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The Economy
Dialogue 1
M: It's hard to be optimistic about things with the way economy's headed, the trade deficit is getting larger, consumption's down, I really think it were headed for recession.
F: The economy has been stagnant for a while now, we've been in a recessive state for several months already, what worry and need most is the trade deficit, I think the government should do more to encourage export.
M: increasing the export would weaken the curency, I think the main point is economic growth, we need more jobs, factory oursource and move many jobs to foreign countries, the result does increase in unemployment in our own country, lower consumption, lower production, and overall people economy, if more people are working, it will give economy a boost.
F: It's true that we should do something about unemployment, but what about inflation? If unemployment falls, there's pressure to increase pay, that will result in inflation, which would result in a much less dynamic economy.
Dialogue 2
M: I think the goverment needs a radical plan to improve things, the government just talks, but in the long run, nothing is done to improve economy.
F: That's right, they always talk about a need for new, for aggressive tactics, they haven't done anything to stimulate new jobs,
M: Well, income taxes would have increased last year in hopes of giving the economy a boost, but I think it's a backfire, the immediate effect of tax adduction was causing the inflation to rise.
F: The worst part is that the inflation hurts the poor more than the rich, it also leads to more unemployment in the long run, I don't know what a good solution would be to make the economy more vibrant again.
M: I have a good solution, we need some new blood, we should get rid of this president and boat in some new leaders.