
时间:2023-03-16 02:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】春天来了,山上的冰雪融化了,花儿苏醒了,小草偷偷地从土里钻出来,漫山遍野的野花笑了,春姑娘从春天的王国里翩翩走来。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《关于春天来了英语日记》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.关于春天来了英语日记 篇一

  Spring is coming, the weather is getting warmer, and the whole earth is bright and beautiful.

  In the morning, the light green leaves are shining in the sun. Some of the leaves are like seaweed, some are like small fans, some are like my small palms... The wind comes, and the leaves clatter, and the branches of willow trees fall on the water, like the long hair of a little girl. The pine trees are tall and straight, and the poplar trees are towering into the clouds. The young trees are holding hands and singing happily. The young Chinese toons we planted are also growing slowly in spring, but they need our care.

  At noon, when taking a nap, the birds chirped on the branches, like singing a lullaby, and slowly accompanied me to sleep.

  In the afternoon, the flowers are more colorful. There are many butterflies flying freely in the flowers, and there are also small bees gathering nectar. There are pink flowers, white flowers, and gold flowers... They are fragrant and charming. Those azaleas, primroses, and peach blossoms are blooming on both sides of the path. Looking at them, I feel very happy.

  In the evening, I took a walk on the path and found that the wind blew the dandelion everywhere. Ah, dandelion is going to find a new home.

  Spring is so beautiful, we must take good care of it.

2.关于春天来了英语日记 篇二

  Day is a cat with light steps. It has gone through summer, autumn, winter and finally back to spring. "Spring is coming, spring is coming!" the children kept shouting. We took off our thick coats and rushed out to look for spring. Spring, like a lovely little doll, is playing various games heartily

  Spring is coming, and the seeds are sprouting and emerging from Mother Earth. You can imagine how happy Mother Earth is! The grass grows a little tender buds, and gradually grows a little tender leaves, which is very lovely! The trees sprouted new branches and grew bright green leaves. Spring is like a shy little girl, with red, white and yellow flowers, green and green grass, and thousands of willows. They gather like a market to form a brilliant spring. In the spring day of February and March, the breeze is blowing gently. At this time, those little swallows, so cute and cute, also fly from the south to dance and revel with Spring Girl

  How beautiful spring is!

3.关于春天来了英语日记 篇三

  Spring is coming, and the spring girl comes quietly to the world with light steps.

  When spring comes, everything recovers, spring returns to the earth, spring is warm and flowers bloom, and the grass quietly emerges from the soil. The grass just unearthed is light green, just like a green baby. It is very lovely. The grass gently sways in the breeze, as if to say to us: "Spring sleeps without waking up, birds are heard everywhere, the sound of wind and rain at night, and how many flowers fall".

  The swaying of the grass seems to wake up the sleeping flowers. The flower stretched and straightened her chest. The leaves of magnolia are green, and the petals are white and pink. The blooming petals are fluffy, like flannelette, and emit a faint fragrance, which can be smelled from a distance. There are also pink and pink flowers in the peach blossom. It stands in the grass and proudly opens her beautiful and lovely petals, just like a beautiful princess. As Du Fu, the great poet, said, "The flowers of Huang Si's family are full of flowers, and thousands of flowers are lower than the branches."

  The willow shoots in spring have sprouted green buds, which are not as thick as those in summer. From a distance, they look like landscape paintings, and from a distance, they look like butterflies dancing. Walking under the willow tree is like "jasper makes up a tree high, and ten thousand green silk tapers hang down". The little swallow flew back from the south, and the little frog also opened his dim eyes and played beautiful music with the little sparrow.

  How beautiful spring is! Let's enjoy this spring together!

4.关于春天来了英语日记 篇四

  Spring, like a light little girl, quietly came to us.

  Spring is a magician. She melts the snow into a clear stream, irrigating every inch of the land; She has changed many fresh green buds on the bare branches.

  Spring lets the spring breeze comb the willow's hair, so the willow likes to let people see her style every spring. Spring also invited spring rain, which made a tick sound, waking up the bears and many animals and insects sleeping in the tree hole. In spring, the cuckoo bird also urged the farmer uncle to put the seeds into the land, hoping for a good harvest in autumn.

  Spring is also a person who can speak and sing. Her jokes make Peach Blossom laugh red and make the grass stick out. She directed the birds to play beautiful music and brought the beautiful songs to people all over the world.

  Spring is also a painter. She painted the grass green and the flowers red. In short, as long as it is the place where spring passes, it is colorful and vibrant.

  This is spring, a season that can revive everything.

5.关于春天来了英语日记 篇五

  Spring is coming, the grass is sprouting and the sun is coming! Spring girl brought flowers and carefully inserted them in the branches to add a lot of vitality to spring.

  The sun shines on the surface of the lake, and the water glitters like gold. The willow trees on the roadside are shining like jade blocks. They are very beautiful, and the leaves are greener than before.

  The spring breeze is blowing gently, blowing the fragrance of flowers and grass into people's homes and noses. The peach blossoms are very beautiful, dancing in the breeze; The "little bottle" opens. It is tulip. It has many beautiful colors, and the fragrance makes me intoxicated.

  The mud melted, and the little swallows whined in the breeze. The sand on the beach is extremely
