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professional [prə'feʃ(ə)n(ə)l] n. 专业人员;职业运动员   【单词例句】   A:It needs professional skill in all fields   A:它需要领域都要求专业的技能。   B: Well, I'd better improve my tecbniques.   B:那么我也提高我的技术。   tough [tʌf] 强硬的   【单词例句】   A: After the training, you will become tough.   A:训练完后,你会变得强壮起来。   B: That's just what I want.   B:那正是我想要的。   【派生词】resentfully忿恨地   【单词例句】   A: She has always been resentful toward me.   A:她对我一直都持一种厌恶态度。   B:I have been thinking that you are good friends.   B:我还一直以为你们是好朋友呢。   undulate ['ʌndjʊleɪt] v波动,形成   assign [ə'saɪn] 分配   【单词扩充】assign to指派   tremor ['tremə] 震颤   【单词扩充】fremitus震颤 dindle 震颤   【单词例句】   A: ARer the tremor a large piece of rock fell down from the cliff.   A.震颤过后,一大块岩石从悬崖上落了下来。   B: Did the rock hurt anyone?   B:那块岩石伤着人没有?   【单词例句】   A: Our boss assigned me two projects. Now the deadl/nes are near and I still haven't frnished one of them.   A:我老板分配给我2个项目。现在期限就要到了,可我一个都没做完呢。   B: Is there anythingI can do for you?   B:我能帮上什么忙吗?   gravitational [,ɡrævɪ'teɪʃənəl] adj. 地心引力的   calf [kɑːf] 腓肠,小腿   pine [paɪn]消瘦   【单词扩充】 skuminess消瘦   【单词搭配】pine for渴望   【单词例句】   A: He pined away afier his wife died.   A:他在妻子过世之后逐渐消瘦下去了。   B:He must be very sad.   B:他肯定是太难过了。   underline [ʌndə'laɪn] v着重说明强调   【单词例句】   A: Cows are tame animals   A:奶牛是家畜。   B:Yes.so are horses.   B:是的,马也是。   tether ['teðə] 用绳)拴   【单词例句】   I Tether the horse to that tree.   我把马拴在那棵树上。   ticklish ['tɪklɪʃ] adj.难对付的,棘手的   【单词扩充】emphasize强调,使突出   【单词扩充】intractable棘手的   【单词例句】   A:There is one thing that I must underline before the end of the meetng.   A:在会议结束之前有一点我必须强调一下。   B:What's that?   B:是什么事情啊?   keep [kiːp] 生计   【单词例句】   He works hard for his keep   他努力干活以维持生计。   subservient [səb'sɜːvɪənt] adj.屈从的   【单词例句】   He is subservient to his boss   他屈从于他的老板。   【单词例句】   A: He seemed tO be at his wits' end before those ticklish questions.   A:面对那些棘手的问题他也显得束手无策了。   B:Can we ask anyone else to give usa hand?   B:我们还能找别人帮忙吗?   alarm [ə'lɑːm] 惊恐   【单词例句】   A:A flush of alarm prickled her skin   A: 一阵恐慌使得她不寒而栗。   B: What happened on earth?   B:究竟发生了什么事情?   accompaniment [ə'kʌmp(ə)nɪm(ə)nt] 伴随   【派生词】plunging突进的   【单词例句】   A:I've managed to soothe him do a bit pool and plunged in.   A:我想方设法使他平静了一点。—纵身跳进水   B: But your effort seems to be useless.   B:但你的努力好像效果不大。   【单词搭配】 To take decisive measures采取决定性措施 at a plunge进退两难   【单词扩充】undergird加强   【单词例句】   A:The production capacity of our factory has been greatly reinforced.   A:我们工厂的生产能力已大大加强。   B: So when can you send us the goods?   B:那你们什么时候能给我们发货呢?   curl [kɜːl] 卷取   【单词扩充】friule使卷曲   【单词搭配】curl up蜷缩   【单词例句】   A: Her hair curls naturally   A:她的头发是天然卷曲的。   B:I think it's very natural and nice.   B:我认为那很自然,很美。

