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【#英语资源# 导语】童年像一幅五颜六色的画,童年像一块神奇的调色板,不停地调呀调,调出来多彩的记忆;童年像一块魔方,转呀转,转出来美好的回忆。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  When I think of the interesting stories of my childhood, I think of the shrimp at my grandfather's house. I miss it. As long as I think of it, my saliva keeps flowing.

  I remember when I was a child, when I was playing at home, I accidentally fell down, so I cried. Grandpa said, "don't cry". Shall I give you shrimp? " As soon as I heard of eating shrimp, I stopped crying. Grandpa took me to shrimp.

  The shrimp cooked by grandpa is the most famous in the village. The shrimp he cooked is delicious. Whenever grandpa wants to clip shrimp, I keep turning my grandpa's clothes. It's funny to think of it now. Grandpa began to cut vegetables, so I went to boil water. I boiled water and made the house smoke and fire. Grandpa said I was a net help. In order to eat the shrimp cooked by my grandfather, I was brave and tenacious. I picked up the firewood and put it into the stove. My cheeks bulged like a frog with a big belly. My face turned red and blew fiercely into the stove.

  When I was boiling water, nine times out of ten I would be driven out by my grandfather. He was afraid that I would make a mess. When my grandfather picked up the bowl, I was very excited. Sometimes when my grandfather picked up the bowl soon, I grabbed it and got my grandfather covered with water and shrimp, which made my grandfather very unhappy.

  Sometimes, when I sit in front of shrimps, I seem to be in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. I see many shrimps standing majestically. I think I should be protecting my home! But grandpa said, "I didn't eat shrimp for a few times." As soon as I heard it, I recovered. I said, "shrimp, is there any shrimp?" Grandpa said, "you were absorbed just now. I called you several times." I said, "I want to eat shrimp so much that I sit in front of shrimp and watch shrimp."

  The shrimp in Grandpa's hand was so delicious that no matter how hot it was, I ate it in my mouth, which made my tongue blister. "Hey Yao", I screamed again, and my tears fell down. " Ah, it hurts. " I said.

  Grandpa smiled and so did I. Ah, the shrimp cooked by grandpa is so delicious. It's the best in the world!


  Childhood, we all have many interesting things, I have many interesting things, like the stars in the sky are countless, but there is one that I still remember.

  That was one summer. I went to my classmate's house to practice calligraphy. On my way home, I met my grandfather who wanted to go to the ground. I went to the ground with my grandfather. My grandfather pulled grass in the ground and I played on the slope. After a long time, grandpa came up the slope to have a rest. Unexpectedly, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down by the tree, so that I could snore loudly. Seeing Grandpa like this, I wanted to tease him and think a lot, such as pinching grandpa's nose to wake him up; Throw grandpa's grass back to the ground, take off grandpa's shoes and send them to the tree, but it's not very reliable. By the way, doesn't grandpa want a pair of reading glasses? Then I'll draw him a pair of glasses.

  I took a pen and water from the car. I gently drew two big circles on Grandpa's eyes with a pen. When I looked from a distance, it was like a giant panda. The circle was too small. I took out a wet towel and gently wiped off the two big circles, and then drew two circles again. In this way, the lens was painted, so it needed to spend the handle on the mirror. I drew two straight lines behind the circle, hooked them to my ear, and drew a line on both sides of the circle, Connect the two lenses together. In this way, my masterpiece is finished.

  After a while, Grandpa woke up. I couldn't help laughing at his appearance. Grandpa didn't know what was going on. When he saw me laughing, he laughed with me. In the evening, when grandpa came home, Grandpa and grandma laughed at Grandpa; Uncle and aunt laugh at grandpa after work; After school, the younger brothers and sisters laughed at Grandpa. Even the sorghum beside the road blushed with laughter, and wheat bent with laughter.

  As soon as I got home, grandma, brother, father and mother all laughed with stomachache when they saw grandpa's appearance. Grandpa found that it was the joke he caused. He hurried into the house to look in the mirror. Grandpa saw his appearance and couldn't help laughing. He went outside and picked me up, gently hung my face with his beard, and smiled and said, "my granddaughter's craftsmanship is very good.

  Childhood is happy and innocent, and what you do makes people laugh. That's what I did. What about you?


  Childhood, like an endless stream of streams, flows slowly in my heart. In this stream, there are both happy laughter and sad tears, but what I remember most is a stupid thing I did in my childhood.

  That was when I was four. One morning, grandma was cooking in the kitchen and was at a loss when she found that there was no salt. Why? Because I'm the only one left at home. If she goes out by herself and leaves me at home alone, I don't know what will happen? So I feel uneasy. At this time, I saw through grandma's difficulties and volunteered to say to grandma, "I'll help you buy salt back." "You?" Grandma looked at me suspiciously. "Yes! I've been there several times!" (in fact, I haven't been there) grandma nodded helplessly.

  Soon, I bought salt from the canteen and was glad that I could work for adults. Who knows, I accidentally stepped on the banana peel on the ground. Suddenly I fell down, the salt bag fell on the ground and broke, and the white salt spread all over the ground. I immediately panicked and thought: the salt fell on the ground and got dirty. I have to tell my grandmother the bad news as soon as possible.

  As soon as I came to the gate of the yard, I saw Grandma Wang next door washing rice. I had an idea and thought: since rice can be washed with water, salt can also be washed. Thinking of this, I immediately borrowed a basin from Grandma Wang. Come to the street, put salt into the water basin and run to the faucet in the courtyard.

  The water soon filled the basin. I shook the basin hard, and then put my hand in and stirred it. Unexpectedly, the basin was empty. I was very frightened. I didn't care about the basin and ran home immediately.

  When I got home, I told my grandmother what had happened. Before she finished, Grandma had burst into laughter. She touched my head and said with a smile, "silly child, salt is not as clean as rice. It dissolves in water." Then he laughed again.

  From this, I learned a truth: you should think twice before you act.


  In my mind, there is a beautiful island - childhood. There are many big and sweet fruits on it. I carefully picked one to share with you.

  One day at noon, the weather was very hot. I didn't do anything at leisure. It was very boring! Suddenly, an idea flashed into my mind: let the old hen "fly" down from the sky.

  Just do it. I tried my best to take care of the old hens one by one and took action. I held an old hen and walked carefully to the edge of the sky building. I saw the old hen trembling all over, "cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck. I comforted: old hen, don't be afraid, you can taste the taste of "flying" right away. Then I threw the old hen in my hand into the air. The old hen soared into the air, desperately flapping her wings, and from time to time made a cry of "clack, Clack...". In just four or five seconds, the hen's body that had just risen fell down quickly. With a loud "pa", the poor old hen had fallen down firmly on the ground.

  I was unwilling, and then I did the same experiment several times. Some of them really managed to soar a few times, which made me stand firm. I was so happy that I clapped my hands and shouted, "hen flying, hen flying!" In this way, I didn't stop until the old hens tried the taste of "flying".

  At this time, my mother came over, and I proudly told my mother my smart behavior. My mother couldn't close her mouth when she heard it. She told me that chickens and birds have wings, but they are essentially different.

  My childhood is really a colorful little tree!


  Childhood is happy, interesting and colorful... In my mind, there are many interesting childhood stories that I will never forget

  When I was a child, I was a greedy cat. That year, I was only five years old. My neighbor had a little brother who was a real troublemaker and always played tricks on me. But I'm still willing to play with him because I only have such a playmate as him. Once, my brother took out a small white stone and said to me, "Feifei, this is rock candy for you to eat." I don't believe it: "lie, unless you eat it yourself." Unexpectedly, my brother really put the "small stone" into his mouth and kept smacking his mouth: "it's so sweet!" I was greedy and quickly shouted, "brother, give me a piece." My brother gave me a piece and I quickly stuffed it into my mouth. It's so sweet! It seems that my brother didn't lie to me. After eating one piece, I haven't had a good time yet. I pestered my brother to ask for more. Brother hehe smiled: "there are many stones in the pile behind your house. I picked them up there." As soon as I heard this, I hurried to the back of the house. There are really a lot of white "rock candy" in the small stone pile. I am ecstatic and keep putting it in my pocket. After a while, my pocket was full, and I moved home contentedly step by step.

  When I got home, I couldn't wait to wash a piece of rock candy and put it into my mouth. Eh, why isn't it sweet? I sucked hard, but it was still not sweet. It probably needs to be bitten to taste. I thought and bit hard for a few times. God, it's so hard that my teeth are going to collapse.

  Just then my mother came back and looked at my grinning face and asked strangely, "Feifei, what are you eating?" "Mom, I have a lot of rock candy!" I happily took out the rock candy in my pocket and showed it to my mother. Mother was shocked and said, "where did you come from?" "I picked it up in the pile of stones behind the house." "Spit it out! It's a stone!" Mom is in a hurry.

  what? Is it a stone? I quickly spit it out and have a closer look. It's really a stone. No wonder it doesn't taste. I was cheated by my brother again.

  Now that I have grown up, many past events have disappeared with time, but this matter is deeply reflected in my mind. Every time I walk through the pile of stones behind the house and see those small white stones, I can't help laughing. I was such a silly eater in my childhood!


  Tomorrow is International Children's Day, which we have been looking forward to for a long time. Many parents will send gifts to their children. Of course, I am no exception. I want my parents to give me a gift, which is not difficult to get. I just hope my mother can take me to who's publishing house, paint the cartoon characters there while reading, and let me try the fun of painting.

  The thing is, one day, my good friend Liu Mingkun and I went to who's bookstore and bought an interesting book by the way. Accidentally, I saw a painted place. There were some bottles and cans on the table, which were filled with colorful pigments like paint. Choose a cartoon character, print it on a hard iron plate, and then choose the color you like to color it. After finishing it, bake it in the oven and it becomes dry. Put it in water, take it out later, take the cartoon character off the iron plate, and then, if you want to stay for exhibition, take it away. I saw it and was attracted by the new thing. I really liked it. I told my mother that I also wanted to paint a cartoon character. As soon as my mother asked the price, people said one yuan and fifty cents. My mother thought the price was reasonable, so she readily agreed. I jumped three feet high with joy and hurried to find the cartoon character I liked. I found the picture of a kitten. I felt that the kitten was cute and naive, so I chose him. Everything is ready and ready to pay, but people say one yuan and fifty cents is not enough. I say it's one yuan and fifty cents? Isn't this enough? It's strange that he changed his mind so soon. The waiter said that the sand painting is one yuan and fifty cents. This kind of painting is five yuan. I listened and told my mother listlessly. As soon as my mother heard about five yuan, she immediately said it was too expensive for me to buy it. My cheerful mood suddenly melted like snowflakes, like a listless wilting eggplant. It's all because of the trouble caused by painting, which makes me unhappy all day.

  So this International Children's Day, I want my mother to give me this painting as a gift. This is my wish. I hope my mother will be moved after reading it and meet my wish.


  Today, I went to the composition class. The teacher of the composition class gave me a small fan as a gift for International Children's Day.

  When the fan is opened, it is the pattern of an orange cut. The fan is one third of a circle. There are many things on this orange: a tree, the statue of liberty, a mailbox, a building, a balloon, the Eiffel Tower, a flying fish, a human and a bicycle.

  There are two trees on the fan. The two trees are on the right and left respectively. The one on the left is very large and lush, just like absorbing the essence of an orange. The one on the right is not as strong as the one on the left. It is very thin and looks malnourished.

  Besides the buildings above oranges, there are many uneven buildings, some like gloves, some like our house, some high-rise buildings and some bungalows. They are really all kinds. I think the people who live here should be particularly happy, because there are no cars, no pollution, and the air is very fresh. It's really a paradise in the world!

  Alas, not to mention this. By the way, there are many small oranges on this fan. There are seven in total, but only four whole ones. There are two very large ones, but only half of them, not one whole. If you put the two and a half together, I think it will be very large. There's another orange. I guess it's the orange king. Also, there is a small pendant hanging under the small fan, which is a round piece of small orange.

  The teacher gave me this International Children's Day gift. I particularly like it. Do you like it?

