

时间:2021-07-30 13:04:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】此剧以1925年前后的中国社会为背景,描写了一个带有浓厚封建色彩的资产阶级家庭的悲剧。剧中以两个家庭、八个人物、三十年的恩怨为主线,伪善的资本家大家长周朴园,受新思想影响的单纯的少年周冲,被冷漠的家庭逼疯了和被爱情伤得体无完肤的女人蘩漪,对过去所作所为充满了罪恶感、企图逃离的周萍,还有意外归来的鲁侍萍,单纯着爱与被爱的鲁四凤,受压迫的工人鲁大海,贪得无厌的管家等,不论是家庭秘密还是身世秘密,所有的矛盾都在雷雨之夜爆发,在叙述家庭矛盾纠葛、怒斥封建家庭腐朽顽固的同时,反映了更为深层的社会及时代问题。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The beginning of thunderstorm has already doomed the story to be a tragedy. Like many works of the same period, what the author wants to express through the novel is that many bad qualities of the feudal class and the bourgeoisie are finely depicted and fully expressed in a character.

  The story of two families and eight characters in the thunderstorm happened in a short day, but it involves the past gratitude and resentment, cutting constantly, and the reason is chaotic. The s cript has exciting plot, concise and implicit language, distinctive characters and rich subtext. Like a blade on the heartstring slowly across, that trembling out of the voice, for a long time can not calm down.

  One day, it involved a lot of past events, a misunderstanding, a secret, but killed three people. This is life. How can it hurt to have such a worried life? There are so many similar stories and countless victims in this background. I think, this is not a simple story. Like many stories, real life is the archetype of the story. In today's society, people's thinking has changed a lot, women become strong and brave, will no longer be silent by the suppression of fate. In addition to the development of science and technology, the progress of humanistic thought has also made a big step forward. People often know the misfortunes of the past and secretly celebrate how wonderful the times they live in. However, what we need more is to know how to use the lessons from the past.


  The relationship between the characters in the thunderstorm story is complex. However, it is this complex relationship that runs through the development of the plot, and it is also the fuse that leads the thunderstorm to a tragic ending. Cao Yu creates many distinctive characters in the article, which makes everyone leave a deep impression on the readers.

  Zhou Puyuan is a key figure in thunderstorm. When he was young, he fell in love with Lu Shiping. At that time, he loved Lu Shiping. There was real love between them. At that time, Zhou Puyuan had a trace of purity. However, he followed his parents' advice and drove Lu Shiping out of the house and married another heroine Fanyi, It can be said that Zhou Puyuan is a woman who is equal to Zhou Puyuan, but in the face of this reality, Zhou Puyuan chooses to shrink back. He accepts this reality, which makes him gradually become a person with the concept of money and interests and the division of grades. With the development of the thunderstorm plot, Zhou Puyuan is in decline. But Cao Yu still gave Zhou Puyuan some humanized things. In the end, he took the initiative to tell Zhou Ping that Lu Shiping was his mother. However, when the truth was revealed, it was the time for the thunderstorm to come to an end.

  When Zhou Puyuan and Lu Shiping met unexpectedly 30 years later, Zhou Puyuan actually loved Lu Shiping, but what he liked was the gentle and beautiful Lu Shiping in the past. Now in front of him is an old Lu Shiping. Therefore, Zhou Puyuan's reflection is more with panic and fear, He was worried that the appearance of Lu Shiping would affect his current position.

  In the thunderstorm, Cao Yu arranged the role of Zhou Chong. He is a beacon in the dark society. He has a sense of justice and dares to speak for the proletariat. Knowing that the person Lu Sifeng likes is Zhou Ping, he actively chose to quit. He is a romantic person and also a person not bound by feudal ideas in the thunderstorm. Perhaps he should have died. In the whole social reality described by thunderstorm, he is out of place.


  In the background of thunderstorm, people living in it seem to be very careful. The good and the bad are mixed together. Everyone will wrap up his true self layer by layer. Zhou Puyuan did not dare to face his love for his own benefit; Lu Shiping did not dare to recognize her own son under the social background; Zhou Ping is selfish and dare not look back. In this group of people, there is a person who is very straightforward. He dares to be brave and scolds when he is not happy. He is Lu Dahai.

  For the survival interests of the miners, he went on strike the most fiercely. He tried his best to fight against the unfairness of cannibalism and was betrayed by his workers. Those workers' representatives put money even above friendship, but he was different, "hum, you shameless chairman, your money is smart again." He was not reconciled to failure, exposing the despicable things Zhou Puyuan had done before, but was beaten. He was angry, "you bandits!" His forthright impact on people's hearts seems to be a fragrance of decadent society.

  He dislikes is dislike, he opposes his sister Sifeng and Zhou Ping together, he understands Zhou Ping's hypocritical face, even if he is a good villain is willing, he uses his own direct way to carry out his concern for his sister, he hopes his sister can live a happy life, not be tarnished by the dark.

  He doesn't like to be pitied and given. When Zhou Chong gave the Sifeng family 100 yuan, Lu GUI used the money to buy new furniture. Lu Dahai was puzzled. After questioning the source of the money, he resolutely returned it to Zhou Chong. Like his mother, he doesn't admire money, but only follows his own loyalty. He hated Lu GUI, his face of deceiving villains, his habit of bullying and his nature of loving money. He won't force a smile when he sees a disgusting person like others. He uses a gun to bully Lu GUI, points a gun at a villain, and points a gun at the dark.

  Lu Dahai's existence adds a lot of bright colors to thunderstorm. He washes people's sorrowful mood immersed in the dark. He is one of the countless people who use the power of justice to turn the society around. It is these bright characters that make the society have some changes and make people see hope.

