with the rapid development of society , almost everyone wants to be educated . howeve r , many people hold an erroneous view towards education . they think , probably most pa rents do , that through education , they will , or their childr en will , turn out to be either prominent schola rs or rich mer - chants . to them, education s uggests me rely fame or riches .
the aim of education , in my understanding , is set upon deeper and more impor tant mental accomplishments and moral cultur e . when we study at school or at the university , we a re cer tainly aiming at a profound learning of various subjects , for that is one of the essential things and a fundamental indispensable for building up our futur e car eer . equally impor tant is the moral education which we mu st r eceive eithe r at school or a t the university, for building our cha racter .
on the other hand , education does not simply mean “ going to school .”we cannot consider ourselves well-educated and supe rior just because we ar e the for tunat e ones who can go somewhe re to study , thus looking down upon those who cannot get such golden chances as ours . it is a t ruth univer sally known that that a doctor is dif ferent from a black smith is not because the forme r has r eceived higher education and the latt er has not .
to conclude my essay , i would like to quote an old saying“ lea rn whatever it may be, whenever you can , and whenever you will , ”and this , i thin k , is the t rue meaning of education .
·er roneous view towards education
* education — way to fame
* education — way to riches
· my view towa rds education
* education — mental accomplishments
* education — mor al culture
· education not simply mean going to school
· my conclu sion
本文是一篇议论文, 文中作者对“教育之真谛”发表自己的议论, 其论点主要是受教育的真正目的要从深层含义上去理解,即要做到智力上的完善和道德的修养。作者认为上过学的人不应鄙视没有机会上很多学的人, 其结论是受教育应是“ 学无常体, 随遇而施”。
the t rue meaning of education 教育之真谛
erroneous view 错误的观点
prominent scholar s 杰出的学者
fame n . 名誉
ment al accomplishments 智力的完善
moral culture 道德修养
aim at 目标瞄准
profound a . 深刻的, 渊博的
indispensable n . 必不能少的东西
building our char acter 塑造性格
look down upon 鄙视
blacksmith n . 铁匠
quote v . 引用
“ learn what ever it may be, wheneve r you can , and whenever you will .”“学无常体, 随遇而施”。