美式英语 舌头训练,美式英语训练第84期:练习9

时间:2022-05-06 04:25:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Exercise 5-9:Little Lola

Now that we've done this, instead of L being a hard letter to pronounce,

it's the easiest one because the tongue is stuck in that position.

Pause the CD to practice the reading on your own,

again, with your tongue stuck to the top of your mouth.

Read the paragraph after me with your tongue in the normal position.

Use good, strong intonation.

Follow my lead as I start dropping h's here.

Little Lola

felt left out in life.

She told herself

that luck controlled her

and she truly believed

that only by loyally following

an exalted leader

could she be delivered from her solitude.

Unfortunately, she learned a little late

that her life was her own to deal with.

When she realized it,

she was already eligible for Social Security

and she had lent her lifelong earnings

to a lowlife in Long Beach.

