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【#英语资源# 导语】美酒金樽幸福满,尝尽快乐展笑颜,如意水饺盘中餐,无忧水煮香气散,春联高挂福高悬,吉祥降临平安院,爆竹声声辞旧岁,迎接开心快乐年。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《盼春节英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。


  Everyone has a word "hope" in their hearts, and they all have their own things to look forward to, while I am looking forward to the Spring Festival.

  Spring Festival is a traditional festival and the busiest time of the year. Since I was a child, I have been looking forward to the Spring Festival, because during the Spring Festival, many relatives and friends will come to my home, and many children of my age can play happily with them, so I have been looking forward to the Spring Festival since then.

  Growing up, I still look forward to the Spring Festival. At this time, the reason has changed, not only because you can have fun, but also because you can set off firecrackers and fireworks. Whenever I see the golden sparks from the "fountain" I personally lit, my heart is sweeter than honey. Maybe I prefer to watch fireworks. The fireworks rose to the sky and burst into beautiful patterns. Scattered down and disappearing into the night sky... I don't feel sorry for them, but their life is only so short, but it brings people happiness and happiness.

  Now I still look forward to the Spring Festival, because I am looking forward to getting the lucky money. I bought some extra-curricular books with the New Year's money to see. I roamed in the sea of books, learned more and more knowledge, and gained happiness.

  The word "hope" represents the wishes and expectations of many people. The Spring Festival comes year after year, and I also look forward to it year after year. Another Spring Festival is coming soon. Perhaps, the reason for my expectation of the Spring Festival will change again, but my expectation of the Spring Festival has not changed.

  Looking forward to the Spring Festival and the happiness and happiness of the new year

2.盼春节英语作文 篇二

  After 365 days, I finally hope to celebrate the New Year. The dream in my heart will finally come true!

  The first important thing to do during the Spring Festival is to enjoy watching TV. There are many good TV programs during the Spring Festival, such as the Spring Festival Gala, Happy Heroes, and Happy Seven Days... Every night I plan to watch at least 40 minutes of TV. Watching TV without restraint and burden is the most beautiful enjoyment for me as a primary school student. Because during the study period, the course is full and homework can't be finished. Watching TV for ten minutes will also be scolded by our parents.

  Once I have New Year's money, I will show it happily, and then buy books I like and eat KFC I like without being nagged by my mother. One year, I received 1000 yuan of New Year's money. What a big amount! My cat crouched in my room and counted money. My heart was as sweet as honey.

  During the Spring Festival, I want to shop happily and play happily with my friends. Usually, the rare weekend is occupied by the school for half a day. The rest of the time is arranged by my mother. I have to take English classes and play the piano... It's painful. Hey hey, the Spring Festival can be very different. You can walk in the mall for an hour every day, and nobody cares and nobody scolds. My mother will not bear me any more because of my heavy burden! You can be lazy when practicing piano without taking training classes.

  During the Spring Festival, I have to sleep in every day. Usually, the alarm clock wakes up just after sleeping at six o'clock in the morning. In winter, it is a rare pleasure to savor a beautiful dream in a warm quilt. Who would like to get up early! But the school doesn't allow it, so we still have to get up early to catch up. During the Spring Festival, you can sleep until the dawn. Don't be driven up by the annoying alarm clock. It can be temporarily laid off.

  During the Spring Festival, I can set off beautiful fireworks with my parents, have time to play with many toys, help them make clothes, help them hold meetings

  Ha ha, I am looking forward to the Spring Festival every day!

3.盼春节英语作文 篇三

  Hope! I hope that the Spring Festival is coming soon. I can't help laughing at the thought. Before the Spring Festival, everyone is happy and energetic. There is an endless stream of people shopping. Some are buying New Year pictures, some are buying New Year goods, some are sitting around the stove watching TV, and others are playing mahjong and poker

  Anyway, the street is colorful, with all kinds of people, and all kinds of goods are complete and dazzling. I'm afraid it's hard for people to choose what they want to buy!

  Before the Spring Festival, every household is brightly lit, and every family dresses up their houses in a unique way, each with its own personality. They put the New Year goods they bought all over the ground. How to paste the bought New Year pictures depends on their own style and preferences. Some are pasted upright, some are pasted upside down, and some are pasted askew, each with its own merits. People have prepared all the dishes they bought, and they will have a good meal when the Spring Festival comes. Every family is equipped with firecrackers, and people wear new clothes to welcome the New Year. Before the Spring Festival, when people go out, if they meet good friends, they always say "Happy New Year!"

  People kill pigs and sheep, and are busy preparing to eat and drink during the Spring Festival.

  Some relatives and friends gathered together to taste good wine and food and talk about some happy things. What is interesting is that we can save a lot of New Year's money, and then happily go to the street to buy a lot of fun things. As long as we have a sweet mouth and say more blessings, we can make a lot of money!

  People have been playing until late at night, eating delicious fruit in their mouths, setting off firecrackers and fireworks in their hands... adults and children sing and dance, and enjoy themselves!

4.盼春节英语作文 篇四

  The Spring Festival is coming soon. It's exciting and exciting.

  What can I expect from the Spring Festival? You can eat delicious dumplings, have a long holiday, have fun, earn a lot of New Year's money, and wear new clothes

  I am looking forward to the festivities of the Spring Festival. I think the most interesting thing about Spring Festival is to paste Spring Festival couplets. On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, people bought paste in succession and prepared Spring Festival couplets to be pasted in different places. The place is very interesting. "Fu" is pasted upside down on the door, indicating that "Fu is here; The place directly opposite the door is pasted with "Go out to see happiness", which means you can meet happy things when you go out. The door is pasted on both sides, and the door is pasted with horizontal banners... With the decoration of Spring Festival couplets, it is full of joy everywhere.

  I hope the Spring Festival will be treated with courtesy. I will go out to pay New Year's greetings on the morning of the New Year's Day. When meeting people on the road, I also wish the Spring Festival good. At the home of relatives and friends, we should first wish them a happy Spring Festival, and then send them a New Year gift. Everyone is happy and happy on the Spring Festival.

  I look forward to the firecrackers of the Spring Festival. At 12 o'clock on New Year's Eve, the bell of the new year rings. At this time, the sound of firecrackers outside could not be heard. Although I can't help covering my ears, I like the lively atmosphere.

  I hope for the Spring Festival, the beautiful customs of the Spring Festival, the infinite happiness of the Spring Festival, and the deep blessing of the Spring Festival.

5.盼春节英语作文 篇五

  The Spring Festival is a happy expectation. Although it is still far away from the Spring Festival, I have unlimited imagination about it:

  The beautiful Spring Festival is coming as scheduled. According to our custom, the neighborhood should be busy in the early morning or so. They all took the food prepared by their families to the ancient houses for worship. The ancient house has already arranged the statues of the great gods in a row. There are many tables in front of them, which are used to put food. After the food is put on the table, it will take several columns of incense to collect it and take it home to eat, otherwise it will not be blessed by the gods. During the waiting period, we can watch the wonderful performances of dragon and lion dancers at the door. Adults also picked up percussion instruments and played beautiful music.

  That night, the splendid fireworks are blooming people's hopes for a better life. Fireworks burst into the dark sky, and then burst into flames. These fireworks have different shapes in the air: some are like clown hats, some are like small flowers, some are like round balls, some are like children's faces... beautiful!

  The red Spring Festival couplets tell people's wishes for the coming year. People browse all kinds of Spring Festival couplets, just like walking in the colorful flower garden. Some of the Spring Festival couplets depict the beautiful spring light, such as: "Another year of green grass, still ten miles of apricot flowers are red." Some show the prosperity of the motherland, such as: "Spring returns to the earth and thousands of mountains are beautiful, and the sun shines on the prosperity of all industries in China." Others express people's good wishes for the new year, such as: "The spring is blooming, and the bamboo is safe." Reading these Spring Festival couplets, you will feel that life is full of hope.

  Spring Festival, Spring Festival, we have done so much for you, and we are looking forward to your arrival.
