【#英语听力# 导语】商务英语文件书写、交换信息、商务英语会议、招待商务伙伴等实用性很强的情景,为学员未来职场上的发展助力。下面是©文档大全网分享的商务情景英语听力:集体讨论短文。欢迎阅读!
Dialogue 1
A: Have you thought up any good ideas for our business proposal?
B: I haven't come up with anything good yet. Somehow my brain isn't functioning today.
A: Maybe you should take a break, you've been sitting at your computer for three hours trying to put something together. No wonder your mind isn't very sharp now.
B: I came up with a few different thoughts on the proposal, but now I've completely run out of ideas.
A: Maybe we can shelve the proposal for a while while you brainstorm.
B: We could do that, but I hate to put everything on hold.
A: You're right, it's no good to have things up in the air for too long.
Dialogue 2
A: We've got to come up with a way to solve this problem! No one is getting all their work done during the work day. We need to do some brainstorming to come up with a time-management solution for our office.
B: Well, what do you suggest? It's not that we are all wasting a lot of time. Fact is, we're understaffed. People just have too much to do.
A: So you think we should hire some new people? That is one possible solution. What else could be the problem?
B: Maybe we do have some problems with time-management. If people were always on time to work, they might get more done in the morning before lunch.
A: That's true. Also, maybe we could shorten the lunch break from one hour to forty five minutes. That would add a little time to everyone's day.
B: Fifteen minutes would be good, but I wonder if it would make a big impact on the employees' output. I still think it's a problem with too much workload.
A: We ended up right where we started. Maybe it is time to look for some temp workers to help with a few projects. That would lighten everyone's load.
Dialogue 1
A: I'm realy fed up with Harry! He's the biggest airhead I've ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he's a pain to work with.
B: You souldn't be so negative. You'll always have some co-workers that are harder to work with than others. But if you are negative and start name-calling in the office, it will make a bad working enviroment for everybody.
A: You only say that because you don't have to work with him. The people in your department seem to capable and nice to be around. Take Mary for example. She's smart and enthusiastic. I've never anyone as cheery as she is.
B: Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Even Larry. He might be a pain to be around, but he's also very good at staying in budget on projects. Mary, on the other hand, spends our project money like there's no tomorrow. Also, she's never willing to stay a little later at the office. She always leave at 5:00 pm sharp.
A: Isn't there anyone in the office that is a perfect co-worker? What about Bob? Everybody loves Bob. Even though he's fresh out the college and still a bit green, he is a great co-worker.
B: You are right. He's a hard worker, easy to get along with, honest, and he never steals the credit on projects. The only thing he's lacking in is experience.
A: Maybe that's why he's so nice!
Dialogue 2
A: Do you get along with your co-workers?
B: I get along pretty well with most of them. It seems there are always a few rotten apples in the bunch, though. Like Margaret. I don't know why management hasn't fired her yet. She's a terrible gossip.
A: Do you think management should fire someone just because they grossip?
B: It's not only that she gossip, but she also tries to start problems among other employees by spreading rumors and telling lies about her co-workers. She's not trustworthy, and in my opinion, I think she's nuts.
A: So how do you develop good relationships in the office?
B: I think one of the important things is just to be considerate of your co-workers' feelings and needs. If you are aware of other people and do your part to make a good working enviroment, you should be able to ge along wiht most of the people you work with.
A: I think you're right. But it does seems that there are always a few co-workers that are harder to work with than others
Dialogue 1
A: How are things at the office lately?
B: Just awful. Two weeks ago, we got a new boss, and I can't stand him. He is really unreasonable about our workload. Since he came, I've been so busy I haven't had time to breathe!
A: That bad, huh? What about his personality? It's a nice guy at least?
B: I should be so lucky. He not only give us too much work, but he is also just plain mean about it. He constantly yells at us or criticizes us. He is always degrading the employees.
A: What a terrible working enviroment! Have you tried to talk anyone about it? Maybe the boss of your boss?
B: I was going to, but my boss guessed what I was thinking. He gave me so much work to do this afternoon that I didn't get around to meeting with the supervisor of our department.
A: It must be terrible. Why don't you just quit?
B: If it wasn't for the money, I would quit in a heartbeat. But the probelm is, I can't support myself if I don't work.
A: Yeah. But a boss like that? To deal with him everyday, you should get a raise!
Dialogue 2
A: Do you get along with your boss?
B: Actually I do. She is really understanding and reasonalbe most of the time. There was only one time I didn't really agree with her.
A: When was that?
B: Once she fired one of my co-workers for drinking on the job. I felt bad for him, because it is so hard to find a job these days, and he has a family to support.
A: Well, he souldn't have been drinking on duty. It's your boss' responsibilty to make sure employees are safe, and also doing their jobs.
B: You are right. She was being a good boss when she fired him, But I just felt sorry for him, that's all.
A: Did this incident with your co-worker affect your relationship with your boss?
B: Not really. All of us at the office respect our boss a lot.
A: You are lucky you can get along so well with your boss. It makes a big difference in how much you enjoy your job.
B: No kidding. If you don't like your boss or co-workers, they can make your life miserable.