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【#三年级# 导语】英语试卷的目的不仅只是考个分数,证明我成绩多好多坏,更重要的是,在做题中,你要明白其中的题型、题意,可以举一反三。不要让试卷这些在你眼中成为一种负担,明白学习的意义。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。


一、 听力选择(每小题1分,满分40分) A) 


(    ) 1. A. down      B. door     C. do 

(    ) 2. A. say     B. see     C. sit 

(    ) 3. A. friends     B. family     C. father 

(    ) 4. A. welcome    B. well     C. come 

(    ) 5. A. apples     B. apple     C. table 

B) 图片排序。听下面5个句子,根据所听内容,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片标上正确的序号。听两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 

 1.              2.                 3.                 4.                    5.                      

 (     )       (      )          (      )        (      )           (     ) 

C) 听句判断。听录音,判断你所听到的内容与下列情景是否一致,一致的打“√”,不一致的打“×”,听两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 

(    ) 1. 你初次见到别人,可以说: 

(    ) 2. 别人的回答是正确的,你可以对他说: 

(    ) 3. 你想问别人几岁,会说: 

(    ) 4. 你想问远处某一样东西是什么,可以说: 

(    ) 5. 你在图书馆里吃东西,别人会对你说: 

D) 听选中文。听下面6个句子,从题中所给的A、B两个选项中选出与所给句子意思相符的中文句子,每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 

(    ) 1 A. 这些是什么?      B. 那些是什么? 

(    ) 2 A. 这是我的阿姨。      B. 这是我的叔叔。 

(    ) 3 A. 不要喝东西。         B. 不要吃。 

(    ) 4 A. 几点了?       B. 它什么颜色? 

(    ) 5 A. 汤姆有一把尺。      B. 汤姆有块橡皮。 

E) 听句应答。听下面6个句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出应答,每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 

(      )1 A. Yes, it is.    B. No, it isn’t.   C. Yes, they are. 

(      )2 A. Yes, please.   B. Yes, it is.     C. Yes, I am. 

(      )3 A. It’s nine o’clock.  B. I’m nine.    C. I’m fine. 

(      )4 A. He’s my father.  B. She’s my mother.  C. She’s my sister. 

(      )5 A. It’s under the tree.  B. It’s a bike.    C. Under the tree. 

F) 听句填空。听录音,完成下列句子,每空填一词,每个句子听两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 

  1. A: It’s _________. It’s time for ____________.  B: Hurry up! Don’t be late.  

2. A. Look, are __________ chickens?  B: Yes, they are __________. 

3. Jack is my little _____________.



(    ) 1. mother     morning    

(    ) 2. please         sleep 

(    ) 3. breakfast      bread     

(    ) 4. English        nice 

(    ) 5. book     afternoon    

(    ) 6. apple    that 



 1. 这头大奶牛 _______________________  5. very tall________________        

2. 吃我的蛋糕_______________________  6.Wake up. _________________ 

3. 你的爸爸_______________________  7. Make a wish. _________________             

4. 两个宝宝_______________________  8. beside the desk ______________ 

五、单项选择。(每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。 

(    ) 1. I have ______ English book.  _______ book is blue.  

A.a, The     B. an, The     C. an, 

 (    ) 2. — Where’s ________ twin sister?       —______ is in the library.       

A. your, She    B. you, She   C. your, He 

(    ) 3. —What are ______ over there?    — Oh, _________ pencils. 

 A. those; They’re  B. those; those’re  C. those; they’re 

(    ) 4. I can see some big oranges ______ that tree.       

A. in               B. on            C. of 

 (    ) 5. —______is the boy?            —He’s behind the tree. 

A. Who             B. How old         C. Where 

(    ) 6. —Don’t __________. My father is sleeping(在睡觉). 

A. talk     B. eat     C.sleep 

(    ) 7. _______ a lovely dog! 

A. How     B. What.     C. It’s 

(    ) 8. ---Is that a bird?               ---_________________       

A. Yes. It’s a duck.  B. No, it’s a cute bird. C. No, it’s a duck. 

(    ) 9.--- Look at my new crayons.     ---__________________ 

A. It’s nice.     B. How nice.     C. Oh, no. 

(    ) 10. —______ my pencil?      — It’s in the pencil case.       

A. What’s     B. Where’s     C. Where 


 (    ) 1.你想知道Sam是不是对方的朋友,你会问:     

A. He is your friend.       B. Is Sam your friend? 

(    ) 2. 当你上课注意力不集中时,老师会对你说:       

A. Sit down.           B. Look at me, please. 

 (    ) 3. 你上学迟到了,你说:     

A. I don’t know.           B. Come in, please.   

(    ) 4. 当你想把手中的蛋糕分享给别人时,你应该说:       

A. This cake is for you.     B. This is your cake. 

(    ) 5. 9点了,妈妈认为该睡觉了,你会对妈妈说:       

A It’s time to go to bed.     B. It’s time for class. 


  1. My dress are on the bed.(对划线部分提问)

    ____________ ____________ _______________ dress?

2.Close the door, please. (改为否定句) 

____________ ____________ the door, please. 

3. This is a tall woman.(改为复数句)   

____________ _____________tall _________________.  

4. 这个男孩是你双胞胎弟弟吗?是的。 

—____________the boy  ____________ _____________ brother? 

—Yes, __________ ______________. 

八、 完成句子。看图,根据首字母提示完成句子,每空一词。(每空1分,满分5分)           

 1.                —I’m____________, Mr Green. —Don’t be late again, Mike. ___________ ___________, please. 

2.     —_________ __________ is it? — It’s ___________. It’s time for ____________.

3.      — __________the bird?        — ___________ ___________ the desk.

九、 连词成句。(每小题1分,满分5分)   

  1. to, school, my, welcome (.)                                                          

2、look, please, blackboard, at, the (.)                                                             

3、is, woman, that, who (?)                                                     

4、in, it, your, is, pencil box (?)                                                                   

 5、time, it, please, what, is(,?)                                                       


 (   ) 1. Sam and Bobby are friends. 

 (   ) 2. It’s time for breakfast.

 (   ) 3. Sam has a lunch box. 

(   ) 4. We can see some chairs in the picture.  



Hello, My name is Mike Brown. I’m eleven. My father is Mr Brown. He is a doctor. He has a white car. My mother is Mrs Brown. She is a teacher. She has a red car. I wake up at seven o’clock. I go to school(上学) at eight o’clock. Look! My school bag is in my desk. My books and pencils are on my desk. At twelve o’clock I have lunch. I go home(回家) at five o’clock. 

(    )1. Mrs Brown is a _____________   A. A doctor.        B. A teacher. 

(    )2. My father has ________     A. a white car    B. a red car 

(    )3. Where’s Mike’s school bag?      A. It’s on his desk.     B. It’s in his desk. 

(    )4. Mike’s________are on his desk.   A. books and pens   B. books and pencils 

(    )5. At ________ o’clock Mike has lunch. A. eleven.           B. twelve

