ________ 
        A. is        B. isn’t         C. aren’t
 (     ) 12. Is Tom in the study?       B: Yes, ________ is.  
          A. he         B. she      C. his 
 (     ) 13. He ______ two small eyes.      
         A.  is      B.  has        C. have
 (     )14. What’s ______name?
         A. he       B. she             C. her
 (     )15. _______ the door.
         A. turn on     B. Turn on        C. sit on
 (     )16.Where are the keys? _____
       A. They are in the door.   B. It's in the door.  C. We are in the living room.
 (     )17.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______
       A. Yes, it isn't.           B. No, he's in the kitchen      C. Yes, she is.
(     )18.The lamp is _____ the desk.  
       A. on                    B. in                 C. under
(     )19.Are they in the door? _________
      A. No, they aren't.        B. No, it isn't.          C. Yes, it is.
(     )20.How many English books do you have? _____________
       A. I have 9.              B. I can see 10 .          C. Yes, I do.
(     )21.The dog is _____ the chair,
      A. in                    B. under                C. in
(     )22.Are they ____ the door? Yes, they are.
      A. in                    B. under                C. on
(     )23.Who's he? ________
     A.She is Bai Ling.        B. He's Zhang Peng.       C.It's a book.
1. Where      the keys?  2. ___    _the keys on the table?                  3.She        in the bathroom .  4.  I           a Chinese girl ?           5.          this your bike ?         6.They             in the door. 
六. 连词成句。(10分)  
1.    in     the    she    is     living room ?

2.are    the    where       keys?

3.on     table     are   they     the ?

4.they    not    aren’t     in     the     they     are     in .

5. has   he    glasses    blue    and    are    his   shoes .

6.is        house          It    a    nice

7.big        my          room            is

8. are     the      on        table       They

9.  is     Where    your    book?

10. classroom     your      What's     in 

  (     ) 1.Is this your school?              A. It’s in the kitchen.
  (     ) 2.Where is your cat?               B. Yes, it is. .
  (     ) 3.Where are your books?.           C. No, he isn’t.
  (     ) 4.Is he in the kitchen?              D. Yes, they are.
  (     ) 5.Are they near the phone?          E. They are under the table.
九. 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一个意思完整、通顺的对话(5分).
(    )Look !She is in the kitchen .  
 (     ) Where is she?  
(     ) No, she isn’t.  
  ( 4   ) No, she isn’t.   
  (     ) Is she in the study?
(     ) I have a cat . She ‘s cute.  
  (     ) Mmm.Is she in the livingroom?
   Hello, I’m Lily. Welcome to my home. There is a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study and a kitchen in my home. Look, my father and mother are watching TV on the sofa in the living room. Here is my study, you can see many books and a computer in it. My brother and I do homework(做作业) here. We are all happy!
(    )1. There are four people in my family.
(    )2. There are two bedrooms in my home.
(    )3. You can see many books and a TV in my study.
(    )4. Lily does homework in the living room. 
(    )5. We are happy.
十用三到四句话介绍一下“My home” (10分)




一、 所给的中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。
(   )1. 你想告诉朋友:去客厅看电视,你应该这样表达:
 A. Go to the living room take a shower.     B. Go to the study watch TV.                
C. Go to the living room watch TV.
(   )2.别人的卧室很漂亮,你可以这样说:           
A. The living is nice.          B. The bedroom is nice.   C. The study is nice.
(   )3.  你不知道你朋友陈洁在哪里,你可以问:
A. Where is she?     B. Where is he?      C. Where is your friend?
(   )4、如果别人说对了,你可以说:
      A. Thank you.        B. All right.      C.  You’re right.
(   )5、,你想知道钢笔是否在对方手里,你可以这样问:
A. Where is my pen?      B. Where is your pen?    C. Is it in your hand?
(   )6、如果你想叫别人开门,可以这样说:
 A. Go to the door.      B. Open the door, please. C. Close the door, please.
(   )7、你想知道他是谁,应该怎么问:
A. Who is it?        B. Who is she?       C. Who is he?
(   )8. 请整理床铺,应该这样表达:
A. Sit on the sofa.         B. Make the bed.     C.  Watch TV.
(   )9.,欢迎来我家,可以这样表达:
A. Welcome to my school.  B  Welcome to my bedroom 
 C.  Welcome to my home.
(   )10. 如果你想知道她叫什么名字,应该怎么问
A. What’s your name?  B  What’s his name?  C.  What’s her name?
1.你想吃什么?                             you like ?  
2.晚餐吃什么?                               Dinner ?
3.我想要牛肉和汤。                                       beef and soup .
(  )         is ready !   (   )       (多谢)!(   )         would you like ?
(  )Mum, I    hungry . What    for dinner ?
(  )Some       and             ,please 
(  )I’d     some       and        ,please. (  )What would you like   dinner?
(  )Yes, please ! (  )         is ready ! Help yourself . (  )Thanks .
(  )Would you like a        and        . (  )Would you like some        ?
(  )No, thanks. I can use           .
(   )  Now let’s try it!  (  )Pass me the bowl . (  )Cut the          .
(4  )Use the           . (  )Pass me the            . (  )Use the       .


一、        选出不同类的词。(10分)

(     )1、A、goat        B、cow             C、pear

(     )2、A、rabbit        B、carrot          C、green beans

(     )3、A、hens         B、horse          C、ducks

(     )4、A、his          B、those           C、these

(     )5、A、 potato       B、pig            C、cucumber

二、        将下列的单词和对应的汉语意思连线。(10分)

1.  sheep                  A . 马

2.  horse                  B. 豆角

3.  green beans             C . 胡萝卜

4.  animal                  D . 绵羊

5.  carrot                   E. 动物

