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【#英语资源# 导语】农历春节就要来临了,按照老师们的要求,我们可得在家里准备一份新年手抄报呢?那么在画手抄报的时候应该加入什么样的文字内容呢?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Shousui, is in the last night of the old year don't sleep, stay up late to welcome the arrival of the New Year's custom, also known as New Year's Eve Shousui, common name "endure nian". To explore the origin of this custom, there is an interesting folk story:

  In ancient times, there was a fierce monster scattered in the deep mountains and forests. People called them "Nian". Its appearance ferocious, natural ferocious, designed to eat birds and beasts, scales insects, a day for a taste, from kowtowing insects have been eating to live, let people talk about "year" color change. Later, people slowly mastered the "nian" activity law, it is every 365 days to the place where people live to taste fresh, and the time is in the dark after the rooster crow dawn, they will return to the mountains.

  After calculating the exact date of "Nian", the people regarded this terrible night as the pass to evil spirit, called "Nian Guan", and came up with a whole set of ways to pass the Year: On this day in the evening, every household has prepare the dinner early and flameout net, then all the chicken circle stall belay, put the house in front and back the door be sealed, hiding in the house to eat "family reunion dinner", because the dinner has XiongJi uncertainty, so with very abundant, in addition to her family around said peace reunion dinner together, still must first for ancestor worship, first before eating, Pray for the gods of the ancestors to bless, safely through this night, after dinner, who dare not sleep, crowded together to chat to emboldened. It gradually formed the habit of staying up on New Year's Eve.

  The custom of shousui arose in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. "Even two years old night, five more points two years." People lit candles or oil lamps, overnight vigil, a symbol of all the evil plague as run away, looking forward to the New Year good luck. This custom has been passed down to this day.


  According to legend, in ancient times, there is a young man named million years, see the festival is very messy, there is the plan to set the festival. But suffer from can not find a method of computing time, one day, up the hill cutting wood tired, he sat in the shade to rest, the movement of the shadow inspired him, and he designed a shadow measurement meter days regarding instrument, determine the time of day, later, cliff dripping springs inspired his inspiration, he began to make a clepsydra, five layer to calculate time. As time went on, he found that every 360 days, the four seasons on the cycle once, the length of the day on the repeat.

  At that time, the king was called Zuyi, and often felt distressed by the weather. Ten thousand years know, with the sundial and clepsydra to see the emperor, to zuyi clear the truth of the sun and the moon. Zu B after listening to the longyan yue, feel reasonable. So the million years left, in front of the Temple of Heaven to build the Sun and moon pavilion, built a sundial and clepsydra pavilion. And hope to be able to measure the law of the sun and moon, calculate the accurate morning and evening time, create the calendar, for the benefit of the li people of the world.

  Once, Zu b to understand the progress of ten thousand years test calendar. When he boarded the temple of the Sun and moon, he saw a poem carved on the stone wall beside the Temple of Heaven:

  Sunrise sunset 360, go round and round from the beginning. There are twelve circles in a year.

  Know ten thousand years to create calendar has become, personally boarded the sun and moon pavilion to visit ten thousand years. Ten thousand years pointing to the sky, said to Zub: "now is twelve months full, the old year has been over, the New Year began, pray for the sovereign set a festival." Zu B said: "Spring is the beginning of the year, called the Spring Festival." It is said that this is the origin of the Spring Festival.

  Winter turned to spring, year after year, years of careful calculation and long observation, worked out an accurate solar calendar, when he presented the solar calendar to his successor, the beard was already silver. The sovereign was deeply moved, in order to commemorate the achievements of ten thousand years, they named the solar calendar as "ten thousand years calendar", ten thousand years for the sun and moon birthday star. Later, people hang the birthday star map during the Spring Festival, which is said to commemorate the venerable ten thousand years.


  The Spring Festival is an ancient festival in China, but also the most important one of the year, how to celebrate this festival, in thousands of years of historical development, the formation of some relatively fixed customs and habits, there are many still handed down.

  Sweep the dust "December 24, dust sweep the house," according to the "Lu Shi Spring and Autumn Annals" record, our country in the time of Yao and Shun had the custom of sweep the dust during the Spring Festival. According to the folk saying: because "dust" and "Chen" homophonic, the spring sweep dust has the meaning of "except Chen bu new", its intention is to sweep out all poor luck, bad luck. This custom places people old old new wishes and pray for a New Year. Every Spring Festival comes, every family to clean the environment, cleaning all kinds of appliances, unwashing bedding curtains, sweep six lv courtyard, dusting dirt cobweb, dredging open channels and trenches. Everywhere filled with joy to engage in health, clean and welcome the New Year's joy atmosphere.


  It is said that the custom of pasting Spring Festival couplets began about one thousand years ago in the Later Shu period, which is proved by history. In addition, according to the "Jade candle treasure code", "Yanjing age record" and other works recorded, the original form of Spring Festival couplets is what people call "peach charm".

  In ancient Chinese mythology, legend has it that there is a ghost world, there is a mountain, there is a peach tree covering 3,000 li, there is a golden rooster on the top. When the golden rooster crows in the morning, the ghosts who wander out at night will return to the ghost domain. The door of the ghost domain is located in the northeast of the peach tree, standing beside the door of two gods, named God tea, yu Lei. If the ghost did something harmful to heaven and reason during the night, Shen Ta and Yu Lei would immediately find it and catch it, tie it up with a rope made of awn reed and send it to the tiger. Therefore the world of ghosts are afraid of God tea, yu lei. Therefore, the folk used peach wood to carve their appearance and put it at their doors to ward off evil spirits and harm. Later, people simply carved on the peach board god tea, yu Lei name, think that doing so can also suppress evil evil. The peach board was later called "Peach charm".

  In the Song Dynasty, people began to write couplets on the peach board, one does not lose the meaning of peach wood town evil, two express their good wishes, three decorative portal, in order to beautiful. Also in the symbol of happiness auspicious red paper to write couplets, on the occasion of the New Year posted on both sides of the doors and Windows, to express people pray for the good wishes of good luck in the coming year.

  To imprecate a blessing and longevity kangning, the people of a few places still retains the habit of sticking door god. It is said that two door gods are posted on the door, and all the demons and ghosts will be frightened. In the folk, the door god is a symbol of integrity and force. The ancients believed that people with unusual looks often had magical temperament and extraordinary skills. They are honest and kind-hearted, catching ghosts and catching demons is their nature and responsibility, people admire the ghost catching tianshi Zhong Kui, that is, this strange shape strange phase. So the folk door god always glowering, looking ferocious, holding a variety of traditional weapons, ready to fight with the ghosts who dare to come to the door. Because the door of our country folk house, usually are two open, so the door god is always in pairs.

  After the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the former Shen Ta and Yu Lei two generals, people regarded qin Shubao and Yuchi Gong two generals as the door gods. Legend has it that Emperor Taizong fell ill, heard ghosts outside the call, no peace all night. So he let the two generals stand guard by the door with weapons in hand, and the next night there was no more ghost scratching. Later, Emperor Taizong had the image of the two generals painted down and pasted on the door, and this custom began to spread widely among the people.


  Although the Spring Festival falls on the first day of the first lunar month, the activities of the Spring Festival do not end on that day. From the twelfth month of the twenty-third (or twenty-fourth) small Festival, people began to "busy year" : sweeping houses, washing hair and bathing, preparing for the festival utensils and so on, all these activities, there is a common theme, that is, "out of the old and in the new".

  The Spring Festival is also the day of offering wishes to pray for years, the ancients said millet a ripe for a "year", grain harvest for "big year". In the early western Zhou Dynasty, there was an annual harvest celebration. Later, praying to heaven has become one of the main content of the custom; And, such as kitchen god, door god, god of wealth, God of joy, well god and other gods, during the Spring Festival, are ready to enjoy the human incense. People take this opportunity to thank the gods for their care in the past and to wish for more blessings in the New Year.

  The Spring Festival is also a time for family reunion and ancestral worship. On New Year's Eve, the whole family gets together and eats the "Reunion dinner". The elders give the children "New Year's money" and the family sits together and "stays up". Yuan-ri zishi New Year time, firecrackers rang together, the old year, the New Year's activities reached a climax. Each incense, worship heaven and earth, offering ancestors, and then in turn to the elders pay New Year's greetings, and then relatives and friends of the same family to congratulate each other.

  The Spring Festival is a festival for people to entertain and revel. After yuanri, a variety of colorful entertainment activities are carried out: lion play, dragon dance, yangko dance, walking on stilts, juggling, etc., for the Spring Festival added a strong festive atmosphere.

  Therefore, the Spring Festival has become the most solemn festival of the Chinese nation, which integrates praying for New Year, celebrating and entertaining. Today, in addition to the worship of gods and ancestors and other activities than in the past to dilute, the main customs of the Spring Festival, are intact to inherit and development.


  The Spring Festival refers to the traditional Lunar New Year, commonly known as "Nian Jie", which has been celebrated by Chinese people for more than 4,000 years. On this day, people try their best to get back home and reunite with their relatives, expressing their ardent expectations for the coming year and good wishes for the New Year's life. The Spring Festival, qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are known as the four traditional Chinese festivals.


  The most widely accepted theory is that the Spring Festival arose during the Period of Yu Shun.

  One day, more than 2000 years before the Yuan Dynasty, Shun, namely the emperor, led his subordinates to worship heaven and earth. Since then, people regard this day as the beginning of the year. It is said that this is the origin of the Lunar New Year, later called the Spring Festival.


  Sweep dust -- "December 24, shan dust sweep house", according to the folk saying: because "dust" and "Chen" homophonic, spring sweep dust has the meaning of "except Chen bu new", its intention is to put all poor luck, bad luck all sweep out.

  Shou Sui -- we do not sleep all night, waiting for the dawn, called "Shou Sui".

  Paying a New Year call -- Paying a New Year call is a traditional custom among Chinese people. It is a way for people to bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the new and express good wishes to each other.

  Stick couplets -- every Spring Festival, no matter urban or rural, every family should select a red Spring Festival couplets stick on the door, for the festival to increase the festive atmosphere.

  Burning firecrackers - namely in the New Year's arrival, every family opens the door of the first thing is to set off firecrackers, with the sound of beep beep firecrackers.


  There is a tradition of eating dumplings for New Year's eve dinner in the north. Eating dumplings is a special way to express people's wishes for good fortune on the occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the New Year. Jiaozi means to have children at a younger age, and eating jiaozi during the Spring Festival is considered to be good luck. In addition, the shape of dumplings is like ingot, making dumplings means wrapping good fortune, eating dumplings symbolizes a rich life.


  The Spring Festival is a traditional festival for people of all ethnic groups in China. More than 100 years ago, the folk artist "Baiben Zhang" once wrote in his book: "In the first month of every family to celebrate the New Year, the Lantern Festival lanterns view, the moon is full, flower boxes everywhere, firecrackers bursts of loud, provoking people in the streets are swimming string." This is a vivid portrayal of the Spring Festival at the beginning of the year in history.

  Legend has it that During the period of Yao and Shun, China had this festival. In the insc riptions on oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty, there are also records about the Spring Festival and the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival. But at that time, the calendar was based on "observing the signs and timing", whether accurate, is still difficult to determine. In 104 BC, the first year of emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the Chinese people created the "Tai Chu calendar", which clearly stipulated that the first month of the lunar calendar was the beginning of the year. Since then, the custom of The Lunar New Year has been handed down for more than 2,000 years.

  Until the founding of new China, after the conversion to the AD, the festival was changed to the Spring Festival. In China's oldest written records, there are many stories about the Spring Festival. The twelfth lunar month and the New Spring are the slack seasons after the autumn harvest and the winter storage. Zheng Xuan of the Han Dynasty also said that in the early years of the New Year, "work in the farm to rest". In today's terms, it means work and rest.

