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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假的趣事就像天上的星星,数也数不清,像泉水里的泡泡冒也冒不完。®文档大全网为大家准备了《暑假趣事英语作文高中生》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.暑假趣事英语作文高中生 篇一

  There are many interesting things this summer vacation, one of which is "catching butterflies".

  That day, my sister and I walked along the small road outside the village with a net and a box, accompanied by a gentle breeze and golden sunshine. We talked and laughed all the way, just like a bird out of a cage. A few leisurely white clouds float in the blue sky, and the air is filled with tempting fragrance.

  After a while, we came to a beautiful mountain slope. I saw the green light of the lush grass blend in, dotted with wild flowers like stars, dancing gracefully in the wind... It's really a good place to catch butterflies.

  Sister, sister! "Why didn't anyone answer? I looked around and saw that my sister had already fixed her gaze on a black and white butterfly. Hmm, what's so remarkable? Today I must catch the most beautiful butterfly for you to see! "I held up my butterfly net and searched around with my eyes wide open. Suddenly, a butterfly flew by in front of me, dressed in golden clothes with black spots on its wings, as if deliberately showing off. It danced freely in front of me, sometimes high and then low, sometimes left and right, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. I want to catch it and make a specimen, that's beautiful! I was about to use a net to catch that big butterfly when I suddenly remembered my sister saying that catching butterflies requires patience. When it stops, unexpectedly, I can catch it. Thinking of this, I was afraid of scaring it and lay motionless in ambush in the grass.

  Perhaps flying too tired and wanting to rest, it slowly landed on a lavender wildflower, its wings gently trembling. The opportunity has finally arrived! I held my breath, suppressed my heartbeat, slowly approached it, stretched out the butterfly net, looked at the position, and "brushed" the ground. Got it, got it! "I exclaimed excitedly, then carefully took it out of the net and placed it in a pre prepared box.

  The scorching sun was unbearable, and amidst the constant chirping of Cicada Girl, my sister and I carried our spoils and reluctantly left the charming hillside.

  Catching butterflies is really fun.

2.暑假趣事英语作文高中生 篇二

  This summer vacation, I have a new pet. If you want to know what she is, let me guess a riddle for you. It's the answer. Listen up: I'm wearing a emerald green robe with chick feathers on my head, and I'm young. Someone called me my brother. Beat an insect. Did you guess? Well, you guessed it right, it's called a grasshopper.

  I made a beautiful home for the grasshopper. The house is a former gerbil cage, with a layer of grass covering the bottom, a fake tree made of branches, and several stones. I thought the grasshopper would like this house, so I put it in and began to observe it:

  The grasshopper is wearing a green silk robe with two white ribbons on her body. Her legs are well proportioned and she looks like a graceful lady, but don't be fooled by its surface appearance. Under the lady's face lies a white bone spirit, a bloodthirsty and carnivorous demon.

  The favorite food for grasshoppers is actually cicadas that are much larger and stronger than themselves. Let me tell you how a grasshopper catches cicadas: I put a newly caught cicada into a cage, and the cicada stopped on a fake tree inside. The grasshopper noticed the cicada and slowly climbed towards it, but at the same time, the cicada also discovered the grasshopper and immediately flew in fear, hitting the transparent cage. The grasshopper remained motionless and quietly waited for the opportunity. Finally, the cicada stopped flying and landed on the grass. The grasshopper immediately became fierce and chased after it; The cicada panicked and fled in confusion. The grasshopper made a vigorous leap and knocked the cicada over. At the same time, it bit the cicada with its serrated, sharp jaws that were terrifying at a glance, while the cicada could only moan while kicking and kicking. The grasshopper bit open the cicada's belly, took each bite and pulled out its small intestine to eat it. With the cicada's last lament, the battle ended, and the winner began to enjoy its spoils

  Observing grasshoppers is great. I will take good care of them and there will be more discoveries!

3.暑假趣事英语作文高中生 篇三

  This summer vacation is an extraordinary and interesting one, with six seasons passing in a blink of an eye, ushering in a summer vacation without homework or burden. I spent this summer vacation in my hometown.

  This morning, everyone in the family began to get busy, leaving me alone at home. Being alone was lonely, and while I was pondering for some fun, I only heard a "meow" sound. It was my grandmother's kitten who came back and saw the kitten's disheveled appearance: its pure white fur had been scraped gray and black, emitting a nauseating smell.

  Suddenly, I had an idea: the kitten's body is dirty, why don't you clean it! As soon as I finished speaking, I brought the kitten's dedicated bathtub, bath milk, and towel. Everything was ready. I placed the kitten in the bathtub and started bathing it with my hands. I wiped the bath milk on it, and the fragrance filled my nose. Looking at the clean kitten, I nodded with satisfaction.

  Immersed in the joy of success, I noticed a mustache that was extremely disharmonious with the kitten in the corner of my eye. I thought the kitten was already so clean, how could it grow a beard? But when I think about it, it seems that all cats have beards. Anyway, my grandmother's kitten needs to be unique. Despite the kitten's opposition, I tied it to the bench and used scissors to "click" and cut off the long beard.

  Zhi Zhi Zhi' is the sound of a mouse. I untied the kitten's rope, and the kitten quickly jumped off the bench to pounce at the mouse. The mouse ran towards the mouse hole, but the kitten hit the hole. I don't understand why the kitten did this? Are you sick? I opened the computer and checked it. After reading it, I realized that the kitten's beard was used to measure the hole opening, which was his tool for catching mice. I really regret cutting the kitten's beard. I hope the kitten's beard can grow out as soon as possible! Can restore its ability to catch mice as soon as possible!

4.暑假趣事英语作文高中生 篇四

  My summer vacation life is rich and colorful. I went to the beautiful and fun Huling Jinxian Creek, often playing balance bikes with my younger brother at Wuyue Square, visiting interesting ice sculptures, and having a charity sale with Bohang at Zhongrun Square. I also attended my sister's romantic wedding

  The most exciting thing happened when I was drifting in the Jinxian Creek in Huling. It was a day of lightning, thunder, and rain. My good friends Coco and An An, our three families, rode the wind and waves while paddling, feeling uneasy all the way. The most exciting part of the entire stream was two meters high. Before I could react, it was quickly washed down by the rushing water. I only knew that I tightly grasped the handrails at both ends of the boat, my heart pounding with fear. After the most thrilling section of the road, we became less afraid. Raindrops as big as Ren Dou hit his face, and we leisurely paddled in the creek to compete who was the fastest to reach the finish line.

  During the summer vacation, what made me feel the most warm was attending my sister's wedding. The lights above the stage were shrouded, and I could see the flowers in clusters, with brilliant lighting. My sister and brother-in-law were married on stage with beautiful music. The groom and brother-in-law, dressed in a handsome suit, stood in the middle of the runway, waiting for the arrival of the beautiful bride. In a moment, a beam of light "shua -" shone towards the door, and my uncle slowly walked onto the stage holding my sister's hand. The groom knelt down on one knee, holding a flower in his hand and handed it to the bride, saying, "Xiaohui, I love you. Please marry me." The bride took the flower and her uncle placed her sister's hand on her brother-in-law's hand, instructing him to love her for the rest of his life. At that time, a round of applause filled with blessings rang out from below.

  I love my summer vacation, a colorful one.

5.暑假趣事英语作文高中生 篇五

  During the summer vacation, I did many things, and the most interesting thing was going fishing with my father.

  One day during the summer vacation, my father and I finished breakfast and went fishing by the Ganjiang River.

  I first took out the pre purchased bait, put it on the hook, and then threw the hook into the water. Just after fishing for a minute or two, I saw the buoy sinking. It must have been a fish catching the bait. I quickly picked up the fishing rod and saw a small fish on the hook. I quickly grabbed the fishing line and took the hook out of the fish's mouth

  Still in the bucket filled with water, put the bait on the hook, throw it into the water, and wait quietly for the fish to bite.

  However, after more than ten minutes, no fish caught the bait. I couldn't sit still and wanted to lift the hook. This was when my father spoke, "You need to be patient when fishing, otherwise you won't catch the fish." I listened to my father's words and continued to patiently wait. But after more than ten minutes, no fish caught the bait. So my dad asked me to go fishing in another place, but I still didn't catch the fish. What happened? I lifted the line and saw that the bait had already been eaten by those cunning fish. I had to re install the bait, and soon, a fish caught the bait. I asked my father, "Why do newly placed earthworms attract fish?" My father replied, "The newly placed earthworms have a smell, and when the fish smell this smell, they know there is food here and will swim over..." As soon as I mentioned this, a fish caught the bait. Unconsciously, it's over eleven o'clock and it's time to go home for dinner. I was overjoyed to see a dozen fish in the bucket! Eating the fish I caught at noon makes me feel happy.
