

时间:2023-05-25 12:05:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

听力部分 (40分 )


1.( ) A.bird  B.bag 2.( ) A.an  B. a 3.( ) A.fat  B.foot 4.( ) A.bee  B.bear 5.( ) A.hot  B.not 6.( ) A.fish  B.frog 7.( ) A.thank  B.it 8.( ) A.duck  B.fuck 9.( ) A.nine  B.five 10.( ) A.and  B.old

1.( ) A .How are you ?B. How old are you ?
2.( ) A. Whats this ?B. What ’s this ?
3.( ) A. Is it a bird ?B. It is a bird ?
4.( ) A. What colour is it ?B.What is your name ?
5.( ) A.Clap your hands.B.Clap your foot   三、听录音,标序号。(10分)
  ( ) What colour is the cap ?

  ( ) What ’s that ?

  ( ) Is it a panda ?

  ( ) This is my bag .

  ( ) What ’s in the bag ?





1.f o l c o l o u r a________ 2. b e a n d y________ 3.b o d e g g________ 4.t h a r t h i s y________ 5.h a g b a g a________
  六、问答匹配。(10 分)

  1.( ) What’s this ?

  2.( ) Is it a bun ?

  3.( ) What colour is it ?

  4.( ) What is your name ?

  5.( ) Good morning .

A .Good morning . B .It’s blue and red . C .Yes ,it is . D .It is my bag . E . My name is Nana .

  1.你想知道“这是什么?”,应该怎么说 ( )

A .What ’s that ? B . What ’s that ?
  2.Eve 想知道你的书包是什么颜色,她应该怎么问 ( ),你的书包是蓝色的,你应该回答说 ( )。

A .It’s red . B. It’s blue . C .What colour is your bag ? D .What colour is your cap ?
  3.你看到一个盒子不知道里面有什么,你想知道里面有什么,应该说 ( )

A .What’s in your bag ? B .What’s in the box ?
  4.Qiqi 看到一只蜜蜂问Eve “Is it a bird ?”,Eve 应该回答说( )

A.Yes , it is . B.No, it ’s a bee .

  1. It is a bird ? (变为一般疑问句)


  2. It is blue .(对划线部分提问)


  3.Is it a bird ?(做肯定回答)


  4.What is your name ?(根据实际情况回答)


  5.It’s an egg, a red egg .(译成汉语)


