译林版三年级下册英语书 电子书:译林版三年级下册英语Unit3单元练习题


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【#三年级# 导语】做英语习题可能在多数人眼中认为是一种附加的负担,语言的学习嘛,做题感觉很奇怪,可是中国的大环境仍然是考试,这种政策是一时半会儿都将存在的,所以有必要做题来面对这些考试。以下是®文档大全网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。

年级 _____________ 姓名 ______________ 等第.______________

( )1. A. pencil B. pen C. pencil case
( )2. A. your B. my C. you
( )3. A. it B. it’s C. isn’t
( )4. A. that B. that’s C. where
( )5. A. robot B. rubber C. ruler
( ) 6. A. book B. books C. box
( ) 7. A. this B. is
C. it’s
( ) 8. A. doll B. ball C. door
( ) 9. A. lunch B. English C. school
( ) 10. A. am B. I’m C. and

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) Where is my robot?

( ) That pencil is for you, Sam.

( ) Is this your skirt?

( ) What’s that?

( ) That’s not my book.

( ) This isn’t your pen.
( ) 1. A . Yes, it is. B. Yes, please.
( ) 2. A. It’s over there. B. It’s a schoolbag.
( ) 3. A. It’s blue. B. It’s a jacket.
( ) 4. A. Thank you. B. No,it isn’t.
( ) 5. A .No, thank you. B. I’m sorry, Mr Green.

1. It’s my

2. isn’t my pen.

3. Is this your ?

4. That’s your
1. lunch box 2.drink my milk___________________
3. an English book 4.beside the door__________________
5.over there 6. your rubber ___________________
7. Where’s my cragon? 8. on the floor____________________
9.我的钢笔__________________ 10.你的铅笔_____________________
( )1.A.Miss Li B.mother C. father
( )2.A.schoolbag B.door C. crayon
( )3.A.English B.rubber C. pen
( )4.A.sweet B.cake C. pencil
( )5.A.it B.this C. that
( )1. that your crayon? Yes, it is..
A. Is B. is C. Are
( )2.This rubber is for you. .
A. Yes. B. OK. C. Thank you.
( )3.Is that your parrot? No, isn’t.
A. it B. he C. it’s
( )4.Don’t eat my .
A. milk B. hot dog C. juice
( )5.Where ’s my schoolbag?
A. That’s my schoolbag. B It’s my schoolbag.. C. It’s over there.
( )6.---Yang Ling, please close the window. --- .
A. Thank you. B. Yes, Miss Li. C. I’m sorry.
( )7.---Don’t run, Mike! --- .
A. Sorry, Mr Green. B. Yes, please. C. No, thank you.
( )8.--- What’s this? ---It’s English book.
A. a B. an C.不填
( )9. Is this pen?
A. you B. your C. she
( )10.--- What’s this? --- cap.
A. It’s B. This a C. It’s a
( )1.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:
A. I’m sorry. B This is your book. C. This isn’t my book.
( )2.当你笔袋不见了时,你问别人:
A. Where’s your pencil case? B. Where’s my pencil case? C. Where’s my pencil?
( )3.当你想问别人这是不是他的帽子时,你说:
A. Is this your cap? B. Where’s your cap? C. Where’s my cap?.
( )4.当你想知道那是不是一个球时,你说:
A. Is that a ball? B. Is that a pen? C. Is this a ball?
( )5.当你想将某物给某人时,你说:
A. This is for you. B. Thank you. C. OK.
( )6.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:
A. Where’s my car? BIt’s over there. C.That is your book.
( )1.Is this your rubber? A. Yes,Dad.
( )2.Where’s your lunch box? B. I’m sorry.
( )3.This book is for you. C. It’s over there.
( )4.Look at my cap. D. Yes, it is.
( )5.Please close the window E. Thank you.
( )6. Don’t run in the library. F. How nice!
1. this , Is , ruler, your (?)
( )

2. open , Please, window , the ( .)
( )
3. isn’t, This , case , pencil , my( .)
( )

4. box , your , lunch , Where’s( ?)
( )

5. at , my , crayon , Look , new ( . )
( )

A.Thank you.
B. Hello, Ellen. Is this my rubber?
C. No, it isn’t. It’s my rubber.
D. Hello, Mike.
E. Where’s my rubber?
F. Look! It’s on the book. Here you are(给你).
( D ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
九、阅读短文,并判断句子是(√)否(×)正确,注意要用尺子把关键语句划下来。 (E)
A: Sorry, I’m late(迟到),Mr. Zhang.
B: That’s OK(没关系). Come in, Tim. Close the door, please.
A: OK, Mr. Zhang.
B:Now, look at this book. Tim, is this your book?
A: No, it isn’t.
B: What colour is your book?
A: It’s blue.
B: I see. Don’t draw (画) a dog in your book,Tim.
A: Yes, Mr. Zhang.
( ) 1. Mr. Zhang is a teacher(老师).
( ) 2. Tom is late.
( ) 3. Tim draws(画) a dog in the book.
( ) 4. Tim’s book isn’t blue.
1,pen, 2,you 3,it 4,that’s 5,robot 6,box
7, it’s 8, doll 9,lunch 10,am
1, What colour is my crayon? It’s brown.
2, Don’t talk in class. I’m sorry.
3, Is that a ruler? Yes, it is.
4, It’s beside the door
5,Is this your pencil box? Yes, it is.
6,Look at my rubber. How nice!
1, What about some sweets?
2, Where’s the skirt?
3, What colour is my jacket?
4, Is this a pen?
5, Don’t open your book.
1,That’s not my book.
2,That pencil is for you, Sam.
3, Where is my robot?
4,What’s that?
5,This isn’t your pen.
6,Is this your skirt?
1. It’s my pencil.
2. That isn’t my [en.
3. Is this your ruler?
4. That’s your pen.

