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【#英语资源# 导语】光阴似箭,日月如梭,暑假的快乐生活迈着无声无息的脚步渐渐远去。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  As soon as the new semester begins, it means that the colorful summer vacation flies by. However, in this colorful summer vacation, I have unlimited happiness. During the summer vacation, I went to Lianyungang with my parents, aunt fan and her son long long.

  After taking the bus all morning, we couldn't wait to find a restaurant to eat when we got there. We had enough to drink and eat before we could breathe the air by the sea. We changed our swimsuits and walked on the beach. The beach is soft and comfortable. When the wind blows, the feet itch and crisp. The sea is blue. I don't know whether it's my own color or the color of the sky. By the sea, there is a big mountain, which looks vibrant and has a playful freshness. There are many people on the beach, some are piling sand; Some are swimming; Some are rowing rubber boats. It's not lively. Dragon and I played with sand first; Parents are sunbathing; Aunt fan kept picking up small shells.

  After a while, the Dragon piled up something. What I think is a three-dimensional abstract picture. He even said it was "the gate of hell." Well, whatever he says, I picked up the swimming ring and ran to the sea“ Wow, it's so cold! " I called out subconsciously as soon as I touched the sea. But I rushed in recklessly. Standing in the sea, the sea waves come, and from time to time, some beautiful little shells float over. I'm very excited. Standing where the waves couldn't reach, long long said sarcastically, "are you still afraid of the cold? What's the point of putting on an ice face all day and pretending to be like that? "“ Come here if you have seed. "“ Er ~ this. That. " Longlong immediately blushed like a tomato, "why not go to the sea? Can't you swim? " Dragon's face is redder. I doubt his face can boil water“ Wow, Nong really can't swim? Strong, very strong, ha ha. You are so old that you can't swim! " He was ashamed to ask, and said, "I won't, what?" Seeing my hair straight in my heart, I immediately threw the swimming circle to him. He offered to compete with me, and I readily accepted it. As a result, because his weight was too heavy and his swimming circle was too small, he lost to me.

  It was getting dark. We went back to the hotel, changed our clothes and went out to the night market. Lianyungang at night is very quiet and peaceful, and colorful fireworks are blooming in the sky. The vendors set up their own stalls.

  We walked along the beach and walked slowly along the gravel road. The sea breeze is soft and comfortable. I can't help saying, "the sea rises, the moon rises, and the ends of the world share this." Suddenly, the dragon was very destructive and said, "who do you share this time with?" I swung my fist over and said fiercely, "go to hell. Be careful that I'll throw you against the wall with 'lion bullets' and can't pull you off!" Long long saw that I was angry and hid my head like a turtle.

  The next day, we went to Huaguo Mountain. In shuilian cave, we saw a stone pillar connecting up and down. My father joked that it was the "conference room" of the monkey king, which made us laugh.

  The happy trip to Lianyungang ended with our laughter.


  This summer vacation, I experienced a new feeling - the feeling of selling newspapers.

  On the morning of July 23, my friend and I went to sell newspapers. When I received the newspaper, I thought excitedly: I have also become a child selling newspapers. I heard that a child came to sell newspapers on holiday! I went to Yanquan road with him to sell newspapers. He sold them there and I sold them here to avoid robbing business. The way he and I sell newspapers is very different: he is very enthusiastic and takes the initiative to ask pedestrians whether they want newspapers; But I just stood by the roadside and whispered: sell the newspaper, one yuan! In a short time, he sold two newspapers! no way! I have to refuel! You can't be a laggard! I have to sell one! Just do it! An uncle came right in front of me. I strode over and felt a kind of unspeakable tension. Finally, I went to the uncle and said nervously, "uncle, do you want a newspaper? One yuan a share. " Uncle gently replied, "show me." I quickly handed the newspaper to my uncle. My uncle took it and read it and said, "OK! Sell me one! " My heart was full of sunshine. My uncle took out a lot of money, looked for it and said, "there's no change." At that time, I felt like I was splashed with cold water. The flowers that had just opened at the bottom of my heart withered immediately. Alas! My life is so hard! Before I could say it was ok, my uncle gave me one yuan and left with the newspaper. Suddenly, my heart was warm and grateful to my uncle! I finally sold my first newspaper! The first time there was a second time, so I came forward again and again and asked, "do you want a newspaper? I sold out the newspaper in less than an hour! I felt the ten dollars in my pocket and felt very full.

  The next day, I sold out all the newspapers in the same way. Ah, I made another eight yuan (twenty cents a newspaper). On the third day, I didn't know if it was because we had to pick up the newspaper at more than 10 o'clock after the weekend, so no one came to buy it. I only sold two copies, and so did my friends, but I also kept the principal and didn't lose money. On the fourth day, today may be a lucky day, and there are more people. I sold eight copies, almost sold out of the newspaper, and my friend also sold eight copies. On the fifth day, the last day I sold newspapers, I sold six copies and my friend sold seven copies. Ah, it's also good! In all, I made 37 yuan! Counting money, I feel that money is hard won.

  Through selling newspapers this time, I realized that it was not easy to make money, understood my parents' hard work, realized the touch brought to me by strangers, and exercised myself! I will always remember this newspaper selling experience!


  The summer vacation of senior three is confusing. I thought I could spend it as leisurely as before, but senior three is over.

  Predecessors said, "the summer vacation of senior three is the first step of senior three." Parents are always on the alert: "senior three! There's no time! " The teachers also earnestly taught us: "senior three is an important year, so we should study hard!" Even the heart of the United Front with himself is warning himself: "senior three, you can't play anymore. You should study hard for yourself!" Yeah! Senior three!

  Senior three! In the past, those who studied well and poor didn't have to be complacent or feel sorry for themselves. Because no one knows if you are in heaven or hell the next moment. Senior three is just a process, a process of making up. In this process, no matter hard or sweet, all we can do is accept it calmly and gently, and then continue to go down. This is senior three.

  Years of hard work is only to be in heaven for the next moment. Maybe God gives a gift and must first ask for a high price. This reminds me of a creature recorded in a Book: cicada. It is strikingly similar to the lives of our students. After reading it, it makes me unforgettable. The book probably says that "I don't know whether cicada has a covenant with God. Before flying, cicada had many years of underground life, like a difficult miner, immersed in cold, wet, dark and lonely, just to fly one day." cicada waited for the boundless ideal with extraordinary perseverance, Years of hardship, only for the later flight. Think about it, aren't students like this? After twelve years of hard study, and then through the "single wooden bridge" which is more difficult than hard study, you can enter the palace of happiness among the population: University.

  Our ancestors seemed to have predicted for a long time and wrote a poem "if you eat bitterness, you will become a master." I think we all understand that such suffering is for ourselves. There are too many beautiful things in the world, and we hope to get too many. We want to have as many beautiful things as possible for ourselves, but these are as short as a white horse, and inadvertently disappear between ownership and loss. It will be too disappointing if you give up your depressed study and choose to spend happily in the summer vacation of senior three, Now the happiness is short, which can be proved by the same reason. Now the pain is also short. Why not choose to be bitter first and then sweet, that kind of permanent happiness?

  My senior three summer vacation was all right. The only drawback was spending it in front of my desk. As we all know, it was not happy. Occasionally go out and hear others shout: "my summer vacation listen to me!" Looking back at all kinds of exercises in all directions in front of his desk, a headache arises spontaneously. There are not many exercises, just a one centimeter exercise book for each subject. It's difficult to do it!

  The summer vacation of senior three is as painful, boring and boring as everyone warned. The summer vacation of senior three is like a stone, a big and hard stepping stone that can't be moved. If the position is right, it may help you at the right time; The position is not right. It's just a stone, regardless of weight, but it may climb you halfway as you move forward. In this way, don't you think the summer vacation of senior three is very important?

  For every senior three student, senior three is important. Isn't this the first step towards senior three more important? Forget it, don't say more. Let's save some time to write exercises! This is the summer vacation of senior three!

