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【#英语资源# 导语】童话故事是儿童文学的重要体裁。是一种具有浓厚幻想色彩的虚构故事,多采用夸张、拟人、象征等表现手法去编织奇异的情节。它也常常采用象征手法塑造幻想形象以影射、概括现实中的人事关系。©文档大全网为大家准备了《幼儿英语童话》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.幼儿英语童话故事 篇一

  One day, a little fox and his companions were playing hide and seek in the forest, and accidentally fell into a deep puddle. The companions were frightened and all ran away. The puddle was deep, and the little fox crawled and jumped in it, but he couldn't get up. The little fox was very afraid and began to cry.

  At this moment, a goat heard the sound of crying and walked over. He saw the little fox crying in the puddle. He asked, "Brother Fox, how did you fall into the puddle?" The little fox cried and said, "Brother Goat, come and save me, I accidentally fell down." The goat said, "Brother Fox, don't cry first, I'll try to save you out."

  Soon, the goat brought a long, thin straw rope, and he slowly lowered the rope from above. The little fox was so happy that he quickly grabbed the rope and climbed up quickly. Just halfway up the ladder, the rope suddenly broke, and the little fox fell into the puddle again. The little fox cried out in fear again.

  The goat went to find a helper, and he called all the animals near the forest. Everyone was talking about it, but no one could think of a way to save the little fox.

  Just when everyone couldn't figure out a way out, a giraffe came up from a distance. "He looked at the edge of the puddle and said, 'I have something to do.' After that, he squatted down and put his long neck through the mouth of the puddle. He said to the little fox, 'Fox, come quickly and hold my neck.' The little fox was extremely happy and hugged the giraffe's neck tightly.". The giraffe stood up and rescued the fox from the puddle.

  "The animals on the edge of the puddle were very happy, and everyone praised the giraffe for having a way. The little fox gratefully said, 'Thank you, Uncle Giraffe.'" The giraffe said, 'You're welcome, little fox. But in the future, be careful and be careful.' "

2.幼儿英语童话故事 篇二

  In the north of late autumn, the earth was covered with a golden carpet, and the leaves left the embrace of the mother tree. A little mouse in a yellow cotton-padded jacket stood on the golden grass, carrying his luggage, his thoughts drifting to the far south.

  It was an evening two years ago, when he learned to catch insects with a woodpecker, he severely bit a big hole in Grandpa Willow's trunk. Not only did he not catch the insects, but he was also scolded by Grandpa Willow. From then on, the friendship between two good friends was like being cut in half by a kitchen knife. Grandpa Willow stayed in the south, and the little mouse returned to the north.

  For two years, the little mouse has been unable to forget this matter and their friendship. Today, the little mouse, like a leaf, is about to leave his hometown. He decides to go to the south to find his lost friendship.

  Day after day, he crushed countless dead branches and leaves, and repeatedly avoided the pursuit of the wind and snow. The grass slowly turned green, and the flowers slowly opened their smiling faces. Spring came, and he saw Grandpa Willow on the boundless grass. His hair is more luxuriant than before, the wrinkles on his face are deeper, the trunk of the tree is more robust, and there is a scar on the trunk that makes the little mouse feel ashamed.

  Grandpa Willow warmly received the little mouse as if nothing had happened. He asked the little mouse to "swing" on its own willow branches, play "walk the tightrope" on the thinnest branches, and play "trampoline" on the most fluffy willow leaves. They sang and laughed like before.

  "It's time to leave. The little mouse gently touched Grandpa Willow's scar and said with tears in his eyes, 'I'm sorry!' Grandpa Willow chuckled and said, 'It's okay, this scar is precious, and it contains the friendship between me and you.'"

  The little mouse climbed over ninety-nine high mountains, swam across ninety-nine small rivers, and returned to his hometown in the north. The bare branches of Mother Big Tree are covered with green leaves again. The little mouse likes to look at these leaves and also likes to look at the south.

3.幼儿英语童话故事 篇三

  In early autumn, the kitten's orchard is full of apples. The kitten picked a basket of red and large apples and prepared to give them to the neighbor's grandmother cat.

  The kitten came to the riverside to have a look, but after looking for a long time, she didn't see the shadow of Uncle Dog who was ferriing. "I saw Uncle Dog putting the oars on the grass and hanging the life buoy on the branch. The kitten is so silly, how can I cross the river?"?

  This is a wooden poke floating from the upstream. The kitten looks at the lifebuoy and then at the oars. The kitten has figured out a way.

  "The kitten grabbed the wooden bucket and pulled it to the shore. He climbed up the tree to take off the life buoy, put it around his neck, picked up the oars, and placed the basket in the wooden bucket. He also sat down in the wooden bucket.". Immediately, use the oar to top the lawn, use the oar to prop it back, and the wooden paddle will drive towards the center of the river. Soon, the kitten came to the opposite bank.

  When Grandma Cat saw the kitten outside the door, she showed a surprised expression and said, "The ferryboat dog uncle went to repair the boat. How did you get here?"

  "The kitten smiled and said, 'I am a clever kitten. I stopped a wooden stick from upstream and sat on it and rowed over.'"

  "Grandma Cat gave the kitten a thumbs up and said, 'You're great.'"

4.幼儿英语童话故事 篇四

  Little Hedgehog and Little White Rabbit are a very good pair of children. They often go to pick mushrooms together. "After several days of rain, it finally stopped," said the little hedgehog to the little white rabbit; "There must be many mushrooms growing on the east bank. Let's go pick them quickly!" said the little white rabbit; "Okay, let's start at once!" The little white rabbit excitedly came to the river, but the heavy rain washed away the back of the bridge leading to the east bank. The little hedgehog and the little white rabbit were so anxious that they couldn't think of a way to do it. What should they do?

  Suddenly, the little white rabbit moved smartly and said; "Yes, you go to invite Uncle Elephant, I'll call Brother Giraffe, and ask them to help me, so we can definitely cross the river?" So they went separately to invite Uncle Elephant and Brother Giraffe. Little Hedgehog went to Uncle Elephant's house, but he didn't see Uncle Elephant, so Little Hedgehog had to go back to the river in frustration. Little White Rabbit came to the giraffe's house, but he couldn't find the giraffe, so he had to go back to the river and discuss countermeasures with Little Hedgehog, What can I do about it? "They were all so anxious to squeeze their ears and scratch their cheeks," said the little white rabbit; "Today, there is a kite flying activity in the forest. Perhaps Uncle Elephant and Brother Giraffe are both flying kites there!" So, Little Hedgehog and Little White Rabbit ran to the forest and saw Uncle Elephant and Brother Giraffe flying kites. How beautiful the kites were flying in the sky! "The little white rabbit and the little hedgehog were both fascinated by those kites, so they went along the kite to find Uncle Elephant and Brother Giraffe, and finally found them.".

  The little white rabbit and the little hedgehog gasped; "Brother Giraffe, Uncle Elephant, can you help us build a bridge and let us go to the east bank to pick mushrooms?" Yes, no problem, said the elephant and the giraffe in unison; "Flying a kite doesn't matter, helping you build a bridge is the most important thing!"

  The four of them returned to the river. The giraffe stretched its neck and connected the elephant's trunk to form a strong arch bridge. The little white rabbit and the little hedgehog crossed the river happily along this bridge! Say gratefully; "Thank you, Brother Giraffe and Uncle Elephant. Without your help, we wouldn't know how to cross the river!" said the giraffe and the elephant with a smile; "You're welcome. It's fair to help you."

  Little White Rabbit and Little Hedgehog have come to the East Bank, where there are so many mushrooms! Some are like umbrellas, some are like sticks and hammers. They picked many mushrooms and happily went home.

5.幼儿英语童话故事 篇五

  This is me, a sand that wants to be beautiful. "But my friends all say to me, 'Sand is sand, and an ugly duckling cannot become a white swan.' After hearing what others have said, I am still not reconciled.".

  Later, I followed the sea every day to search for the mother clam that could turn me into a pearl, waiting on the beach with the ray of sunshine for the mother clam to come ashore. At this time, a group of sand laughed at me and said, "You can't become the pearl you've been dreaming of. Just be a sand, don't fantasize." I still didn't hear it.

  On this day, the huge waves pushed me into the sea, and I cried on the stones after the high tide. "Because I've been looking for a long time, but I haven't found the mother clam.". At this moment, a big mouth "ate" me down.

  I know. This is a mother clam. The mother clam is black and can't see anything. "But I can hear my companions talking outside. It should be the mother clam that has landed.". After a while, I was immersed in the familiar sea water. Was the mother clam washed into the sea by the sea water. At this time, I feel like my body is wrapped in something and getting tighter, making me gasp for breath. Although it was very painful, I managed to bite my teeth and survive. When I wanted to give up, I thought to myself, "Those friends will laugh at me.".

  One day, the mother clam landed, and a person picking pearls happened to come over and open it. I saw the beautiful sunshine and heard the person's praise for me, "Oh my God, this pearl is so beautiful!"

  Later, that person made me a necklace and wore me every day. When my companions saw me, they were all silent. Therefore, persistence is victory!
