

时间:2022-02-27 06:55:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#日记# 导语】“重阳”之名称由来,得名于古籍《易经》中的‘阳爻为九’。在《易经》中,把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,又为“极数”,指天之高为“九重”。九月初九,日与月皆逢九,是谓“两九相重”,故曰“重九”,同时又是两个阳数合在一起,故谓之“重阳”。明代张岱著《夜航船》云:“九为阳数,其日与月并应,故曰“重阳”。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。

  September Ninth Festival, a festival for the old people. This day, people will care for the elderly, but also to do the right thing for the elderly.
  In this day, some units or company will to homes for the elderly free health care activities, they may old people with not to, anyway also can for the company to earn a reputation. This is an exaggeration, not good fish for fame.
  We as grandparents, grandparents, but also to him (her) to make a contribution. Sometimes we for their contribution can be Chuichui back, squeezed legs, can also be a greeting can to express their respect. Grandpa and grandma have a good first to give us, they are not allowed to pick up when we are out of school, they put every month to buy the pension costs, they would rather not buy clothes also give us money.
  Once, I back to grandma's house, a door, Grandpa shouted to me to buy the snacks to eat, I decline again and again. Finally, the grandfather was turned down to buy.
  In the final analysis is to understand the old man, respect for the elderly. Think about what the old man did not want to get attention and respect to the younger generation? We can from the side of the old man, with their own little bit of love to move them.
  I think we can't is a day for the elderly, to let every day are like the Double Ninth Festival, let the old people live in a happy environment, old people need love, the love from our younger generation.


  In ancient times, people called the six Yin number, nine known as Yang number. September 9 this day, two together called "Double Ninth Festival", the day also called "festival for the elderly", is our country a long history of the festival.
  After this afternoon, I and my classmates are on duty, 43 bus ride home. The car is very crowded, I can not easily find a seat, a bottom seat, you can have a good rest for a while.

  However, the car just after a stop, there is a old man on the train, he probably slightly hunched, over sixty. I immediately thought to give seats to the old, but thought, he managed to sit down, let the pity.

  How do ah? In the end is to let do not let? I think, as a young pioneer, if lets me not, then how to the front of my red scarf?? can't think, I must let. So I stood up and said: "Grandpa, you come to sit!" I saw my grandfather smiled, then slowly sat down, and said to me: "really good boy!".

  Although I lost a seat for me to rest, but I got the words of praise and happy mood, which is how happy ah!

  Care for the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, we must continue to carry forward the spirit of this!



  可是,车刚过了一站地,有一位老爷爷上车了,他微微驼背,大概六十多岁的 样子。我马上就想到了要给老人让座,但又转念一想,自己好不容易才坐下,让了怪可惜的。

  怎么办啊?到底是 让还是不让?我想,身为一个少先队员,如果我不让的话,那又怎么对得起我胸前的红领巾呢?不能再想了,我一定要让。于是,我站起来,说:“爷爷,您来坐吧!”只见爷爷笑了笑,然后慢慢地坐下,并对我说:“真是好孩子!”我听了以后,心里也乐了,因为我做到了。



  Nine nine Chongyang, as with the "long" is a homonym, in the nine figures is the largest number, the meaning of life for a long time. In 1989, our country the annual September 9 set as a festival for the elderly, cleverly combining traditional and modern, become respect for the elderly, and love for the elderly, help the elderly Festival.
  This year the festival is coming. For you, Chung Yeung Festival plan how had it? If you are a young person and Chung Yeung Festival this day you may gave the mom and dad a gift, or to travel, relax mood; or make a phone call to the home, let the warm greetings, a heart warming gift. If you are an old man, you may have been a group of sympathy, or be invited to participate in activities. Then Festival ended, but we do not like meishiren as the how how lead, must continue to show respect for the elderly, care for the elderly, care for the elderly.

  Countries of the provisions of the Chung Yeung Festival this day is a festival for the elderly, the purpose of which is to use this to carry out activities to allow people to set up the consciousness of respecting. The country has established a general acceptance of the festival, the important purpose is to remind the whole society for a certain thing, and not the only thing to do is to do.

  Any activity that wants to be able to get the effect to be able to maintain a long enough time to show its significance.

  In fact, the elderly are very simple, the park for a walk with the company, the weekend to go home for dinner, the phone call, can make them feel very satisfied and happy.

  Parents should not only on this day, but also to remind himself, usually elderly care enough. It is a year the Double Ninth Festival, from now let us more to care for the elderly, it is meaningful to the festival.







