太正式了 英语|你的英语太过正式了吗?


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【#英语口语# 导语】你的英语太过礼貌了吗?对你的老板和你的客户来说正式的语言是必要的,但如果用在你的朋友们之间将会非常的奇怪。为了使你的英语口语在非正式场合中有所调适,那就看一看这些巧门吧。以下内容由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!

Meetings and greetings

Do you ask everyone you see, "How do you do?" Though quite common in days past, today it's only appropriate in very formal situations - not with your friends. In most situations, choose a more common phrase like, "How are you?" With friends, you could also say, "Hey, what's up?" or "How's it going?"

Wining and dining

"Would you mind passing me the salt, please?" It's always important to remember your manners, especially when you're eating with business associates or important guests. But when you're just grabbing a bite to eat with friends, and you need the salt, it's quite OK to just say, "Hey, pass the salt."

Coming and going

You receive an urgent message during an important meeting, so you ask, "Would you excuse me for a moment, please?" But what if you're with your friends? Just tell them to "hang on a sec" or say you'll "be right back." Remember, it's not always impolite to be informal.

Didn't hear it?

Your customer is speaking to you, but you didn't understand what she said. Don't panic. Just be polite and say, "Excuse me, but would you mind repeating that?" On the other hand, in more casual situations, just ask, "Come again?" or "What did you say?"

Good impressions

"This is quite an impressive abode, my dear." This is a formal way to tell people that you really like their home. If you're over at a friend's place, however, there's no need for such serious language. Your friends would be perfectly happy to hear you exclaim, "What a cool place, man!"



你遇到每一个所见的人都会问:「How do you do?」虽然这句话在过去每天的问候相当普遍,今天只适用在非常正式的场合裡而不是用在朋友之间。在大部分的情况裡,但选择较常说的句子像是:「How are you?」如果是与你的朋友,你也可以这样说:「Hey, what's up?」或者是「How's it going?」


「Would you mind passing me the salt, please?」提醒你的这种礼节总是重要的,尤其是当你正在商业社交或是与重要的贵客一起用餐。但是当你只是与你的朋友吃一点东西时你需要餐桌上的盐罐你也可以这样说:「Hey, pass the salt.」


在重要的会议裡你收到一个紧急的讯息,所以你问:「Would you excuse me for a moment, please?」但是如果你正与你的朋友们在一块呢?就只要告诉他们:「hang on a sec。」,或者是「you'll be right back。」要记住,并不是非正式的用语就是没有礼貌的。


你的客户正与你说话,但是你不懂她说什麽。千万不要紧张。只需要礼貌的说:「Excuse me, but would you mind repeating that?」另一方面在大部分的非正式场合你可以这样问:「Come again?」或「What did you say?」


「This is quite an impressive abode, my dear.」这是正式的说法来告诉别人你很喜欢他们的家。然而你只是到你的朋友家去,那就不需要这麽严肃的话语了, 你的朋友一定会非常高兴听到你大声的这麽说:「What a cool place, man!」

