
时间:2022-07-14 04:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】校园是我家,安全靠大家!为了创建安全,和谐,文明的校园,为了大家都能健康快乐地成长,让我们携起手来,从现在做起,从自我做起,从点滴做起,时刻加强安全意识,为构建和谐校园贡献自已的一份力量!以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Teachers and students:

  good morning!

  The theme of my speech today is to build a safe campus and walk with civilization.

  Students: to pay attention to safety is to pay attention to life, and to pay attention to safety is to pay attention to family happiness, school development and social harmony. In this world, every life is unique. We hope everyone will laugh and laugh often, and we hope every family will be happy. And safety is like a colorful silk thread, which connects every good wish of us to form a stable, peaceful and colorful world. We know that civilization lies in the handling of details, and safety lies in prevention.

  Campus safety involves many hidden dangers in students' life and study, including traffic safety, food safety, fire risk, drowning, sports injury, and even accidents in students' playing, etc. We should not only have a sense of safety, but also have a sense of prevention and preventive measures. Our teachers always keep the safety of students in mind and hope that everyone respects life and keeps away from accidental injuries. Students, please pay attention to learning self-protection methods, have safety awareness in daily study and life, improve escape skills in the face of danger, and observe order in public places. On the way to and from school, please obey the traffic rules and pay attention to traffic safety; During recess, we should pay attention to civilized rest, do not allow chasing and fighting, and carry out civilized games to ensure that we can spend one relaxed and safe recess after another. Don't tamper with the power sockets and electrical equipment in the classroom. Prepare for activities before physical education classes and extracurricular activities, pay attention to cooperation with others, pay attention to sports safety in various sports, and don't collide violently to avoid bruises or falls. Pay attention to food safety. Do not buy dirty food from street stalls to prevent food poisoning. When students encounter contradictions, they must be calm and rational, and avoid using fists instead of reasoning, which will bring adverse consequences to themselves and their classmates.

  Students, there is only one life. A collision or a wrestling may cause unimaginable harm to fragile lives. Therefore, to protect your life safety, you should abide by the minimum and simplest rules and order. Please remember: life is beautiful, life is colorful, life is priceless, we should cherish life. We must always strengthen our safety awareness, strive to enhance our self-defense ability, and keep the alarm ringing. Let's join hands and walk with civilization to create a safe environment, build a safe and harmonious campus, and support a safe sky for each other's lives. Let the school become our safe harbor.

  Cherish life, safety first, and contribute to the construction of a safe campus.


  Dear judges and teachers, dear friends

  hello everyone!

  Some students said; "Life is like a flame, burning silently, but it will slowly go out when time comes; some students say that life is a small tree. No matter the wind or rain is heavy, it will always stand strong in front of it, but the small tree will also grow up and wither slowly, so human life is short and precious. We must cherish and love our life more!

  Our school environment is beautiful, teachers are amiable, students help each other, and everywhere is full of a happy atmosphere. Primary school is better than the foundation of building a house. Only with a good foundation can we build a tall building, so we study hard and make greater contributions to the construction of the motherland in the future!

  Now the society is talking about "harmonious society" and "safe construction", but around us, accidents happen every day, people lose their lives, and families are fragmented. Shouldn't we meditate and learn from all this? Students must abide by the rules and regulations of the school, and do not chase and fight during class. Maybe when you chase and fight, the danger is approaching us. If you accidentally fall, you may fall, or even be hospitalized or critically ill. When going downstairs, you must observe order and walk in order. You can't push me. When crossing the road after school, you must abide by the traffic rules, "slow down, watch and pass three". You can't rush with cars to seize the time, and you can't chase and fight on the road. After the holiday, students can relax and be happy, but at the same time, they should keep safety in mind at all times. You can't go swimming in the reservoir. If you don't go to dangerous places, you must tell your parents to go with you when you go out, so that parents and teachers can rest assured.

  Our parents and teachers said, "go to school happily and go home safely", so as to "look at me safely and keep away from me." We are the flowers of our motherland and the baby of our family. We are about to bloom our beautiful youth and bloom bright flowers, but if it withers in advance, our family will fall into the abyss of grief.

  I sincerely call on you to keep safety in mind, learn lessons, and keep safety accidents away from our lives.

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  How do you do!

  Campus safety is closely related to each of our teachers and students. It is related to whether students can grow up healthily and complete their studies smoothly; It is also related to whether our teachers can teach and educate people in a safe environment. Therefore, we must clearly realize that "safety is no trivial matter" and "hidden danger is accident", which should be kept in mind at all times.

  In order to further improve the safety education work of our school, combined with the actual situation of our school, the following requirements are put forward:

  1. Pay attention to civilized games during recess, don't make noise, don't chase and fight.

  2. When going up and down the stairs, don't run or play, walk softly and slowly to the right, and never allow three people to walk in parallel.

  3. Do not play at the entrance of the stairs, or play, play or fight in the corridors, platforms, turntables and other places of the school corridor.

  4. Before physical education class, you should prepare for activities. When exercising, you should follow the teacher's requirements, do not collide violently, do not exercise against rules, and prevent sports equipment from hurting people.

  5. Do not disturb the power sockets in the classroom and campus, and do not wipe the electrical switches and machines with damp rags.

  6. In information class and science class, follow the teacher's instructions and operate according to the specified procedures.

  Thank you!

  My speech is over.


  hello everyone!

  Safety is the guarantee of the happy life of teachers and students, and safety is the premise of the healthy development of the school; Safety is not only related to teachers and students, schools and families, but also to our whole society, the whole country and the whole nation.

  In order to further improve the safety education work of our school, the following requirements are put forward, and it is expected that all teachers and students of our school can do a good job.

  First, all teachers and students in our school should have a high degree of safety awareness and fully realize the importance and urgency of safety work. If you find any potential safety hazards, you should report to the school in time to prevent them.

  Second, we should pay attention to psychological safety. Students should be considerate and understand each other, look at others' strengths, and respect their different personalities; At the same time, the self should also deal with the difficulties of self coping with a peaceful state of mind.

  Third, physical education and experimental classes must follow the teacher's requirements and strictly follow them. No unauthorized action is allowed. If you feel unwell, you should teach in advance, so that the teacher can make other arrangements. Before physical education classes and extracurricular activities, you should make full preparations for activities. Don't collide violently during sports to avoid bruises or falls.

  Fourth, pay attention to safety during recess activities. Do not play recess games in the teaching building. Go up and down the stairs to the right to avoid bumps between students.

  Fifth, we should pay attention to food hygiene and safety. Don't go to unlicensed shops to buy food.

  Students, we love life, we perform vitality on campus and look forward to tomorrow; We cherish life. We pay attention to it everywhere and refuse to hurt it. Let the consciousness of safety stay in our hearts, and let the brilliance of life shine around us!

  thank you.


  hello everyone!

  The beautiful campus is full of laughter and laughter. We should abide by the rules and regulations of our school and make our campus full of happiness forever.

  Pay attention to safety and start from our life and study. We ride bicycles and take walks in our daily life, and various recreational and sports activities in campus life are closely related to safety. If we don't pay attention, we will return to ourselves. Safety is indispensable in our life. We should treat safety as eating and drinking, and pay attention to safety at all times. On campus, some students fight because of trivial things, some are bleeding, and some even pay the price of their lives. It can't be retrieved with an apology, but it can't be retrieved in a lifetime.

  School is where we all live and study together. There are teachers, classmates, flowers and trees. We live like a happy family, full of laughter everywhere. We love our campus as we love our home. Have we noticed some unsafe factors now? For example, it is very unsafe for students to chase and fight with each other in class. Therefore, students should listen to teachers and parents, go to school happily, walk home safely, and be a good law-abiding student.

  Finally, let's keep in mind "cherish life and pay attention to safety", and wish the students progress and healthy growth in a harmonious and beautiful campus. I also hope that every student can enhance safety awareness, always pay attention to danger, and let laughter and health always accompany us.

  thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  good morning!

  With safety, we can have a healthy attitude to meet our own challenges; With safety, we can have sufficient energy to absorb the nutrition of knowledge; With safety, we can have a firm will to climb the ladder of life. Safety is like a radiant sun, illuminating our life. Safety is like a long link, connecting our life and death. For the bright future of our school, for our health and happiness. Let's start with safety.

  Teachers and students, spring is the season of flowers in full bloom and thousands of sails competing. In this spring of hope, let us sow sweat and harvest a better tomorrow! Let's follow the steps of spring, study hard, work actively, forge ahead, and strive to establish a school that parents are satisfied with and students like!

  Finally, I wish the students a happy study and a healthy growth.

  Thank you!



  good morning!

  The theme of my speech today is to build a safe campus and walk with civilization.

  Students: to pay attention to safety is to pay attention to life, and to pay attention to safety is to pay attention to family happiness, school development and social harmony. In this world, every life is unique. We hope everyone will laugh and laugh often, and we hope every family will be happy. And safety is like a colorful silk thread, which connects every good wish of us to form a stable, peaceful and colorful world. We know that civilization lies in the handling of details, and safety lies in prevention.

  Campus safety involves many hidden dangers in students' life and study, including traffic safety, food safety, fire risk, drowning, sports injury, and even accidents in students' playing, etc. We should not only have a sense of safety, but also have a sense of prevention and preventive measures. Our teachers always keep the safety of students in mind and hope that everyone respects life and keeps away from accidental injuries. Students, please pay attention to learning self-protection methods, have safety awareness in daily study and life, improve escape skills in the face of danger, and observe order in public places. On the way to and from school, please obey the traffic rules and pay attention to traffic safety; During recess, we should pay attention to civilized rest, do not allow chasing and fighting, and carry out civilized games to ensure that we can spend one relaxed and safe recess after another. Don't tamper with the power sockets and electrical equipment in the classroom. Prepare for activities before physical education classes and extracurricular activities, pay attention to cooperation with others, pay attention to sports safety in various sports, and don't collide violently to avoid bruises or falls. Pay attention to food safety. Do not buy dirty food from street stalls to prevent food poisoning. When students encounter contradictions, they must be calm and rational, and avoid using fists instead of reasoning, which will bring adverse consequences to themselves and their classmates.

  Students, there is only one life. A collision or a wrestling may cause unimaginable harm to fragile lives. Therefore, to protect your life safety, you should abide by the minimum and simplest rules and order. Please remember: life is beautiful, life is colorful, life is priceless, we should cherish life. We must always strengthen our safety awareness, strive to enhance our self-defense ability, and keep the alarm ringing. Let's join hands and walk with civilization to create a safe environment, build a safe and harmonious campus, and support a safe sky for each other's lives. Let the school become our safe harbor.

  Cherish life, safety first, and contribute to the construction of a safe campus.


  Dear teachers and students

  When the fish roam freely in the vast ocean, when the birds sing happily in the blue sky, when the gurgling stream flows quietly, when the neon of the city is flashing, when we enjoy life or joy, sadness, dispute, or happiness, when every static and moving life body is rendered vigorous and beautiful... You will not help but sigh: life is so beautiful and wonderful!

  Life is sometimes as hard as steel, as hard as rock, and still stands proudly and brilliantly after the vicissitudes of life; However, it is sometimes as fragile as a flower or a leaf, which can't stand the wind and rain, and even a little negligence and accident may crush it. The flower of life needs our care all the time.

  Campus safety concerns us, our parents and our teachers. The occurrence of safety accidents is mostly due to carelessness and fluke. Therefore, we always keep in mind that safety is the first and life is the supreme. Be alert to safety at all times. There is no trivial matter, and everything is safe; We should be careful to prevent one in ten thousand accidents from happening. Never run, chase or fight in the corridor or stairs during recess; At noon, after class, take the initiative to stand in a strong line, not crowded, not pushing and shoving, walk softly, and go downstairs on the right; Do not bring dangerous goods into the campus, especially absolutely refuse to bring controlled knives; Pay attention to food safety, do not bring snacks into the campus, do not order takeout, pay attention to the safety of electricity, and do not use high-power electrical appliances on campus; Pay attention to water safety, do not crowd when opening the water, lift the water bottle, turn on the tap, and prevent scalding, etc.

  We should be responsible for our own safety and the safety of others. We are on the same campus. We should love each other, remind each other and help each other. Campus safety depends on everyone. For the sake of our flowers of life blooming forever. In order to make all families happy, let's work together to establish a high degree of safety awareness. Everyone stresses safety, always stresses safety, and everything stresses safety. Build a safe city of thought, action, and life, jointly build a safe campus, a harmonious campus, and let safety always accompany you, me, and him!


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "fire safety, start with me".

  Life is like a flower. Although it is beautiful and fragrant, it is also extremely fragile. There is only one life. This is a journey that cannot be repeated. Life is invaluable to every one of us. Paying attention to fire protection is the guarantee of safety, and safety is the God of life. Therefore, we should pay attention to fire safety to protect our lives.

  Over the past few years, scenes of bloody lessons have left an indelible impression in our hearts: the heroism of the XX fire; Ignorance of the fire in Jilin XX commercial building; The ferocity of the XX ridge fire; The pain of XX explosion. We can only sigh that after the fire mercilessly destroyed everything, all that remains is pain and reflection.

  On the occasion of the coming of fire day, I would like to propose the following suggestions to you:

  1. Seriously treat the monthly fire evacuation drill;

  2. Learn the correct operation of fire-fighting equipment, observe and understand the placement of school fire-fighting equipment;

  3. In the chemical laboratory, when using inflammables and explosives, follow the teacher's arrangement and be careful;

  4. It is forbidden to use sockets in the dormitory. If abnormal conditions are found, report them to the dormitory in time to avoid fire.

  Creating a safe campus is our common goal. Let's work together, care for life, pay attention to fire control, share the sunshine of safety and the joy of safety. Students, in order to protect others and their own lives, in order to build a harmonious and safe campus and work hard!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  I'm XXX from class 14, senior 3. Today, the theme of my speech under the national flag is fire safety.

  According to a large-scale national survey conducted by the China Youth Research Center, safety accidents have become the number one killer of teenagers.

  When winter comes, the climate becomes very dry. Affected by the dry environment, it is easy to cause fires in this season. Therefore, in order to increase people's awareness of fire safety, the Ministry of Public Security launched in 1992 and designated November 9 as the national fire day every year.

  In the crowded campus, we should ring the "119" alarm bell in our mind for a long time to improve our awareness and skills of fire prevention. We should understand the danger of fire and constantly enhance our awareness of fire prevention. Each of us should work hard to learn fire-fighting knowledge and consciously abide by fire-fighting laws and regulations. At ordinary times, do not bring matches, lighters and other kindling materials, as well as gasoline, fireworks, firecrackers and other inflammables and explosives into the campus: consciously take care of all kinds of fire-fighting facilities in the campus; consciously turn off electrical switches before leaving the classroom; in the classroom and dormitory, do not pull wires privately, and do not use electrical equipment without authorization. In this way, you can stay away from fire and pass safely.

  Of course, if you really encounter a fire, don't panic. Because there is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate in the face of difficulties. In the face of billowing smoke and flames, as long as you keep calm and wisely use the knowledge of self rescue and escape in the fire, you can save yourself and even others.

  I hope you can pay attention to fire safety, cherish life, take fire prevention seriously, and learn to protect yourself and respect the lives of others.

  My speech is over, thank you!
