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【#英语资源# 导语】父亲节(英文名:Father's Day)起源于美国,是为感谢父亲而庆祝的节日,日期是每年公历6月的第三个星期日。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  In fear, father's love is a stepping stone; In the dark, father's love is a lighting lamp; When exhausted, father's love is a bay of water of life; When working hard, father's love is the spiritual pillar; When successful, fatherly love is encouragement and alarm.

  My father is a hard-working, learning, reading and diligent person.

  My father loved his work, took seriously the tasks assigned by his superiors and was meticulous. My father has two computers on his desk. My father often uses two computers to do what he wants to do.

  My father is a man who loves learning. He got 100 points in all his exams. My mouth often said that every exam must Guo, but my father said: "I'm not asking for myself, but full marks."

  My father loves reading. My father and I often go to bookstores. I stroll in bookstores, but my father is reading economics sample books and loading the knowledge in the books into his brain. My father read a wide range of books, including computer, economics, science, astronomy, philosophy... My father will also share what he saw in the book with me.

  Father is a hard-working man. There are no problems he can't solve. My father likes to explore new things and studies what he likes tirelessly.

  Today is father's day. I want to dedicate my love to my father. In the future, I want to be a good child who loves learning, reading and excellent grades like my father. Wish Dad a happy father's day, wish Dad good health, academic progress, smooth work and rise step by step!


  In this world, everyone will have their own people who want to be grateful. Some people should be grateful to their teachers for their education; Some should be grateful to their parents for their selfless upbringing; Some should be grateful to their friends for their friendship. And I need to be grateful most in my life is my father, because with his silent support, I can achieve today's me.

  Whenever I encounter difficulties and want to give up, my father always encourages me: child, you have to believe in yourself and you can do it.

  I remember once, my father took me home by riding an electric car. I suddenly wanted to learn to ride an electric car, but I didn't dare to ride it. My father seemed to see my mind and asked me, "shuzhan, do you want to ride an electric car?" I said, "yes, but I dare not ride." Dad asked curiously, "why?" I said, "last time I learned to ride an electric car secretly, because I didn't control the handle well, I suddenly hit a tree. Fortunately, there was no big problem, so I didn't dare to ride an electric car again." Dad said, "it's no good. You have to learn to believe in yourself. There is a famous saying 'is failure the mother of success'? Where can success come from without failure? I'll hold you back this time. It must be all right. Don't worry." After listening to my father's words, I was full of confidence. I got on the tram. My father first supported me in the back and carefully taught me skills. After I slowly adapted, my father released his hand and let me ride all the way home... Since this incident, I have learned: we should have confidence in doing things and believe that we can do it.

  If I am a grass, my father's encouragement is the rain and dew in spring; If I am a sapling, my father's encouragement is to nourish my soil; If I am a butterfly, my father's encouragement is flying wings!

  My growth is inseparable from my father's care and help. I will always be grateful to my father.


  Father's Day "always ask you for it, but never say thank you. It's not easy to understand you until you grow up..." my dear father, I go out early and return late every day just to make money desperately.

  Today is the third Sunday in June. It is a festival for fathers all over the world, that is, father's day. Here I wish my father a happy father's Day! My dear dad, today is your holiday. I'm here to wish you a happy holiday! Todayisfathersday。 Happyfathersday。 Iloveyou,father! I want to meet your wish: let me seize the time to finish my homework at home every day, help my mother take care of my brother, and let the tired mother who worries about this family all day rest.

  You have been giving up your rest time for this family, for me, my brother and my mother, providing us with a good living environment and good learning conditions. Dad, thank you for everything you have paid for me. I love you, Dad!


  Father's love is as heavy as a mountain, as people have praised for centuries. Deep but hard to find. Maybe so. Otherwise, why did I count my father's wrinkles and cry yesterday. Two years ago, my father was laid off. It seems that the originally happy family atmosphere is gradually depressed. Dad didn't care about his face and set up a stall across the street from my school. In the past, the "double happiness" of "advanced" has also become "Hongtashan". His temper is becoming more and more strange. He often scolds you or invites you to eat "fried meat with bamboo shoots".

  In life, because my mother is very busy, you always take me. No matter how busy you are, you always have to set aside some time to guide me in my study. Every time you will carefully check my homework and give me a patient explanation immediately when you see that I have made mistakes. If I still can't, you will tell me again until I can. I'm not tired of it. You're not careless at all. Let me tell you again, I won't give up until I'm back. Because of you, my grades have always been very good. In addition to these, you are also a standard "housewife man". Usually, your mother is busy, so the heavy tasks of washing clothes, cooking, cleaning and sewing clothes naturally fall on your shoulders, but you have never been tired. You always work hard and complain, and you are tired with white hair.

  My father is like a saint fighter. He is never tired. The strength and optimism in his back are always in my heart.


  On father's day, my father couldn't wait to ask me about my father's Day gift. Looking at the dads of all my friends around me, no one takes the initiative like my father. In this way, my father is really unique.

  Well aware of my father's temperament, I prepared early before father's day this year, and the gifts for father's day have been prepared. So when my father knocked on my door to ask for a gift early on father's day, I gave my father my prepared gift.

  "Ha ha, is this the red apple you knitted?" Dad opened the gift box and laughed loudly when he saw the red apple woven with wool in the box. "Don't laugh. I made this one. It's just a little crooked." I defend myself. I spent a lot of time on this red apple.

  Since receiving my gift, my father has been laughing all the time. He is in a good mood. After hearing what I said, dad said, "dad doesn't make fun of you. This red apple is great." After dad finished this sentence, he added another sentence, "of course, my daughter is the best in everything."

  I was praised by my father and smiled happily. The next day, my father put the red apple I gave him on his body. As if afraid of losing it, my father also strung a rope on the apple, and then put the small red apple around his neck. All day, Dad had to say to people wherever he went. It was a gift from his baby daughter.

  I have long been used to my father's reaction and action. Every time I give my father a gift, my father's high-profile appearance is very unknown to everyone. Some of my father's behaviors are really a little childish. However, it also shows that I am very important in my father's heart.

  This year's father's Day is still a very happy festival. Finally, dad will definitely wear the father's Day gift I gave him all the time. My father is actually a little cute.


  On father's day, whenever I celebrate my birthday or children's day, I will receive gifts from my elders, including my favorite toy gun, bicycle, car and so on. Receiving gifts makes me feel very happy.

  Father's Day is coming. I want to send a special gift to my father. It's a greeting card I made myself. My mother prepared a piece of cardboard and some colored paper for me. I found scissors, glue and colored pens.

  I folded the cardboard in half to make a greeting card, and then cut it out with colored paper.

  Several small flowers are pasted on the greeting card, and then the colored pen is used to draw the desired picture and write my blessing to my father, and the greeting card is finished.

  When I gave the card to my father, I saw the joy in his eyes. My father said he especially liked the gift. He felt very happy. I was also very happy to see my father happy. I decided to do more for my parents in the future.


  I always remember about father's day, but I never mentioned it in front of my father. Dad must think I don't know, so he hinted at me many times, but I still pretended that it wasn't the case.

  In fact, it's hard for me to do this. On the one hand, I look at my father's lost look and feel reluctant to give up. On the other hand, I clearly understand it but can't say it. So I always feel strange in my heart. Several times I couldn't help telling my father I knew, but later I held back because I wanted to give him a big surprise.

  I cook myself! Sliced bananas, diced plums, sprinkled peanuts, heated milk, stirred and stirred, and finally boiled into a dessert, named "Pearl banana".

  In the evening, the table is full of delicious food. My "Pearl banana" is the last dish. Dad took a look, picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of banana. After eating bananas, I tasted peanuts. I happily picked up chopsticks and took a piece of banana. I didn't expect it to be delicious. It tastes a little soapy.

  But I made it myself! My father praised me and said, "not this time, but next time." I think so, too. I won't screw up the next gift.

  In the evening, my father was going out. I said, "Dad, are you going to play?" Dad said, "hehe, I'm going to prepare tomorrow's children's Day gift!"


  I've been listening to Grandpa talking about what festival to celebrate a few days ago, but we haven't taken it to heart. Yesterday, Grandpa solemnly told his family. It turned out that he was going to celebrate father's day and wanted his children to come back and get together. When people grow old, it is the children who can't let go of their hearts.

  Grandpa first called the third aunt who worked in Tonghua and told her that she must come back for a reunion on father's day. But the third aunt's shop was too busy, so she made less money when it was closed for one day, so she said a few good words, saying that she would come back next time to compensate grandpa; Grandpa's son, my father, is far away in Qingdao. Grandpa gently put down the phone he raised. Beside Grandpa, in Baishan City are the two daughters of aunt and second aunt. Grandpa's original good plan failed. That night, Grandpa went in and out and didn't go to bed until very late.

  Grandpa usually speaks little and seldom communicates with his children. He always expresses his love for his children with action and sweat. Because of this, my parents and aunts consult with my grandmother about everything, and my grandfather rarely cares about major and minor affairs at home. They either hide in the corner to read medical books, or sit on the floor of the living room to watch operas and let my grandmother decide. Therefore, I always think grandpa is very relaxed and happy. There are few things that bother him, but this time, grandpa is a little worried, and his children don't seem to notice it.

  In order to make grandpa happy, I took all my pocket money this month and went to the mall to buy a shirt for Grandpa. What I want is size. In my eyes, grandpa is very tall. Besides, the elderly like to wear loose clothes. As soon as the clothes were given to Grandpa, Grandpa was very happy. While praising me, I took off the blue checked shirt my aunt bought two years ago. Grandpa couldn't help laughing as soon as he put it on. A large part of the sleeve grew. Fortunately, it was not above the knee, and it was fat and big. It was really inappropriate, but grandpa accepted it happily and boasted about the beauty of the clothes. I wanted to change a trumpet, but grandpa disagreed and said it was a gift he received on father's day. Of course, I'm more happy. Grandpa received my filial piety.

  On father's day, my brother and I went out for a walk with my grandparents. This is the first time. I'm usually busy studying. There are few such opportunities. The third aunt also came back and celebrated the festival with her aunt and second aunt. Grandpa was very happy. On this day, Grandpa suddenly became the protagonist from a supporting role. Grandpa said how he hoped that tomorrow would still be father's Day


  Today is father's day, the holiday of our sacred and great father.

  It is said that the world's first father's Day was born in the United States in 1910. In 1909, Mrs. Dodd, who lived in Spokane, Washington, thought: why is there no father's day in the world?

  Mrs. Dodd's mother died when she was 13, leaving six children; Mrs. Dodd's father, Mr. Wei, was alone on the Washington farm in the United States. He raised six children as both father and mother. Finally, Mr. Wei died of overwork.

  1909 was the year of Mr. Wei's death, when Mrs. Dodd finished mother's day. At that time, Yacai didn't understand that her father was in the process of raising her children.

  So today is father's day. As children, we should say hello to our father and have a chat with our father on this day. I want to say to my father, "I love you and will never change! “


  Some people say that mother's love is like water and father's love is like mountain. Indeed, fatherly love is deep and imperceptible. Sometimes, a simple greeting and a happy smile can make a father feel his child's love for him.

  It was last Sunday, the third Sunday in June, that is, father's day. After dinner, I lay on the sofa thinking about how to say hello to my father. After a while, Dad washed the dishes and watched the TV. I also want to have a blessing for my father. So I went up to my father, cleared my throat and said to him loudly, "Dad, today is father's day. I wish you a happy father's day, happy father's Day!" Dad didn't seem to hear what I said, and his face showed a puzzled expression. No way, I swallowed my saliva and said loudly again, "Dad, today is father's day. Happy father's day, I wish you a happy father's day, smooth work and bright future!" Dad listened, the whole person was slightly stunned, and his eyes gradually turned red. Then, my father gently took my shoulder and pulled me to sit on the sofa slowly. My father said to me in a rare gentle voice, "child, it's enough for you to have this intention. Both parents hope you can study hard, grow up and contribute to your family and society." "OK, Dad, I promise you, I will study hard." I solemnly made a promise. Gradually, many fragments of the past appeared in front of me. I remembered that my father had to leave me water when he was thirsty... I couldn't help but cry. How much did my parents pay for us, and how much did we repay them?

  Students, let's thank our parents for everything with a grateful heart! The way of expression can be a greeting, a smile, a greeting card

