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【#英语资源# 导语】如果童年是一罐蜂蜜,那么童年的趣事就是里面甜甜的回忆。童年的趣事是美丽,让我们为童年画上一道灿烂的彩虹吧!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  When I was a child, every weekend, my father would take me to grandma's house to fish.

  I remember it was a Sunday with a clear sky. My father took me to grandma's house. When I got to grandma's house, my father took me to the river to catch small fish. When I got to the small river, I looked at the clear river. From time to time, I could see several small fish swimming around in the river. I couldn't wait to take my father's hand and let him take out the fish basket. I waved it around in the river. The little fish ran away, and I seemed to hear them say to me, "stay away from us and don't hurt us, will you?", I told them, "don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." My father showed me how to catch fish next. I saw my father pick up the fish basket and wave it. The lively fish were included in the "basket" by my father.

  Looking at those elves, they are still cute. Gradually, I learned to fish like my father. Looking at those little fish, I can't help but be happy for my harvest. However, when I squatted down and looked at it carefully, I found that they all looked at me with their mouths open and their eyes looking at me, very pitiful. I think they must miss their parents! So I put these lovely little fish back into the river. I saw them swimming away alive and looking back from time to time. I seemed to hear them say to me, "thank you for letting us go!"

  Seeing that the sun was still half red, my father and I went back to grandma's house. When grandma asked me why I had an empty fish basket, I told grandma what had happened. Grandma gently touched my head and praised me and said, "my great grandson is sensible!".

  Now, I'm eleven years old, but it's still so interesting to aftertaste it.


  Childhood is a painting with our colorful life; Childhood is a song, in which there is our happiness and happiness; Childhood is a dream with our imagination and vision. Every child's childhood is colorful, and so is my childhood. There are pain, laughter, happiness and sadness... In the vast memory, I have one thing that is the most interesting.

  One weekend, my parents and I went to Qilihai to catch crabs. We first found a 1-2 meter long bamboo rod, tied the prepared meat with a line, and then tied the other end of the line to the bamboo rod. A fishing rod is ready. We started fishing for crabs. I threw the fishing rod out hard, but a crab took the bait in a moment. I slowly dragged it out of the water, picked up the crab with a scribe and quickly put it into the bucket.

  In this way, I caught many crabs, but my mother was different. As soon as my mother caught a crab, she was caught by the crab. I laughed. When I was laughing, I was added to my feet by the crab. I jumped up with a "whoosh", accidentally knocked down the bucket containing crabs, and two or three crabs climbed out. Let's pick up crabs quickly, I picked it up for a long time and only found half. Some crabs climbed into the hole and some into the grass. We dug them out with a small shovel for a long time. I took advantage of my parents' carelessness to take all their crabs into my bucket. I thought to myself, "ha ha, I must have a crab feast tonight!"

  Days are always like fine sand sliding through your fingers, passing by inadvertently. Now, I'm 10 years old. Whenever I recall my childhood, it makes me happy. Childhood - really happy!


  Childhood is ridiculous, so many stupid things will happen. In the memory of my childhood, such a thing happened that I couldn't help laughing as soon as I remembered it.

  It was a sunny weekend. I went out to play crazy. My mother asked me to go home on time at 10 o'clock, but I forgot the time as soon as I played, and I didn't get home until 11 o'clock. I knew I had done something wrong, so I didn't dare to go in through the front door. I had to sneak in through the back door like a mouse. I was afraid that my mother would find out and let her beat me up, so I wanted to do something to please my mother so that I wouldn't be beaten. What to do? By the way, the pants I changed yesterday were not washed. So I wanted to wash clothes to please my mother. I put my dirty pants in the basin and tried to recall my mother's washing process. I remember when my mother washed the clothes, it seemed that she put the clothes in the basin first, put water on it, put some washing powder and rub it clean. I put on the water and put on the washing powder. How much detergent? I think it will be clean if you put more. So I put a little first, not enough, then a little, not enough. Finally, I simply put all a bag of washing powder on it. I rubbed it with all my strength, but it was not clean. I took off my shoes and stepped on my clothes barefoot. As a result, I accidentally knocked over the basin. "Pa" with a loud noise, the basin and I turned over all at once. Mother was startled by the loud noise and hurried to the backyard. Seeing my embarrassment, my mother quickly pulled me up. Ask me: what are you doing? I didn't dare to hide, so I had to tell my mother in detail. After listening to my story, my mother didn't know whether to scold me or praise me.

  The storm finally subsided, but childhood was gone forever. I will never forget this memory, because it contains the good memories of my childhood.


  Childhood is a poem, in which we have innocent and unforgettable years; Childhood is a song in which we live a carefree life; Childhood is a dream with our childish imagination and pursuit. There are many interesting stories in my childhood, but there is one interesting story that I can't forget so far.

  I remember when I was nine years old, one day, my mother and I went to the zoo to see camels. There are two small humps on the camel's back. The soles of its feet are thick and big. It chews very cute. Its upper and lower teeth are grinded alternately, and its white foam is covered with its beard. My mother said to me, "camel is a boat in the desert. It can not eat or drink for three days and nights." So I asked, "Mom, how can it not eat or drink for three days and three nights?" The mother thought for a while and couldn't tell the reason, so she said, "you child, no matter what, you always like to get to the bottom."

  After returning home, I thought: we are always smarter than camels. We can also eat or drink for three days and three nights! When I had dinner the next morning, I tried not to eat or drink. When I was hungry, I endured and insisted. But at noon, I was so hungry that I wolfed down a lot.

  Afterwards, I thought: what is the reason? So I checked the information on the Internet. From the information, I know that the camel's hump is two huge energy storage reservoirs. When walking in the desert, I always eat the food poured out of my stomach, chew, grind and swallow it to maintain the nutrition of my body. But people can't do it.

  It's really a joke, but I think it's also an interesting discovery! How naive and ignorant childhood is, but how innocent childhood is!


  Many interesting stories of childhood, such as stars, shine in the sky of memory, among which the brightest one is our family's trip to the seaside of Qingdao.

  At noon one day in the summer vacation, we came to Qingdao, which we had been longing for for for a long time. We first came to the "stone old man" beach, where the waves are flat and the sand is fine, the sun is warm, and the sea breeze blows across our faces, which is very comfortable. Suddenly, my brother shouted excitedly like Columbus found the new world: "come here! Come here!" It turned out that there was a strange stone not far away, like a hunchback old man; Closer look, like a big turtle. My brother suggested that we compete. Whoever can climb this stone is the king! As soon as we heard it, we rubbed our hands and were eager to try. My brother held down the stone and jumped up like a monkey. But the stone seemed to be tickled and trembling. My brother was like a drunk man, shaking on the stone with a "plop". He fell into the water and splashed a few feet high. In this way, we climbed up the stone one by one and fell into the water, laughing and laughing together.

  "Hey, the tide is ebbing. Let's go to the sea!" Dad called us, and a group of us went after the waves again. Like a naughty child, the spray kept running into the sea. When I was exhausted, it suddenly turned and ran towards me and kissed my little feet. When I bent down to embrace it, it ran away singing again

  At this time, there are many tourists on the beach. Some lie on the beach and enjoy sunbathing; Some were digging for small shells... At this time, a voice of "ouch, ouch" came from a distance. It turned out that his brother's foot was clamped by a small crab. He sat on the beach, shaking his feet desperately, trying to get rid of the small crab, but he couldn't get rid of it. He was so anxious that he was about to cry, and the small crab stared at his eyes and didn't loosen his big claws, It seems to say: "who sent you to my territory? Today, let you taste the power of the general!" We couldn't help laughing when we saw our brother's embarrassment.

  At sunset, we bathed in its afterglow and happily "went home".

