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【#英语资源# 导语】新年来临问候你,雪花飘飞北风袭,气温依然还很低,短信提醒您注意,外出还要多穿衣,莫让感冒来偷袭,悉心照顾好自己,坚持锻炼好身体,朋友之间多联系,新年发达又欢喜,事事如意有福气!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!

1.2023年新年英语演讲稿 篇一

  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  The gentle wind blows away willow catkins, the light rain moistens the new mud, and spring has inspired our faith;

  The sun is warm, the leaves are full of life, and the summer waves our passion;

  Falling trees are falling, the valley is cold and deep, autumn has witnessed our struggle;

  Snow falls on the earth, plum branches stand proudly in the cold, and winter has inspired our will.

  Through the four seasons, with the joy of harvest and the footprint of growth, we are trying to open the window of the New Year. Looking back 20__ In, each of us was filled with emotion. 20__ The year was a year when all teachers and students in Dongcheng worked together with one heart and one mind. It was a year of hard struggle after trials and hardships. It was a year of unity and hard work and fruitful results! The teachers worked hard, kept improving, and made silent contributions to support the blue sky of xxxx's education cause; The students learned to learn, to think, to compete and to cooperate, which injected permanent vitality and glory into Dongzhong.

  The cold wind is beautiful, and the winter is strong__ On New Year's Day, makeup has been put on before our eyes. Tao Yuanming, a poet of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once said, "The prime of life does not come again. One day it is hard to wake up again. You should be encouraged in time. Time waits for no one." We are the future of our motherland, and childhood is also the spring of life. The most important task for young people is to read. Reading is the only way for all who achieve great things, the foundation of all creation, and serious reading is the requirement of the times. Students, we should use diligence and sweat to consolidate the foundation of the academic building, strive to obtain value from time, and use our hands to add luster to the bright five-star red flag. Only in this way can we be worthy of the descendants of China and shoulder the historical mission of inheriting the past and opening up the future.

  Finally, I wish everyone a happy New Year and our school will be better tomorrow!

  Thank you, my speech is over.

2.2023年新年英语演讲稿 篇二

  hello everyone!

  "The sound of firecrackers goes away every year, and the spring breeze warms the butchers. Millions of families have a long life and always replace the old peach with the new one." With a happy mood, we will resign from the year of xxxx and usher in a new year of 20xx. This means that we will enter a new highland and step on a higher level.

  Now, the step of 20xx is approaching. I believe that 20xx years have come when the joyful music in the Golden Hall of Vienna is overflowing, and when 6 billion people around the world are overwhelmed by music.

  In this year, I will work harder, forge ahead, and create a new self. No matter in terms of study, life and life, I should have higher requirements for myself and surpass myself!

  as the New Year begins, let us also start a new life. I also want to create a Xintiandi in the New Year. There are new goals, new pursuits, new plans and new actions.

  The beginning of spring is coming soon. "Spring is the time of the year". In spring, everything sprouts and is giving us infinite vitality, as if Spring Girl was saying to me, "Come on! Go ahead!"

  When the flag of the year 20xx was raised, people all over the world celebrated together, xxxx, and many gifts and lotteries were given to add luster to the New Year. I will go forward bravely in the new year!

  thank you.

3.2023年新年英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  Looking back at 20xx, we are full of deep feelings! Moving forward to 20xx, we are more heroic! When the New Year's bell is about to ring, are you ready for 20xx with hope and vision? I think no matter what preparation you make, you should cherish time and learn to learn.

  As soon as the year begins, everything will be renewed. Students, the new year is coming, history will turn a new page, our life will enter a new journey, everything is new. And we will also welcome the year-end examination. This is a time for everyone to work hard and gain in a semester. I hope that everyone can seize the time to systematically review and consolidate what they have learned with the spirit of hard work and dedication, so that each student can show their own level, achieve excellent results, and report to the teacher, the head of family, and themselves!

  Flowers will never bloom again, people will never be young again, time is easy to pass, youth is hard to return, I hope you know how to cherish and learn to cherish. If the heart is there, the dream is there. Children, take this as a starting point. Let's work together to create a new year of 20xx!

  thank you.

4.2023年新年英语演讲稿 篇四

  Dear teachers and students

  Good evening

  Accompanied by the joy of harvest, full of heroic feelings of striving. We saw off the fruitful year of xxx, and at the same time we ushered in the promising year of xxxx. On behalf of the school, I would like to extend holiday greetings and New Year's greetings to the students working hard in all departments of the Student Union! Wish students: Happy New Year, progress in study, good health, happy life and dreams come true.

  Looking back, the XXX year that is about to pass is a brilliant year for the development of our school. The whole school's teachers and students work together to make all the work of the school go to a new level based on the school running purpose of serving the lifelong development and employment of students.

  Dear students, the sail of the year of xxxx has been lifted, and a beautiful growth ring is about to appear in front of us. In the new year, we have a lot of things to do. Let's work together to make a good start, take a good step, seize the opportunities, be determined, unite, meet the new challenges with a new attitude, and write a new chapter of the technical secondary school with great emphasis.

  Finally, I wish the students to show colorful art cells, release their youthful passion and release their beautiful dreams in the joyful music. I wish the New Year's Party of the Student Union a complete success!

  thank you.

5.2023年新年英语演讲稿 篇五

  Distinguished leaders, guests, parents, dear teachers and all children

  hello everyone!

  The sun and the moon shuttle, winter and summer overlap, and the annual rings of the years inadvertently draw another circle. In the 365 days we spent together, we experienced the warmth of spring, the fierceness of summer, the richness of autumn and the beauty of winter, and welcomed the promising xx year with great joy and anticipation. On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, I wish you all a happy New Year and a happy family! Joy is accompanied by sweat, and success is accompanied by hardship. Looking back on the past years, I feel proud and gratified.

  The new year begins with people's expectations. New Year's Day is an ancient topic, so what meaning does it symbolize? In the word "New Year's Day", yuan means the first or the beginning, and dan means the sun rises or the day. New Year's Day is the first day of the New Year. It contains a kind of vigorous vitality, indicating a good beginning. On New Year's Day, everything looks new. The new year is coming, history will turn a new page, and our life will enter a new journey. Everything is new. We should be energetic and have a new look in the New Year.

  Let's take action and contribute our enthusiasm and strength to the development of our cause, youth and dreams! In the new year, we are full of confidence and passion. Let's join hands to pay our love and responsibility as always for our kindergarten education and these lovely children!

  Thank you!
