
时间:2022-09-30 23:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】举国欢庆国庆到,鲜花簇簇献祖国,国歌嘹亮齐欢唱,国旗迎风在飘扬,10月1日国庆节,祝福祖国越来越好,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Hope, hope, the annual National Day is finally expected. "The National Day, the National Day, is celebrated all over the world." This sentence is really good. People have smiles on their faces, even the chirping of birds is particularly pleasant, and the flowers are in full bloom.

  During the National Day this year, Liangxi Forest Park became more lively. Many students rushed to Liangxi Forest Park. Do you know what they are doing? They are going to see the dinosaur exhibition.

  We were greeted by two teddy bears as soon as we got to the door! There is also a dragon gate made of flower umbrellas, just like a rainbow above the mall. Once again, there is a hot air balloon. It is very beautiful with big and colorful colors! I'm really afraid that the big balloon will "pop" and fly.

  Do you remember Xiong Da, Xiong Er and bald Qiang in the "Bears Appear"? Let me tell you! They also came. Are they going to make cartoons here? Speaking of which, are you worried? Where are dinosaurs? Why haven't dinosaurs appeared yet? Don't worry. I'll tell you about the main character dinosaur now. They have a long necked dragon. Its neck is extremely long. If it competes with a giraffe, it will be interesting to see who has a long neck. It is a herbivore. Besides, Long tailed Dragon's tail is several times of its body! It also has sharp teeth with blood. It seems that it must be a carnivore. There are also Frost King Dragon, pterosaur and so on... I will not explain them one by one.

  National Day, how happy! The Liangxi Forest Park on National Day is really fun!


  I like the Mid Autumn Festival for family reunion, and the Children's Day for singing and dancing, but I like the lively National Day best.

  On National Day, my parents and I went to Anqing to play. Towards noon, our stomachs growled with hunger. My father suggested going to the food square. I clapped my hands and shouted "OK".

  There, wow! The huge square is crowded with people, hawking, laughing, and deafening music from the stereo, which is extremely lively. I tried my best to squeeze into the crowd. I saw all kinds of delicious food in front of the stalls, emitting different fragrance, as if to say: "Come, buy me, eat me! Our taste is great!" I swallowed a big mouthful of water, pulled my mother's sleeve and said: "I want to eat." Looking at my greediness, my mother couldn't help laughing and said, "OK." I jumped three feet high happily.

  In the twinkling of an eye, some delicious food such as chicken legs and cola came to me. I wolfed down and solved them by dividing three times by five. Oh, it's so cool. I touched my round belly and said, "My belly is as big as a watermelon, hey hey." "Hiccup" I gave a burp, wiped my mouth which was as shiny as a mirror, and smiled contentedly.

  After a little rest, our family went to the amusement park again. There are high ferris wheels, terrible roller coasters, interesting bumper cars... It's fun and exciting.

  My National Day is so happy. What's your National Day like?


  Today's National Day is also a small and long holiday that I have been looking forward to for a long time. Because my mother also has two days off for the National Day holiday, she can take me and grandma out to play. Before the holiday, my mother and my aunt agreed to go to the courtyard of my fourth aunt's house for barbecue today. In the morning, I still went to the tutorial class to do my homework on time. After noon, we were ready to go.

  We drove to Aunt Siyi's house with all kinds of delicious food materials bought in the market in advance. Her small yard was planted with various vegetables, eggplants, peppers, small canola, and now big cilantro. Think about the fourth aunt is really rich.

  Everyone came in for a short rest and began to prepare barbecue food according to their own division of labor. Grandma cut meat, and my aunt prepared various other ingredients for kebabs. My mother washed vegetables and seafood, and I helped Uncle Xiao Bao to light a fire. It was really the first time I did this. It was very difficult. After lighting the fire, I found that the carbon had not been burned, and it took a lot of effort to ignite a little spark and then it disappeared. At this time, my aunt and grandpa came back, He smiled at us.

  Then he lit the stick while holding a fan to gently stir up the sparks. After a while, the carbon was ignited. I feel really amazing. I admire my fourth aunt. When we lit the fire, all the ingredients were ready, and the barbecue was officially started. Uncle Xiao Bao showed his skills. Meat skewers, dried fish, seafood, green vegetables, and other delicacies were on the table. Our family ate and talked about various interesting things in life. Happy laughter spread out to the little yard of Aunt Siyi's house!

  Happy National Day is spent in laughter!


  On National Day, my father took me to the beautiful and rich city of Hulin, Heilongjiang Province, with my grandfather, grandmother, mother and brother.

  On the spacious and flat expressway, my father drove forward at a high speed, and the roadside scenery ran backward. In the car, you can see the colorful mountain scenery in the north in autumn, just like a beautiful landscape painting, which makes you intoxicated. Close up, the rice fields with good harvest look like an endless ocean of gold. The harvester was busy and happy running in the field. Grandpa said, "Three spring is not as busy as one autumn! This year is another good harvest!"

  The tiger forest has changed a lot. My grandfather said, "More than ten years ago, the tiger forest was a small county in the eastern border." Now the buildings there are neat, and the streets are wide and flat. What a great change!

  During the few days in the Tiger Forest, what I remember most is the Wusuli River. The water is clear and there are many pleasure boats on the river. On the other side is our neighbor Russia. There is a magnificent bronze tiger near our river. It is an artificial tiger in the world. This tiger is 16 meters high and 25 meters long. It is vividly portrayed by skillful craftsmen. There are many beautiful scenes in the Tiger Forest.

  Although I am very tired these days, I am really happy to be so close to nature. I think this holiday is very meaningful!


  Our family went to Yinchuan with Uncle Han and Sister Youyou on National Day this year. First of all, we came to the Sand Lake. As soon as we entered the gate, we saw the huge lake. There were boats and speedboats shuttling on the lake, and the reed marshes swaying with the wind. It was very beautiful. We took a boat to the other side of the lake. It was a desert. Some people were skating on the sand, and some people were driving desert SUVs. It was very crowded. I also rode a camel. The camel was very tall. At first, I felt very scared. But with the encouragement of everyone, I finally overcame my fear and bravely rode the first camel. I felt very proud.

  Later, we went to Shapotou again. It's on the side of the Yellow River. It's more lively here. My favorite is sand skiing. It's exciting and fun to slide down the high sand mountains. What impressed me most is that there are many camels here. When the sunset falls, the camels walk back in groups, raising high dust. Under the sunlight, they look particularly spectacular and beautiful.

  I was very happy on this trip to Yinchuan. Not only did I learn a lot of knowledge, but also saw a lot of beautiful scenery, which made me love my motherland more.


  Today is the National Day. It's sunny. My mother is going to take me to Baohulu Farm to play. I'm excited. I'll put on my shoes and get ready to go.

  When I came here, I seemed to have entered a happy kingdom, where there were ferris wheels, pirate ships, frog jumps, and forest exploration. There are too many to count. First of all, I ran to the frog and jumped here. No matter how my father called me, I also turned a deaf ear. I was a little scared when I saw those chairs jumping around, but as soon as I sat on them, I felt no fear at all. Then I went to play the forest exploration alone. At first, a dinosaur barked there. When I got to the back, a monster ran with me and made a strange noise.

  The most terrible thing was the big pendulum. First it was rotating, and then it shook. At first, I felt very comfortable. Later, it shook 180 degrees. I was scared and screamed. After a while, I got down and felt a little whirly. It was really scary. Later, I sat on the Ferris wheel again, and I said happily, "I can finally sit down and eat." After a moment, "Ah, it's six o'clock. It's time to go to dinner." When I went back, I felt a little sleepy because I had been playing all day and was too tired.

  This National Day is happy and meaningful. I love this National Day!


  October 1st is the annual National Day. During the National Day holiday, my father, mother and I came to Qingdao, the coastal city we had always dreamed of.

  We first came to the endless sea, and immediately felt relaxed and happy. Looking up from afar, the sea seems to be connected with the sky. The connection is a curved arc. The vast sea is blue and the golden sun shines on the sea, sparkling. Several small boats drift on the sea, just like lying in the sea mother's cradle. Against the sea is a golden beach. I walked barefoot on the soft beach. The cool sea breeze was so comfortable on me that I couldn't bear to leave... I rolled, played, laughed, shouted and ran on the beach, leaving a series of crooked little footprints on the beach behind me. I was very excited.

  The three members of our family also competed to catch crabs. At the beginning, I was empty handed. My father and mother caught one after another. I was so envious that I couldn't help asking my mother for advice. My mother said, "Look carefully, there are small sand balls rolling out from under the stone, and there are small blisters constantly coming out. You should observe carefully and act quickly to ensure that you can get something." Sure enough, I followed my mother's instructions and finally achieved a lot.

  When the tide rises, the sea looks like a roaring lion. On the sea, the waves are rolling. Rows of spray are rushing towards the shore. The waves are one after another, as if they are trying to push the sea to the shore. The sea water hits the rocks on the shore, making the sound of landslides. It's really stormy!

  When the tide ebbs, the warm water slowly returns to the deep sea. The calm sea is like a huge silver mirror, leaving us a large golden soft sponge like beach. Qingdao calls it the "Gold Coast".

  Ah! This National Day is really interesting! We had a good time! How lively, beautiful and charming the Gold Coast is! I prefer Qingdao to the sea. 


  Today is the sixth day of the National Day holiday. Three friends and I came to Tianjin University, Nankai University and Ancient Culture Street located in Nankai District, Tianjin. After more than an hour's journey, we arrived at our destination.

  We first came to Tianjin University, and we saw the main gate of Tianjin University. The Tianda main gate is very distinctive, like a castle or an arch bridge. This "arch bridge" is also inlaid with a big school emblem! As we walked on, we saw a landmark "Beiyang University". My father said, "Beiyang University is the predecessor of Tianjin University and the first university in modern China." The walls are engraved with the big school song and motto. We looked at the score of the school song and really wanted to sing it out loud! Then, we came to the Jingye Pavilion on Jingye Lake. It is the most suitable place to see the scenery. It is picturesque and very beautiful.

  Then we came to Nankai University The door saw a colorful inflatable arch with a red carpet in front of it. I was very curious and asked my father, "What is this about?"

  My father smiled and said to me, "This is a campus collective wedding." So today is the 99th anniversary celebration of Nankai University! We are so lucky to catch such a grand anniversary of Nankai University.

  At noon, after dinner, we came to the Ancient Culture Street, where there are many traditional cultures of Tianjin, such as sugar blowing figurines, clay figurines Zhang, willow youth paintings, etc. We also tasted a lot of delicious food here, learned a lot of knowledge, ate Tianjin's specialties once, learned about the origin of the founding eight marshals, stamps, Tianjin's folk art

  Happy time is always so short. In a twinkling of an eye, it was evening. We drove to our friend's house and had a big dinner together. I had a happy and meaningful National Day.


  This National Day, I went to Hangzhou West Lake.

  I am very happy to come to the West Lake, which I have been looking forward to for a long time. The first thing I could see was the willow trees. Their branches hung down on the lake. The gentle wind made them ripple like dragonflies skimming the water. It was very beautiful.

  After a while, it was drizzling, and the West Lake was like a fairyland in a dream. How beautiful! In the afternoon, it cleared up, and Father Sun came out to welcome our guests who came from afar. It sprinkles the colorless sunlight on the lake surface, as if the stars are shining. At this time, a rainbow was hanging in the sky, and seven colors were reflected on the dew. The dew dressed the willow trees in colorful clothes. Butterflies were flying in the flowers, birds were singing happy songs on the trees, and there were many flowers and bones on the peach trees, as well as blooming flowers, all dancing with the breeze.

  Slowly, slowly, the West Lake was quiet from the rain and returned to the lively atmosphere before the rain. Some people sang, some danced, and some played games in the flowers! Standing on the grass, I heard endless praise.

  How beautiful the West Lake is!


  The National Day is coming. Many people go out to play. My father promised to take my sister and me to Zhongshan Park.

  On this day, the sun is so warm and the sky is so blue. Seeing the birds flying in the sky, I can't wait to grow wings and fly. In the morning, my father drove us to the gate of Zhongshan Park. Along the way, there were a lot of people everywhere, and the road was also blocked. I was curious to ask my father, "Why so many people today?" Dad smiled and said, "There are so many people coming out to play on holidays, so when you get to the park, don't run around, you know?" After listening to my father, I was both happy and scared.

  After getting off the bus, I ran out at a gallop and found that there were all tourists around. It was much more lively today than usual. We first came to a pond, where there were all fish: big, small, yellow and black. They swim freely in the water and enjoy the endless fun that life brings them! Singing and dancing, I seemed to say: "The National Day is coming, the National Day is coming! Then we came to the playground again. My sister and I played bumper cars, disco turntables and golden dragon pulleys. It was so funny that I couldn't leave.

  Time passed very quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, I looked up at the sky again in the afternoon. The sun seemed to say, "It's time to go home!" We happily rode home again.

  This is my most unforgettable day, so happy! I really hope that every day is the National Day!
