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【#英语资源# 导语】英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“高中英语作文:世上只有妈妈好”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】世上只有妈妈好 The Good Mother in the World

When we are very small, most of us have heard the song about the praise of the mother, we have been told that mother is the best people in the world. Indeed, our mothers are the persons who give birth to us, who will never abandon us whatever happens upon us. Sometimes we will argue with our mothers, because we think she doesn’t understand us, but after a little while, we always regret for the argument. Actually, she knows her babies, she just cares too much that she doesn’t expect that it will hurt her babies. As kids, we should understand our mothers, too, it is our duty to take care of her, when we are young, mothers take care our us, when they are old, it is our turn to take care of her. It is love that makes the world beautiful, let’s show our love to mothers.


  【篇二】哈 利 波 特 Harry Potter

In 2001, there was a famous movie named Harry Potter, which turned out to be the most popular magical movie all over the world. The movie is about magical thing, now, as the success of the movie, the original novel has been a hot seller. When I was in high school, my English teacher let us to see the forth series of the movie, I was deeply attracted by the magical world. The three main characters are so funny, they are loved by the fans from the world. Harry Potter is such a great success that it leads the trend of magical novel series. The later popular novel book named Twilight is kinds of imitate Harry Potter. As the book is so popular, the woman writer J.K Rawlings earn a lot of fortune, she is one of the most powerful and rich women in the world.

在2001年,有一部很出名的电影叫《哈 利 波 特》,后来这部电影成为世界上欢迎的魔幻电影。这部电影讲的就是有关魔幻的东西,现在,随着电影的成功,原版小说成为了热销。当我在高中的时候,我的英语老师让我们看这部电影的第四个系列,我被里面的魔幻世界深深吸引了。三个主要人物很有趣,他们被全世界的粉丝所喜爱。《哈 利波特》很成功以至于它引起了魔幻系列小说的潮流。随后出来受欢迎的《暮光之城》就是有点模仿《哈 利波 特》。随着书本的成功,这本小说的女作家—J.K Rawlings赢得了很多财富,她现在是世界上最有权力和有钱的女人之一。

  【篇三】大众传媒的作用 The Function of Mass Media

As the development the Internet, today we live in the high-tech world, we can have access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as TV, computer and so on. The Internet makes the world smaller, we can know the instant news quickly. 20 years ago, we only have TV and radio to get the news, but now, we have computer and cellphone. We call such product the mass media. The mass media brings people a lot of fun, we can know the news from all over the world, we are not just depending on the traditional media. Now the government takes some action to clear the departments, the citizens can supervisor the official. If people find the officials take the advantage of the government’s resource, they can use the media to expose such behavior. Mass media is welcomed by the audience, people not only know more about the world, but also can supervisor the government.



