
时间:2024-05-23 07:55:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#雅思# 导语】上一次的雅思考试已经结束,下一次的雅思考试还会远吗?为了帮助大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩,下面就是®文档大全网为大家收集整理的2018年5月24日雅思口语考试小范围预测:PART2,供大家参考。更多雅思报名的最新消息,最专业的雅思备考资料,请关注®文档大全网。



  Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theater sports center) you would like
to have

  Sn your hometown

  you should say:

  What it is

  Where it is

  When you go there

  And how you feel about it


  Describe a public place that you think needs improvement

  You should say:

  What the public place Is

  How often do you go there

  ^hat do people do there

  And explain why it needs improvement

  And how to make it batter


  Describe a city or a country you w/ant to live or work [n the future

  You should say:

  Which city or country is

  When you do want to live or work

  Why do you like to live or work in the city or the country

  What you do to achieve your dreams

