托福 口语 真题:托福考试口语真题及答案:开学前需不需要做作业


时间:2023-10-06 19:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

学校决定让新生在入学前提前做一些以后会做的作业,主要是文 学方面的,读六本书。一来学生预先掌握一下写作技巧,有助于在大学学习,教授也可以不 用在这些基础技能上耗费太多时间,进而传授更多知识;二来学生预先阅读的一些东西可 以成为他们人学后的共同话题,从而促进交流,广交朋友。
1)大部分学生在假期里面时间比较少,比如有工作(或是实习),所以无法完成这些阅读任 务。而一旦完不成,开学就要struggle to catch up,有时不得不rush,结果就skip文章,囫囵吞冬。
2)新生不会谈论文学,他们更喜欢聊熟悉有趣的话题,such as some cool places to hang out。

In the reading material, the university is considering assigning freshmen some reading tasks, like reading six books for them to know something about writing skills so that the professors won’t spend much time on basics and for them to communicate more with their classmates about the common topics occurring in the books and thus enhance their friendship.

In the listening material, we clearly learn that man doesn’t like the idea. One reason he gives is that most of the students have too little free time in their vacation to finish reading tasks because they either work or do an internship. Once in a hurry,they will struggle to catch up or skip the article. Another reason is based on the fact that freshmen can't talk about literature. They are more likely to discuss something interesting and familiar,like some cool places to hang out and so on.

Therefore.he disagrees with that opinion.

