A Dog's Dilemma
Para 1 Finding a babysitter (寻找一个看护小孩的人)while you go out to work is, for example, an inconvenience(很不方便). For the African wild dog, one of the continent's most endangered carnivores(第一题:最有灭绝危险的食肉动物之一), it's a matter of life and death(生死攸关的事情). New research shows that once packs fall below a certain size(一旦动物群的数目低于某一规模), there are not enough animals to both hunt food and stay at home protecting the young.(就没有足够的动物既去捕猎又留在家里看护幼崽。)
Para 2 The African wild dog(非洲野狗) has declined drastically over the past century. Habitual loss(regular; usual 惯常的; 通常的;损失), persecution(受到残害) and unexplained outbreaks of disease(莫名其妙的疾病的爆发) have all been blamed(是其中的原因). Only 3,000 to 5,000 animals remain, and the species is expected to go extinct (灭绝)within decades if the trend continues. (第一题:非洲野狗的数量急剧下降,在未来几十年可能灭绝。)
Para 3 Other large carnivores such as the spotted hyena face similar pressures, yet are not declining. (第二题:面临类似的物种生存压力,但是数量却没有下降)Now Franck Courchamp of Cambridge University has found a reason why. The dog's weakness (狗的弱点在于它的社会组织)lies in its social organisation.
Para 4 Within each pack(狗群) of up to 20 adults and pups(大狗小狗), only the dominant male and female breed. The remaining animals help raise the pups(帮助养小狗), cooperating to hunt prey (捕猎)and defend the kill (保护狗群不受其他食肉动物的伤害)from other carnivores.
Para 5 Because pups can't keep up on a hunt, large packs leave an adult (第四题:文章确实说狗群会留下一位成年狗来看护小狗,但并没有说总会留下一位具有支配作用的母狗来看护幼崽,所以,第四题选择“B: Wrong”。)behind to protect them from predators, which include lions and hyenas.(第三题:文章第五段确实提到了狮子,但是这里并没说狮子在几十年后会消亡。所以,文章中没有提到,选择C。) But leaving a babysitter also carries costs. A smaller hunting party (较小的狩猎群体) is less able to tackle large prey (对付大的猎物)and to defend the kill1.(第五题:看护小狗与猎食是不能统一的。所以,第五题选择“A:Right”。) There is also one less stomach in which to carry food back to the den(野兽的洞穴), and one more mouth to feed when they get there.
Para 6 Courchamp investigated this awkward trade-off (尴尬的两难境地)by modeling (模拟) how the costs of a babysitter change with decreasing pack size.(随着狗群的减小,看护幼崽的情况会发生什么样的变化。)This showed that packs of more than five adults (五个成年狗组成的一个狗群能够养活所有幼崽,并腾出一只成年狗在家里看护小狗)should be able to feed all the pups and still spare a babysitter. (但是,狗群成年狗数目不足五只的情况下,这对捕猎和看护小狗都是有影响的,两者都会受到损失。要不然,这些狗就得增加外出捕猎的次数作为弥补——这本身就需要狗群付出代价。)But with smaller packs, either the hunting or the babysitting suffers, or the animals have to compensate by increasing the number of hunting excursions -- which itself carries a cost (代价)to the pack(狗群). (第六题:这段话表明,狗群规模的大小对于它们的生存是至关重要的。每个狗群数目低于5只成年狗的话,就很被动。所以,第六题选择“A:Right”。)
Para 7 Field observations in Zimbabwe supported the model. Packs of five animals or fewer left pups unguarded more frequently than larger packs did. There was also evidence that when they did leave a babysitter, they were forced to hunt more often.
Para 8 A pack which drops below a critical size becomes caught in a vicious circle, says Courchamp2, (第六题:一个群体的规模降到警戒线以下时就会陷入恶性循环。)who is now at Paris-Sud University. "Poor reproduction and low survival further reduces pack size, culminating in failure of the whole pack." And deaths caused by human activity, says Courchamp, may be what reduces pack numbers to below the sustainable threshold. Mammal ecologist Chris Carbone at London's Institute of Zoology agrees. Maintaining the integrity of wild dog packs will be vital in preserving the species, he says.(第七题:他说保持非洲野狗群的完整对保护该物种是重要的。但文章没有说将采取何种措施保护非洲野狗。)
carnivore n.食肉动物 hyena n.鬣狗
pup n.小狗 prey n.被捕食的动物
predator n.捕食者 culminate n.告终;达到顶点
integrity n.完整 Zimbabwe n.津巴布韦
1. A smaller hunting party is less able to tackle large prey and to defend the kill. :一个较小的捕猎群体不太容易捕捉大动物,也不太容易保卫猎获物。
2. A pack which drops below a critical size becomes caught in a vicious circle, says Courchamp.