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  【#新概念英语# 导语】为了方便同学们的学习,©文档大全网为您整理了新概念英语专项训练习题四篇,希望为大家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!


1、—Would you mind if I played the violin here?
— ______.
A.No, you won't B.No, do as you please
C.Yes, I don't mind D.Yes, do as you please

2、—May I stop here?
—No, you ______.
A.mustn't B.might not C.needn't D.won't

3、—Shall I tell John about it?
—No, you ______. I've told him already.
A.needn't B.wouldn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't

4、—Can I use your tape recorder for a while?
—Yes, ______.
A.go ahead B.you can't broke it C.all right D.no, sorry

5、______? I didn't quite catch you.
A.Will you please repeat it again B.Pardon
C.What did you say D.Say it again now

6、Dick wants to go to the toilet during the class. He puts up his hand and says to his teacher:
A.Excuse me, I can't stand any longer. B.Will you please let me go?
C.Please, sir, may I be excused? D.I must go outside.

7、—Can I go and have a look at it?
—Yes, of course. ______.
A.After me B.Come this way C.You may look D.This direction


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B


1、—Can I count on you for help?
— ______
A.As you like. B.I'm sorry. C.Yes, you certainly can D.Why do you ask?

2、—Could you spare me some ink?
— ______.
A.Yes, of course B.Not at all C.Yes, I cold D.Never mind

3、—Let me help you carry the box.
—No, I can manage, but ______.
A.not at all B.it doesn't matter C.thank you just the same D.the same to you

4、—Will you make me a kite?
— ______.
A.I'm glad B.I'll be glad C.I'm going to glad D.I'll be glad to

5、—You seem to get lost. Need help?
— ______
A.Yes, would you help me with the bag? B.Yes, take me please.
C.Help me find the key, please. D.I'm looking for Shanghai Road.

6、—I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?
—Not at all. ______.
A.I've no time B.I'd rather not C.I'd like it D.I'd be happy to

7、If you want to ask someone for help, which drills shouldn't you say?
A.Could you do me a favor? B.Would you do me a favor?
C.May I ask a favor of you? D.Can you give me a help?

8、—Can I have some meat?
—Certainly, just ______.
A.take it as you like B.eat it as you please
C.help yourself D.help yourself at home


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. C


1、—Well, ______?
—I feel hot and feverish.
A.how do you feel like B.what's the matter with you
C.what do you feel D.what illness do you have

2、— ______?
—Yes, I have. My temperature seems all right.
A.Do you know your temperature B.Have you taken your temperature
C.Have you had your temperature D.Do you have your temperature

3、—Oh, doctor. Are you sure it's nothing serious?
—Yes, ______. I'm sure of that.
A.he'll well soon B.he can be right quickly
C.he'll be all right soon D.he'll be good soon

4、—You haven't had your lunch?
—I had a little, but ______.
A.I didn't feel like eating B.I didn't feel like to eat
C.I didn't like to eating D.I didn't want to eating

5、— ______?
—I'm feeling even worse after taking the medicine.
A.Are you feeling better B.How are you feeling
C.How are you getting on D.How are you going

6、—How about your headache now?
—I can't get rid of it. I don't know what's the matter.
—Take it easy. ______.
—Thank you, doctor.
A.Take this medicine before you go to bed B.Drink plenty of water and take a good rest
C.Take this medicine a day three times D.Go home and lie in bed for a good rest

7、—My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache.
— ______?
A.How long ago did you get it this B.How long have you been like this
C.How soon have you got it D.How soon have you liked this


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B


1、—I'd like to buy a ten-speed bicycle.
—How about this kind of type?
— ______?
A.How many is it B.How is it C.How much is it D.How expensive is

2、— ______ do you want?
—Half a kilo, please.
A.How many apples B.What are apples C.How many apple D.How much apples

3、—What's the problem?
—I'm afraid ______. It's a size 12 and it's too small.
A.it don't suit B.it isn't fit C.it doesn't fit D.it isn't suit

4、—How much is the blue skirt?
—Ten dollars. ______
A.How many size do you want? B.What size do you take?
C.How large do you want? D.What size do you dress?

5、—What about the dark blue sweater?
—I like it, but it ______. You decide.
A.costs too much B.take too much C.cost too many D.spends too much

6、—Would you mind if I looked at some of your tape recorders?
— ______.
A.I'd better to see what the boss has to say about it B.Not at all, sir. Go right ahead
C.Thank you for your coming D.Yes, do that, sir

7、—Do you think the shirt really fits me?
— ______. It goes well with your tie, too.
A.Of course it does B.Yes, it does C.I am not sure D.Perhaps it does

8、—Shall I ask the shop keeper if I can ______.
—OK. And we'd better ask Mom whether it's cheap enough.
A.take it on B.try it on C.wear D.put it on

9、—How much did you ______ the dress?
—We ______ 210 yuan for it.
A.spend, pay for B.pay for, cost for C.pay for, paid D.take, pay


1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C

