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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文带翻译【三篇】”由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】长假的利弊The Pros and Cons of Long Holidays

About five years ago, Chinese government made the decision of canceling the Golden Week, which is a long holiday for the working people. Such decision has caused the public’s heat discussion. Long holidays give people the time to relax, while long holidays have draws, too.

On the one hand, long holidays provides the time for working people to go home and stay with family. Most people go to work far away from their homes, the far distance causes them lack of enough time to visit parents on weekends. So if they want to spend time with family, long holidays will be needed. Chinese tradition pays special attention to the family union, the long days of vacation give people the chance to stay with family.
On the other hand, long holidays provides the time for people relax and go for travel, the flooded with tourists in the scenic sites and spots damage the preservation of historic things. We see from the news that when holiday comes, the famous tourist site are full of people, the purpose of enjoying the scenery is being missed, we only see numerous heads.
Though long holiday have pros and cons, I believe that long vacation is better than short vacation, people need to relax from long time’s work.

  【篇二】在中国过洋节 Foreign Festivals in China

Since the implement of the policy of reform and open in 1978, in China, people are influenced by the foreign culture and convention. The most obvious thing is that people use foreign products and the foreign festivals are becoming more and more popular. The growing popularity of western festivals inChinais a good phenomenon.

On the one hand, the growing popularity of western festivals promotes cultural exchanges between countries. There are 56 unique ethnic groups in our country, it has profound cultures, we can’t know well about our culture, let alone the foreign counties. While the policy of reform and open helps we know more about the world, we start to learn their culture by their festivals.
On the other hand, when we admit foreign festivals, we treat the festivals as our necessary days, so we will spend the days, buying presents, thus, it will promote our country’s economy. Today, most people get used to the Christmas Day in China, people buy a lot of discount products, just like Spring Festival, they are attracted the holiday themes.
Some people worry about the foreign festivals will let us forget about our own traditional festivals. On the contrary, it enhances our sense of convention, people will realize the importance of our culture. For these reasons, the foreign festivals are welcomed.

  【篇三】明日之星—林书豪The Future Star—Jeremy Lin

Yao Ming is Chinese most famous basketball player, he is famous around the world. But the damage of the body makes him retire early, he has to out of race course. People are looking for the next Yao Ming, for they need a hero to watch NBA. This summer, we see the guy, his name is Jeremy Lin, who is from Taiwan. The guy plays so well that everyone calls him little Yao Ming.

Jeremy Lin studies inHarvardUniversity, his talent in basketball has showed, he led the school team won the champion, the NBA agent saw his ability, Jeremy signed a team and started his career in NBA. At first, he didn’t get much chance to show himself, his first year was not brilliant. Actually, even Yao Ming, his first year was just a by passer to his own team, he even laughed by others. So the first was always hard for the new player.


The next year, Jeremy has show his talent, he got the chance to prove himself, he helped the team beat other team, people started notice him, still, his second not makes him a worldwide star. Then the third year, the whole summer people were talking about him, they speak highly of him, people see his talent. Jeremy has proved himself, he becomes the future star, he owns his success to his hard work.


