阅读我个人感觉很难,第一篇讲portrait艺术的,不知道是不是新题,重点就是说肖像画艺术在哪些方面不同于其他艺术形式,三段里面前两段巨长,第一段说肖像会随social convention发生改变;第二段说肖像画的画法和对象与其他艺术形式不同,一般是要求对象坐在那给他画,即时因为某些原因不能当面(重要的人或是太忙),那也要依据照片或是草图画;第三段说什么由于主流的专业画家(米开朗琪罗)认为portrait太没有技术含量,只是机械劳动,所以portrait的地位不高,但是他们还是自己会练习这种画法,举了Picasso的例子。
第二篇或第三篇(顺序忘了,有一篇还彻底忘了)讲一个什么古城的建筑的。第一部分说这个建筑里有各种各样的匠工,加工贵重金属的,做陶瓷的,织布的等等,纠结了一下说他们做好的东西都要严格审查啊什么的;第二部分说这个建筑到底是归为palace还是temple,单独说哪个都不合适,最后的结论居然发明出新的术语,palace-temple or temple-palace, 这一部分纯属扯淡。最后说了一下由于不清楚那个古国是君权还是神权,或者是两者都有,所以不清楚function。
听力比较简单,都能听懂,就是问题问的比较,让你第一眼不知道选啥。我记得是是一篇geology,讲washington state那边有个特殊的地形,一个叫berz的人提出既不是河流长时间冲刷出来的也是冰川消退形成的,而是在几个小时内被大量的水给冲出来的,在那个地形东边后来有个人,名字忘了,发现了有大湖的证据,最后一整合就成了那个大湖由于拦住水的ice dam垮了,水就给冲出这个地形了。而且最后还是iceland有人发现类似的地形也支持了这一说。来源:www.examda.com
还有一篇ecological chemistry的,说一般的飞蛾moth靠mechanical方法逃脱蜘蛛网,因为它们表面的鳞片可以脱落;有种特殊的蛾,叫****moth,前面是一种植物的名称,这种蛾幼虫吃那种植物,里面含有化学成分,貌似是醛酮类的,然后那种蛾的鳞片里就有毒,它被蜘蛛网缠住了也不跑,等蜘蛛来咬它,咬了一口就把它给放了。这里有语气题,教授表现的很惊奇的样子,答案是她觉得这个很surprising。
又记起来一篇business management的,说accountant的作用,一开始一个女孩子说account不仅能让人分析数据,还能做预测forecast,老师纠正了一下,说做预测不是accountant做的事,是manager的事。然后说了一下分析account这个东东可以帮助决策者知道下属的工作情况,有问题:问功能,选两个,1.决定他们的年终bonus,2是可以帮助train其他的下属。最后说data并不能解决所有问题,比如员工的心理,满意度之类的,这里也有题,问目的,答案忘了……
1. 说一个你觉得不感兴趣(或者很难对付)但又非常重要的学科,具体到为啥难对付但又为什么重要.
【参考答案】personally speaking, i definitely think math is a subject that fit this description, i mean, i am not interested in math although it is a fundmental one. First, you know, there are so many complicated fomulars in the math study.
sometimes i just can’t get them into my mind although i have spent, like, 1 hour on them. they just seem to beyond me always. and this really drive me nuts. on the other hand, i am fully aware that math is a fundmental subject. you know, if you really want to study other subjects like physics , biology and chemistry well. it is a must that you really have study math in the first place. by the w ay, i am pretty interested in physics , so i am determined to work on math more and try to do it well.
2. 你愿意去电*看电影还是在家看,为啥?
【参考答案】personally speaking, i prefer to watch movies at home for the following reasons. first, because it is much cheaper to do so. you see, if you choose to watch movies in theatres, you need to spend at least 50 yuan for the ticket,while if i do this at home, i can even download some free movies from the internet. second ,i will have much more freedom at home. since i can talk with my family members about the movie we are watching freely while i can’t do this in theatres since this will bother other audiences. finally,i can eat any sort of snacks at home. for example, my favoirte snack is sun-flower seeds. without which i think it is a big missing piece while i am watching movies. again it is impossible for me to have sun-flower seeeds in theatres.
以下题目给予关键词组和句型:另外请各位不要忘了模板,如in this set of materials, ....我用过两次绝对没有问
题。。另外,如果自己语速还可以,对reading material 可以稍稍涉及,但不要讲的太多以至影响后续的答题时间
3. 一个学生写了一个letter 到学校报纸,说应该在期末考试周期间make food available at the residence hall。
女学生觉得这个idea 太棒了,这样考试复习期间只要楼下买点吃的,复习进程就不会被出门觅食interrupt.
继续精神抖擞的看书复习。in this listening material, the woman thinks this is a really cool idea for the following reasons.
get down stairs
don’t have to go out to buy sth to eat will not be interrupted vending machine high fat food junk food make you sleepy sandwich have the energy to keep on studying
4. Halo error, 就是根据你了解的这个人的情况, tendency of generalize a person’s ability,但这种judgement 经常是错的。
听力里教授举了个例子,他从前的一个舍友物理极其好,然后他就请这个同学一起做roommate,但没想到他东西乱堆一团糟根本是一个bad roommate。但为啥教授会觉得他应该是一个好roommate?只是因为他知道该同学物理好,就错误的判断他应该也是一个好roommate in this lecture , the professor gives us an example roommate who is pretty good at physics mess the dorm because he is aware that he is good at physics this is a kind of misjudgement
5. 女学生放假准备回家,打算后天走。一个roommate offer a lift, 但是明天就要出发,这样她就必须stay up whole night 去完成一个paper。
或者她也可以坐bus 回家,这样bus 是在后天走,她可以有一整天做paper。但是bus 路上boring, 很long。
(我觉得还是bus 吧,一整天做paper 不用这么熬夜啦,而且比起很快就要见到家人的期待感,这点boring 算啥,呵呵)
ready to go home to spend the vacation plan to set out the day after tommorrow take the bus for the following 2 reasons don’t have to stay up, based on my own experience it nearly kills to stay up it is boring ,she can choose to listen to some music or something like this. like me i usually kill my time on a bus in this way and it worked pretty well
6. 动物集体觅食。分两种,一种是同种动物集体觅食,比如一群狮子猎斑马还有一种是不同种动物互相帮助觅食,有一种啥honey guy(具体是啥不知道,音是这样的), 知道哪有蜂蜜,但进不去采不到。但另一种叫bearthal(大概是这个吧,音反正是这样的),不知道哪有蜜但却有办法采到蜜。所以两个动物就合作啦
prey on zebra cooperative preying the problem with this kind of bee is work with each other to get the honey
2. Agree or disagree, in order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.
![]() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/A6zx.html 正在阅读: 2018年湖南普通高中会考英语真题及答案(Word版)11-17 三年级短篇故事大全(5篇)01-25 大学教师述职报告格式【三篇】06-09 2017年呼市中考化学真题答案解析-2017年上海徐汇中考化学真题12-16 2019年福建宁德初级会计职称现场审核时间:11月23日至28日08-15 幼儿园小班音乐课程课件【三篇】04-01 大学生网络党校培训思想汇报-大学生党校培训思想汇报模板02-10 高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳01-28