
时间:2023-05-04 19:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】多一抹绿色,就会少一片荒凉;多一些清凉,就会少一份炎热;多一生机,就会少一点污染。让我们行动起来,共同撑起一片希望的绿荫。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today is Arbor Day. It's sunny and sunny. Class 1, grade 2 goes to plant trees. The birds in the sky chirped as they flew. The grass on the earth is green.

  When we started planting trees, the teacher said, "two people in a group." We first dig a hole and then carefully bury the soil. After burying the soil, step on it a few times, and finally water it.

  Kexin felt that when the little tree grew up, it was like a big green umbrella, which could cool people. Her heart was very happy.


  March 12 is Arbor Day. On that day, everything recovers, spring March and warm wind blows. The children chirp out of the house like birds. They are happy and fly to school with tree planting tools.

  On the way to school, Xiao Ming saw the grass breaking through the ground and waving in the wind, as if waving to you. At school, Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang plant trees together. Xiao Fang digging with a shovel, Xiaoming carefully planted the small tree, and Xiaofang planted with a shovel and planted the small tree. Xiaoming and Xiaofang gave the little trees watering and fertilizing, and they sweat them up, and the trees add vitality to nature.

  How Xiaoming and Xiaofang wish this little tree could grow into a towering tree!


  Today is Arbor Day on March 12. My mother and I went to pick saplings first, and then we took the tools to plant trees.

  When I arrived at my destination, I first dug a hole in the selected place with tools. Just before I was about to load the tree seedlings in, my mother shouted, "no, no, this hole is too shallow. The tree will stand unstable and fall." After listening to my mother's words, I then dug out a hole of about 20 cm. After my mother looked at it and nodded, I gently put the saplings into the hole. Then I held the saplings in one hand and filled the soil with tools in the other. I did a good job. After a while, the little sapling stood straight in front of me. Let my mother carry a bucket of water for me and let me water the saplings.

  After planting a small tree, I will plant several trees every year to beautify our home!


  On Saturday afternoon, the weather was very sunny. Several white clouds were floating in the sky. The sun was warm. Several students and I came to the grove of Zhang Yawen's house to plant trees. Our mood is like those little saplings, looking forward to it very much!

  When we get there, we'll line up and form a group. I'll form a group with my deskmate Zhang Hanyuan. Zhang Hanyuan held the saplings while I used a small shovel to cultivate the soil. After you have cultivated the soil, you have to step on it with your feet. Zhang Yawen's father told us that if the saplings were planted askew, they would not grow into big trees, and they would have to be planed out and replanted. It seems that there are so many reasons for simple labor. Through our efforts, we both planted 41 small saplings. That is great!

  Then we went to dig shepherd's purse. According to my mother, this kind of vegetable dumplings is very delicious. I dug a big bag. Mom smiled and said that the dumplings must be very delicious this time! Yeah! There's my work in here!

  What a happy day!


  Today, March 12 is Arbor Day. I especially like arbor day. Because it can beautify the environment and let more small animals come to our beautiful Xi'an. We can also plant some trees beside the desert to prevent dust storms. Most importantly, it can also add fresh air to us!

  I think there is no life without trees. In fact, oxygen can be breathed out! If there are trees, he will add oxygen to us! So now the oxygen in the earth can't breathe out!

  I hope the students will plant some small trees and take good care of them at the same time!


  Today is Arbor Day. The teacher took us to plant trees near the school wall.

  Let's do it. Let's do it. The children work hard, and I don't fall behind. Pick up the hoe, bow your back, bend over, wave your hands up and down, and dig the pit hard. Planting trees is really tiring. Before long, my hands were numb, my waist could not stand up, and my legs were sore. I really want to have a rest! But I watched the children sweating, but I kept working with a happy smile. My strength came up again and continued to dig with pain.

  After a long time, the young trees have been planted. Looking at the young trees with such vitality, my fatigue suddenly disappeared.


  March 12 is the festival of trees. That day, my father took me to plant trees.

  The sapling must first pull out most of the leaves, let the sun directly into the branches, and untie the grass tied to the roots before planting. So I started the task, and my father came to help.

  What impresses me most is digging holes. I cooperate with my father. I take a hoe and my father takes a shovel. My father is responsible for shoveling away the soil I dug out. I'm digging here "Hey, hey, hey" and dad's shovel "Hey, hey, hey", it's really fun! Dig to about 30 cm and you can plant trees. Put the finished saplings into the pit, fill them with soil, and then step on them. If the saplings are not easy to shake, the trees will be loaded.

  There are many interesting things about planting trees! Aunt Ding Ling suddenly screamed when she was pulling the leaves. We all went over with curiosity and had a look. My God! A green worm thicker than a ballpoint pen is lying on the leaves and eating them. It is almost integrated with the leaves! Alas, I won't pluck the leaves again.

  The sapling in my heart, please carry my dream and grow up quickly!


  Arbor Day is coming. Everyone actively participates in the activities of afforestation and greening the motherland. Our young pioneers are no exception and should also contribute to greening the motherland. There was a drizzle last night. Full of joy, Xiao Qing and Xiao Gang carried small seedlings in the early morning, picked up shovel and went to the suburbs to plant trees happily. A few birds flew in the sky. They were shouting as they flew, as if to say, "great, we have a new home in the future!

  When they arrived in the suburbs, they agreed that Xiaogang would dig a pit and Xiaoqing would plant trees. Xiao Gang just grasped the shovel tightly and stood in a bow shape, digging out the earth out of the dirt pit. Once, twice... Xiao Gang was panting with fatigue, and bean sized beads of sweat left on his forehead, but he didn't care.

  After a while, the tree pit was dug. Xiaoqing quickly picked up the saplings and carefully placed them in the tree pit. Xiaogang then cultivated soil and watered them. Finally, the tree was planted, and they laughed happily.

  A breeze blew and the saplings swayed gently, as if to say, "thank you!"


  The annual Arbor Day is coming. My parents and I go to the mountain to plant trees.

  We first found an open space, and then Dad dug a big pit. I gently held the small tree?, Mom covered the soil again. I trampled the soil firmly, just like massaging the saplings. My mother brought a bucket of water and asked me to water the little sapling. While watering, I said to the little sapling: "little sapling, little sapling, drink more water and grow up quickly!" Then I compared with the sapling again, one to one, ah! Little saplings grow to my neck. When the sapling grows up, we'll be taller than the sapling next year When the wind blew, the saplings shook gently, as if to say, "thank you, little master. You let me grow healthily. I will grow taller than you next year."


  The annual Arbor Day is coming. Today's weather is particularly good, and the children's mood is also particularly sunny. The school organized the students to plant street trees for the newly built road.

  Look, everyone is rubbing their hands. Li Ming and Zhang Qian were divided into a group. They came to the side of the road. Li Ming began to dig a pit like an adult, piled the soil aside, and finally dug a pit. At this time, Zhang Qian happily put the root of the small tree into the dug pit and straightened it. Li Mingxin led the God to backfill the soil around the pit into the pit, and then step on the soil tightly. In order that the small tree can thrive and not be blown down by the strong wind, the two people insert a stick into the soil and firmly bolt the small tree together to play a fixed role. Just plant three small trees. Then he watered the little tree enough.

  The little tree smiled happily in the breeze. Children wipe the sweat on their foreheads and don't say how sweet they are! This is the day they grow up.

