【#四六级考试# 导语】英语听力是英语四级考试中的重要组成部分,对于中国的考生,日常英文听说机会少,缺少听力训练,所以在备考大学英语四级时,需要加强对四级听力的训练。针对这一情况,©文档大全网英语四级频道特别整理听力练习50篇,供学员参考使用。预祝大家高分通过考试。
英语四级听力50篇:06 The United Nations
In 1945, representatives of 50 nations met to plan this organization. It was called the United Nations. After the war, many more nations joined.
There are two major parts of the United Nations. One is called the General Assembly. In the General Assembly, every member nation is represented and has an equal vote.
The second part is called the Security Council. It has representatives of just 15 nations. Five nations are pemp3anent members: the United States, Russia, France, Britain, and China. The 10 other members are elected every two years by the General Assembly.
The major job of the Security Council is to keep peace in the world. If necessary, it can send troops from member nations to try to stop little wars before they turn into big ones.
It is hard to get the nations of the Security Council to agree on when this is necessary. But they did vote to try to stop wars.
Useful Words and Expressions:
1. representative 代表
2. General Assembly 联合国大会
3. pemp3anent 永久的,持久的
4. Security Council 联合国安全理事会