【#二年级# 导语】一份优秀的说课稿,体现的不仅仅是教师的能力,更体现出教师对工作的热爱认真程度,通过说课稿,教师可以更好地展开教学,合理科学的规划使教学作用化。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。
《Mainly Revision》Lesson 45
PART 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material
1.This unit is a revison unit, so it covers all communicative language knowledge learned from Unit 7 to Unit 11.
2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 12. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit.
3.This lesson is a dialogue about keeping fish. Such topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.
Knowledge objects
1. To make the Ss know how to keep fish, birds or any other animal by learning the dialogue of this lesson.
2. To give a reinforced practice in the use of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions for making suggestions.
Ability objects
3. To improve students’ listening and speaking ability by reading and practising the dialogue.
4. To develop students’ communicative ability by learning the useful expressions for making suggestions and replying.
Moral objects
5. To enable the students to love life and animals, protect the nature and environment.
1.To make the Ss grasp and understand the way of making suggestions and reply in daily life.
2.To enable the students to use useful expressions for making suggestion and replying in their own dialogues related to the daily life.
1. The usage of the Modal Verbs ,especially usage for making suggestions.
2. Using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to make suggestions and replying.
Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; software: Powerpoint or Authorware
PART 2 Teaching Methods
1>Five Steps Approach.
2>Communicative Approach.
PART 3 Studying Ways
1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.
2. Teach the students how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.
PART 4 Teaching Procedure
Step 1 Revision
Get the students to give some animals’ names they know by asking the students the following question: Can you give us some names of different animals you know? This step is employed to revise the words related the animals. At the same time draw the students’ attention to the topic about animals.
Step 2 Lead-in
Sign to the students to be quiet and close their books. Then start a free talk with the students. Use computer to show some pictures of different pets, such as dogs, cats etc. Ask the students several questions about raising pets. These questions are employed to warm up the students and raise the interests of the students to speak English in class on the topics they like and familiar with.
1.Do you like animals?
2. Do you keep any animals at home? What is it or What are they?
3. Can you explain how you care for them?
4. How do you feed them?
Step 3 Dialogue Presentation
1. The first listening
After the teacher's brief introduction to the dialogue about keeping fish. Then ask the students to listen to the tape of the dialogue with their books closed. After listening to the dialogue, ask the students to answer two simple questions focusing on the general idea of the dialogue. This step is employed to make the student get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the students have a chance to practise their listening ability.
Questions :
1.Where will such dialogue happen in your opinion?
2.What are they mainly talking about?
2.Second listening
This time ask the students to listen to the tape carefully with their books open. After listening, ask the students some questions focusing on the details of the dialogue. In the meanwhile, deal with some language points raised by the students or appearing in the questions.
Questions: (Show the questions and answers on the screen using computer)
1. What does Kate want to do ?
2. Where would Kate keep them at first?
3. What does LiQun advise her to do?
4. What size tank should she get?
5. What should Kate put in the tank?
6. Why should Kate put a few large rocks in the tanks?
7. Why should Kate put some underwater plans in the tank?
Language points: (Show them on the screen using computer)
a. the other day = a few days ago
b They don't get enough air:
With a bowl, only a small surface area of the water is in contact with the air. So the water does not receive enough oxygen.
c 30 cm by 30 cm by 50 cm.
We describe two-dimensional and three-dimensional measurements using the word by. So the length of the tank is 50 cm, and the width and height both 30 cm.
e underwater plants:
These plants oxygenate the water and keep it clean.
d For one thing = one reason (for putting plants in the tank)
Step 4 . Dialogue Drill
1.In this step the students are required to practise the dialogue in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the students grasp the useful phrases and sentences pattern for making suggestions and replying on the base of reading the dialogue fluently.
2.Let the students find out the expressions and sentence patterns for making suggestions and replying in this dialogue , in the meanwhile show these expressions and sentence patterns on the screen by computer one by one. This step is employed to give the students a deep understanding of those expressions.
Step 5 . Practice (part 2)
In fact, this step is intend to deal with the second part of the lesson(part 2). First show the words and phrases given on the screen, using a multi-media computer, then ask the students to make short dialogues with their partners to practise making suggestions and replying, using the phrases given in the table of Part2 .Give the students 5 minutes to prepare it. Ask the students to pay particular attention to sentence stress and intonation. At last ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole class. This step is employed to make the students get a further understanding of these expressions.
Step 6. Consolidation( Dialogue Production)
This step gives the students 5-8minutes to make a similar dialogue using the phrases and sentences patterns learned in this dialogue and everyday life experience according to the given situation (show it on the screen using a multi-media computer). After 5-8minutes,ask several pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the other students. At last the teacher give some advice on making such dialogues, in the meanwhile deal with the moral lessons which the students should learn from the dialogue (mainly told the students to love life and animals, protect the nature and environment) . This step is employed to create a language environment for students’ communication in the class; and to give the students a chance to practise their spoken English under a quasi-communicative situation. If the students can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.
Situation:(show it on the screen using computer)
One of your classmates wants to keep birds, he/she wants to buy some birds and builds a bird cage as big as 4m by 2m by 2m. he/she would like to ask for your advice. Now you’d like to advise him/her what to do?
Step 7. Workbook
Finish Exx 1 and 3 orally, left Ex 2 as written work.
Ex. 1 revises the Object Clause. When transforming the structures, the students are required to pay attention to the change of t he verb tenses, personal pronouns and word order. After doing the exercises orally in class.
Ex. 2 is a revision of the Modal Verbs and some useful expressions. Let the Ss work in pairs and then check the answers with the whole class. Write down the sentences on the Bb for the Ss to see.
Ex. 3 lists pairs of words with somewhat similar pronunciation but different meaning. Get the Ss to read aloud the words and say what each of them means.
Step 8 Homework
!.Do Ex 2 in the exercise books. This is used to make the students have a further understand of the modal verbs.
2.Write a short passage about the dialogue learned. This is used to practise writing ability of the students.
《Unit 6 At a Farm》一、 说教学内容
今天我说课的内容是人民教育出版社出版的PEP Primary English Book IV Unit 6 At a Farm.的第一课时,主要学习sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen六个新词..
二、 说教材
本节课是单词教学。它是在学生初步学习了句型“How many……do you have?之后进行教学的。通过学习新词,感知句子What are they? They are….How many….为下节课的教学打下基础。本课时容量大,但难度不大,并受到学生的喜爱.
三、 说教学目标
(1) 使学生能听、说、认、读sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen等单词。
(2) 初步感知:“What are they? They are…. How many….How many……”等句子,学生能听懂并理解其意思.。
(1) 能听懂Let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作.,如Shear a sheep.
(2) 能区分农场的动物, 培养学生灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力.
(1) 培养学生注意观察、认真模仿的良好习惯和主动竞争的竟识。
(2) 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心。
(3) 培养学生的合作交流能力。
四、 说教学重点
学习新词sheep, lamb, goat, cow, horse, hen, 能正确认读.。
五、 说教学难点
1. 培养学生合作学习的能力.,同时注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 树立自信心。
六、 说教学准备
七、 说教法、学法
八、 说教学过程
推动学生学习的强大动力,是学生参与教学活动的基础。激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。Well begun, half done. 精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。
因此,在热身的时候,首先让学生分角色演唱歌曲:“Old MacDonald had a farm”,这样的导入能很快吸引住学生,同时还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。
学生在一个平等尊重的氛围中,他们的思维是放松的,敢于说、敢于参与教学。教师要真心诚意地把学生当成学习的主人,努力提高“导”的艺术,从而在教学中恰到好处地去启发、点拔、尽可能地给学生多一点思考的时间,多一点活动的余地,多一点表现自己的机会,这样才能使课堂氛围充满活力。因此,我在这个环节与学生进行了朋友式的会话。It’s time for class. Are you ready ? Hello ! Boys and girls. How are you ? Nice to meet you. ? 不仅复习了旧知识,还渲染了学习英语的良好气氛。
发他们一系列的自主活动,促进外部动机向内部动机的转化。Today, we are going to learn“Unit 6. At a Farm.”. I’ll divide you into four groups . Which one is best, they’ll get the flag, OK? Now, Let’s start.于是我提出问题Do you like animals.引入学习主题,并通过挂图和音乐创设情景Let’s go to a farm. There are many animals自然引入新词的学习。在呈现新知时,我尤其注意了小学生形象思维优于抽象思维的特点,通过对比,听音,看动作等不同的方式引出新词,给学生以深刻的第一印象。游戏所带来的乐趣会使每一位参与者保持一种积极的心态。游戏是儿童学习的一种重要途径,也是激发学生学习兴趣的方法。正如苏霍姆林斯基指出:“如果用思考、情感、创造、游戏的光芒来照亮儿童的学习,那么学习对于儿童来说是可以成为一件有趣的事情”。因此,在操练时,我首先进行了一些机械的练习,如:“Listen, point and repeat. ”听音、指词、跟读,“Look and Guess”看口形、猜单词。同时,我更注意抓住小学生好动的特点,辅以全身反应法,如模仿动物的叫声,或与之相关的动作(挤牛奶)等有趣的活动,充分激发学生学习的兴趣。同时在学习生词时感知句型,做到“词不离句,句不离词”,重视对学生思维,观察能力的培养,特别是对学生合作学习能力的培养,让学生们们在师生,生生,小组等不同的合作方式中,学会倾听,学会评价,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。
A Listen and number.
B Let's make and talk.
6.在学生完成听录音标号的练习后,教师组织学生交换教科书,开展pair work活动,相互进行批改,分别用√或 在所贴部分的旁边做出标志。教师按计划将一组或部分学生的听力情况记入学习档案。
7.在进行B部分练习时,教师可先让学生自己完成拼贴画。完成后,开展group work活动,说一说图片中出现的家庭成员,向同桌介绍。
Girl: No1: This is my grandpa.
No2: He is my brother.
No3: This is my mom.
No4: This is my dad.
No5: This is my sister.
No6: She is my grandma.