

时间:2023-09-04 20:02:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  interview spot 采访现场
  radio-active waste 核废料
  a pad of lined paper 一叠写作纸
  a columnist for the New York Sun《纽约太阳报》的专栏作家
  go into business 做生意
  give sb. two more days off each month 给某人每月多放两天假
  get more work hours 得到更多的工作时间
  get enough bucks 赚足够多的钱
  help out sb. at college 帮助某人完成学业
  at a fair 在一个展会上
  data collection 数据收集
  training consultancy 培训咨询
  information processing 信息处理
  walk miles to see each stand 走很远看每个柜台
  keep on top of everything 控制全局
  word processor 文档处理器
  file a lawsuit 提起诉讼
  keep a close watch on 紧盯着
  terrain of the mountains 高山地形
  official international aviation language 官方国际飞行语言
  upgrade the educational level of immigrant 提升移民的教育水平
  international trade fair 国际展览会
  live up-to-date coverage 现场最新报道
  launch the biggest offensive against 发动规模的进攻
  peace process 和平进程
  peace negotiation 和平谈判
  rebel force 反抗力量
  pound the positions of government force 打击政府力量的阵地
  heavy fighting 激烈战斗
  war-torn country 被战争摧毁的国家
  bookbinding 装订
  wood pulp 木浆
  government revenue 政府税收
  stimulate business activity 刺激商业活动
  drug addict 瘾君子
  underwater earthquake 水下地震
  turbidity current 浑浊流
  sediment 海洋中的沉积物
  exaggerate the seriousness of the pollution 夸大污染的严重性
  go in for business fight 从事商业
  factual transcript 事实记录
  make a concession 做出让步
  Better watch your step. 你谨慎小心
  bring her capability into fuller play 发挥她能力方面的优势
  spoil one’s excitement 毁掉某人的激情
  pop out of her childhood dreams 从她童年时的梦中找到灵感
  right candidate for this position 该职位的合适候选人
  head broker 经纪人经理
  stock market 股票市场
  deal with the clients on the daily bases 与底层的客户打交道
  handle accounts 处理账务
  two weeks of paid vacation 两周的带薪假
  resign from his position 从某一职位辞职
  small trading company 小型贸易公司
  a public relations officer 公关职员
  stay competitive 保持竞争力
  television commercials 电视类的商业广告
  draw up a budget 做出预算
  strong business competition 激烈的商业竞争
  lower the cost of production 降低生产成本
  switch his work time 调换他的工作时间
  annual check-up 年检
  car dealer 汽车经纪人
  driving examiner 驾照考官
  technical consultant 技术顾问
  fashion show 时装表演
  freelance designer 自由设计师

