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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是节气又是节日。清明节不仅有祭扫、缅怀、追思的主题,也有踏青郊游、愉悦身心的主题。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The night before the Qingming Festival, I dreamed that my uncle was talking to me. He said Taotao, you have grown so big.

  The next morning, my mother and I had breakfast and went back to our hometown. Before we could have a drink, my mother took a shovel, paper money and pot, and we set out. After walking for a while, I asked my mother, "why hasn't my uncle's cemetery arrived yet?" My mother said, "see, just go to the big tree in front of me. Then my mother and I walked for a while and finally arrived.

  When I came to my uncle's graveyard, my mother dug a circle around my uncle's graveyard with a shovel, and then my mother and I began to burn paper money. First, my mother lit several pieces of 20 yuan, and then I took out a pile of 100 yuan from the tape. I threw one piece first and then another. At this time, I saw my mother throw several pieces, so I also learned from my mother's throwing several pieces. After throwing 100 yuan, I began to throw 500 yuan.

  This Qingming Festival, I learned that life is very important. Just like the person in a sketch said, money is nothing to life. Also, although you are rich, you have no life. What's the use of so much money, so we cherish life.


  Finally, on the eve of Tomb Sweeping Day, my parents took me to my hometown to sweep the grave. Stepping on the thorns on the mountain road, we came to the grave of our grandparents. In the face of our deceased predecessors, we all stood in awe and bowed deeply to their graves. My father handed me a lighted incense and looked at the rising smoke. The sounds and smiles of my grandparents seemed to appear in front of me. I was very sad to recall their love for me.

  Next, we burned a lot of paper money for them, all of which are "hundred yuan bills". We sincerely hope that they can live carefree in another world! Finally, my father took out the prepared firecrackers and began to set them off. In the crackling sound of firecrackers, I silently made a wish: I hope my grandparents will bless my academic progress and the safety and happiness of my family!

  On our way down the mountain, we took a shortcut and saw several tombs along the way. Closer look, there is a five pointed star on some tombstones, but the color has faded. Later I learned that it was a martyr who died for his country. My father told me: "our happy life today is what these martyrs bought with their lives. We should remember them forever.". My heart was very excited, and the azaleas all over the mountain seemed to understand my mind. At this time, they opened more brightly. Mother said, "azalea is also called Qingming flower. It blooms during Qingming Festival to appease the dead.".

  So I picked some and put them in front of the tomb. May the martyrs rest in peace! Every year there is Qingming Festival, and every year there are different worries. We can't forget the kindness of our ancestors. We must study hard and create a better future!


  On Tomb Sweeping Day, we went to the cemetery to sweep the grave for my grandmother who had died for many years.

  At seven o'clock in the morning, our family had prepared the sacrifice early and walked to grandma's cemetery in my uncle's car. About half an hour or so, we came to Diao Fangyang's nest in Xingning. After getting out of the car, I turned over a high mountain and walked through a forest towards grandma's cemetery. Finally, I came to grandma's grave. I saw that the grave was covered with tall weeds.

  When I had not recovered from the sound of firecrackers, my father put his hand on my shoulder and said; "Yuhao, come and talk to Grandma about your wishes." I went to the tomb, knelt down on my knees, put my hands together, and said with tears in my eyes; "Grandma, although you have died for many years, we still care about you and recall the happy time we spent together. You are like the same height as the mountain, the same flow as the water and the same size as the sky. Grandma, your spirit in heaven, please bless our family happiness! Rest in peace!" I wiped away my tears with a paper towel, then put a bunch of flowers on Grandma's grave and left reluctantly

  Looking at the lush trees, free birds, all kinds of white clouds and colorful wild flowers dotted in the green grass, I gently took a breath of fresh air and seemed to enter another world.

  I will always remember this tomb sweeping day!


  In the twinkling of an eye, it was the annual Qingming Festival again. This year's Qingming Festival didn't rain. According to the new holiday system, Qingming had a day off, so I went back to my hometown with my mother to visit the grave and worship my ancestors.

  After offering sacrifices to the third mother-in-law, we came to grandma's grave. We ordered a few incense sticks and inserted them in front of the grave, then tore up the paper money and lit it. The burned paper money turned into pieces of white ash. As the wind floated into the distance, the crackling sound of firecrackers spread far away. At the same time, my thoughts were brought back to the distant past.

  Grandma lived a hard life before she died. They must have been very painful when they gave birth to Grandpa. When Grandpa was studying, there was a shortage of food. He had to bring tables and stools from home and carry them for several kilometers to school every day. On one occasion, when grandma was taking grandpa to school, a car passed by. Grandma pushed Grandpa, but she was hit by the car. Since then, grandma separated from us Yin and Yang, and left the world and her beloved children forever. Later, grandpa who lost his mother's love became a doctor through his efforts.

  Grandma, your great granddaughter came to see you today. Although you left us, your love stayed. Your love can shine on the living people forever.


  On April 5, it was overcast, with a breeze and light rain. After bumps and treks, we came to the grave of our ancestors. The air on the mountain is still so fresh, and everything around it is the same: disordered small trees and weeds everywhere. At this time, the moist air and the gray sky were silent and picturesque everywhere. Father, mother, uncle and aunt are busy in an orderly way

  At this time, after pulling out the grass and preparing to light candles, we found that the candles were too light and unstable on the front desk of the tombstone, which was easy to fall off, so my father and I racked our brains to find a way. Time passed bit by bit. Finally, Dad came up with a solution first: he suddenly ran to a small tree in front, cut down the branches, cut them into sections about 10 cm long, dug out the core of the tree with a knife, and just inserted the candle. "Wow! This is a pair of living candlesticks!" I cried in surprise. This time I "won" another game for my father. I must "pull" back after I go back. I thought secretly in my heart. But I also know that this is not the time to be a "hero". Only with respect to our ancestors, this is our respect to our ancestors through our own efforts! During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and the feeling of respecting our ancestors arises naturally; When the smoke swirls, the mountain stream leaves the sound of firecrackers


  Qingming Festival, a festival handed down from generation to generation, contains the thoughts of deceased relatives and the sadness of deceased friends. Tears and drizzle can better express people's sad feelings.

  Under the land of my hometown lies my dear grandmother. I have never seen her, not even a picture of her. She died when her mother was 15 years old. Every time I mention this, I feel very sorry, and my mother will leave sad tears.

  Under the Loess of the motherland lie revolutionary martyrs. Although they have nothing to do with us, they died for our big family, for our Chinese nation, and for our five-star red flag. They are a family with us. Let's bow our heads and mourn for them! Although they are not in the world, their hearts and hearts full of blood remain in the world!

  On Tomb Sweeping Day, let's send tears of missing for our deceased relatives and friends and pay a high tribute to the revolutionary martyrs!


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, there is no rain, no sand flying, only a gentle breeze and a gorgeous sunrise. On this special day, he looked after the people who came to offer sacrifices with tenderness.

  After mom and Dad had prepared the tribute early in the morning, they took me in a fast taxi and went back to the beautiful and rich hometown with beautiful flowers and fertile fields to visit the tomb. On the way to the tomb, there are many beautiful flowers, including red Yingshan red, golden chrysanthemums and purple lavender... It's so beautiful!

  When they arrived at their destination, mom and dad began to hoe the weeds next to the cemetery. Some families with large cemeteries also used hoes and sickles. They cut the grass of the cemetery neatly just as barbers carefully cut their customers with scissors. It can be seen that people attach great importance to tomb sweeping. Next, mom and dad began to put colorful wreaths on the grave, and then put incense, fruits and other tributes in front of the grave. Then mom and dad put paper money next to the grave and burned it. Finally, mom and dad kowtowed in front of the grave and prayed for their safety and health and well-being!

  There is always a sour feeling in my heart when I think of my deceased relatives. Those relatives taken away by the years, I hope you are all well in heaven


  It is another year from the Tomb Sweeping Day, "it rains one after another during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Wet souls are walking on the wet road.

  Early in the morning, the clear and bright sunshine came warm from the window. After the leaves softened, it was like a runaway Mustang being put on a bridle. The rebellious River met Dujiangyan. It slowed down, softened and tamed, turned into extremely irregular light spots of large and small shapes, and gently threw them on people.

  Under the warm sunshine, my heart is a little cold, because a line of bold black words "Sichuan Liangshan fire, 30 people died" suddenly appeared on the page just opened. No one knows what kind of pain they have experienced in the face of this sudden fire. I can't even imagine the pain of the burning flame. How many young and brave lives have brought us stability in this world.

  When we lie in bed and complain boring, it's these people who carry the weight for us


  April 5 is the Tomb Sweeping Day. In this festival, there are sadness and nostalgia... Waiting for us to feel. After breakfast, my grandfather and father and I went to our hometown to sweep the tomb of our deceased ancestors. Dad was going to buy firecrackers and salutes. I quickly stopped him: "our school requires civilization to worship our ancestors and be careful with fire to prevent forest fire!" Dad heard it; "The school teaches well! Then we can worship our ancestors in civilization and buy some floating graves and incense."

  We drove to the cemetery. As soon as I got to the cemetery, I jumped out of the car and found many white and red long paper tapes on the mountain. I asked my father, "Dad, what's that?" My father told me in a low voice, "those white and red long paper tapes are floating graves." After a while, we came to the grave. My father and grandfather first replaced the old grave last year, hung the new grave, lit incense, and then lit candles. Finally, my father asked me to burn paper money for my ancestors. Grandpa kowtowed in front of the grave and said, "ancestors, you want to live a happy life in heaven!" My father offered wine, rice and vegetables to my ancestors sadly. I asked my father, "why do we visit the grave every year?" Dad said, "because we want to commemorate our ancestors and express our nostalgia to them."

  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, I will always keep in mind.


  These days are Tomb Sweeping Day. We have a holiday. The whole family decided to visit Xitang. It's said that this is an ancient town. It's very fun. We drove all morning and arrived at Xitang at noon.

  When you enter the gate, you can see the ancient buildings here. Whether it's a small pavilion or attic, it looks so antique. The tile eaves of the roof are high and stilted, and gray roofs are everywhere. After many years, small bridges and flowing water complement each other. Small boats floated over, with boats full of happy tourists. Tourists were weaving on both sides of the river bank, and there were cries of Hawking in small shops one after another.

  We move forward with the crowded flow of people, and take a look at the small shop next to us from time to time. We have everything we buy, eat, use, wear and so on. Just past a small bridge, I suddenly heard someone singing. Let's take a closer look. It turned out that three people were singing! But I can't understand anything. I always feel very lively. I sat in my chair and listened for a while. I didn't understand at all. I just thought it was fun. I saw someone playing erhu, someone singing, someone ringing the bell, someone playing bamboo board, and someone playing an instrument. I don't know this instrument yet! Dad said, it should be called "se." it's really lively!

  In short, Xitang let me see many interesting things and feel the characteristics of the ancient town. It was a worthwhile trip!

