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【#成考# 导语】生活是一本精深的书,别人的注释代替不了自己的理解,愿你有所发现,有所创造。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2018成人高考专升本《英语》词汇与语法复习【二】》供您查阅。




  1. A. anything

  B. many

  C. animal

  D. ate

  2. A. dollar

  B. polite

  C. pocket

  D. honest

  3. A. breath

  B. mouth

  C. breathe

  D. cloth

  4. A. over

  B. open

  C. often

  D. only

  5. A. beg

  B. climb

  C. job

  D. lab


  6. The old man says if you run after two hares (野兔) , you'll catch __________.

  A. both

  B. any

  C. neither

  D. either

  7. Can you do it __________ than that? Our clients expect the

  A. any better; best

  B. the best; best

  C. any better; better

  D. the best; better

  8. It seemed __________ that anyone should be unhappy on such a beautiful morning.

  A. important

  B. impossible

  C. possible

  D. usual

  9. She hasn't come yet. Her watch __________ have stopped. I will go and wake her up.

  A. should

  B. could

  C. can

  D. must

  10. She said Mr. Baker __________ to buy a new car because he his old one. It cost him 3,000 dollars.

  A. has; had lost

  B. had; has lost

  C. had; had lost

  D. has; has lost

  11. How can we ever do anything if we always __________ among ourselves?

  A. talk

  B. discuss

  C. quarrel

  D. shout

  12. Turn off the main road here __________ you will come to the lake.

  A. so

  B. and

  C. but

  D. or

  13. __________ he is thinking about now is not her health, but her safety.

  A. That

  B. What

  C. Whatever

  D. Which

  14. The little boy wanted to __________ up his hand to ask the teacher a question, but dared not.

  A. hang

  B. wake

  C. lift

  D. hold

  15. __________ was expected, he performed the task with success.

  A. Which

  B. That

  C. It

  D. As

  16. __________ as a writer, I don't like him as a man.

  A. As I admire him much

  B. How ! admire him much

  C. How nuch I admire him

  D. Much as I admire him

  17. She __________ some time trying to figure out what they would be doing.

  A. cost

  B. takes

  C. paid

  D. spent

  18. He didn't give up smoking although he knew he __________.

  A. ought to do

  B. needn't do

  C. ought to

  D. needn't

  19. The story of the film is __________ and the music is to the ear.

  A. excited; pleased

  B. exciting; pleasing

  C. excited; pleasing

  D. exciting; pleased

  20. They decided to __________ the meeting until after Christmas.

  A. put, away

  B. put, down

  C. put, off

  D. put, up



  Many people believe that Americans love their cars almost more than anything else. They are 21 about cars. Not only is the car the 22 means of transportation in the States, it has 23 become a "plaything".24 the time youngsters become fourteen years old or even 25, they are likely to start 26 of having their own cars.

  In the USA, the 27 family, if the father is not 28 work, can afford to buy a new car every five years. However, many young people 29 after school in order to save money to buy a car. Learning to drive and getting a driver license may be one of the most exciting 30 of a young person's life. Driver 31 is one of the most popular courses. At the end of the course the student will 32 a driving test for a license.33 many, that piece of paper means that they have grown up.

  In the United States, many men and women 34 to have cars. People use cars to go to work.35 drive cars to go shopping, to take the children to school or for other activities.

  21. A. crazy

  B. careful

  C. sure

  D. wonderful

  22. A. quickness

  B. closest

  C. basic

  D. scientific

  23. A. already

  B. just

  C. even

  D. also

  24. A. From

  B. By

  C. At

  D. Until

  25. A. later

  B. earlier

  C. less

  D. more

  26. A. fond

  B. imagining

  C. wishing

  D. dreaming

  27. A. most

  B. standard

  C. average

  D. rich

  28. A. at

  B. from

  C. out of

  D. for

  29. A. work

  B. look

  C. seek

  D. graduate

  30. A. times

  B. skills

  C. news

  D. successes

  31. A. club

  B. experience

  C. training

  D. test

  32. A. make

  B. hold

  C. pass

  D. take

  33. A. For

  B. So

  C. Too

  D. As

  34. A. used

  B. need

  C. ought

  D. dear

  35. A. Couples

  B. Woman

  C. Husbands

  D. Housewives



  第1题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项(  )

  A.mental B.metal C.total D.metallic


  第2题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项(  )

  A.thanks  B.pills  C.news  D.films


  第3题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项(  )

  A.elction  B.pronuciation  C.question  D.operation


  第4题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项(  )

  A.dear B.heart C.ear D.tear


  第5题 选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项(  )

  A.manage B.matter C.madam D.many


  二、词汇与语法知识(15 points)

  第6题 Johnson,my father’s younger brother,will not be at the picnic, __________to the family’S disappointment.

  A.more B.much C.too much D.much more


  第7题 The burglar was caught__________.

  A.while he left the house B.when he was left the house

  C.as he was leaving the house D.as soon as he was leaving the house


  第8题 “Look,your wife has just come in.”“______”

  A.So she did B.So did she C.So has she D.So she has


  第9题 Government officials should always__________in mind the pople’s needs.

  A.carry B.take C.train D.bear


  第10题 I'like to take__________of this opportunity to thank you all for your coopera-tion.

  A.profitl B.benefit C.advantage D.interest


  第11题 It is quite necessary for a teacher to have good manners and__________ knowledge.

  A.extensive B.expensive C.intensive D.expressive


  第12题  Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed__________.

  A.to B.with C.over D.on


  第13题 Would you please tell me__________to do next?

  A.how B.what C.which D.whatever


  第14题 We should look__________the matter before we reach a conclusion.

  A.into B.for C.to D.at


  第15题 Every officer and every soldier__________obey the rules.

  A.had to B.have to C.has to D.must have to


  第16题 She’S fainted.Throw some water on her face and she may soon__________.

  A.come around B.come again C.come back D.come on


  第17题 Having been found guilty,the man was given a severe__________by the judge。

  A.crisis B.crime C.sentence D.service


  第18题 __________the sun is the central body of the solar system so the nucleus is the core of the atom.

  A.When B.If C.Now that   D.Just as


  第19题 The sports team of our province won__________they did at the last National Games.

  A.twice as many gold medals as B.as many twice gold medals as

  C.as many as twice gold medals D.twice many gold medals than


  第20题 The Speech was not interesting.Most of the people present began to move about __________

  A.impatient B.impatiently C.impatience D.patiently





  1.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。

  A. carried

  B. borrowed

  C. asked

  D. thread


  2. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。

  A. combine

  B. complain

  C. comprise

  D. complex


  3. 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。


  B. professor

  C. mission

  D. pressure


  4.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。






  5.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。

  A. scissors

  B. score

  C. screen

  D. sculpture



  6.No sooner had she got home__________________she tried on her new coat.

  A. that

  B. than

  C. before

  D. when


  解析: no sooner…than引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”。

  7.You must take __________for granted that I will help you.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. this

  D. its


  解析:it是形式宾语,句子真正的宾语是从句that l will help you。

  8.Bob is __________rude that everyone dislikes him.

  A. so

  B. too

  C. very

  D. such


  解析: 这个句子为“so...that...”结构。

  9.It __________John and Kate who helped me the other day.

  A. is

  B. was

  C. are

  D. were


  解析: 因为句子主语是it,谓语动词用单数。本句是过去时态。

  10.Mary has just called and asked __________to have lunch with her tomorrow.

  A. you and I

  B. you and me

  C. I and you

  D. me and you


  解析: 作ask的宾语需用宾格me。

  11.__________electrons are still smaller.

  A. As atoms small are

  B. As atoms smaller as

  C. Small as atoms are

  D. Smaller atoms as are



  12.It was clever __________at the answer in two minutes.

  A. of him to arrive

  B. for him to arrive

  C. for his arriving

  D. of his arriving


  解析: 比is+形容词+of+名词/代词+不定式,of后的名词/代词为不定式的动作发出者。

  13.Stop __, boys! It's time for class.

  A. talking

  B. to talk

  C. talk

  D. being talk


  解析: stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”;stop to do sth.表示“停下来(开始)做某事”。

  14.I liked to play football when I was young.__

  A. So he was

  B. So was he

  C. So did he

  D. So he did


  解析: 表示与前面所说一致的情况下,如果是so开始,则主谓倒装,但要注意其动词应跟主句的动词一致。

  15.It is not __________to discuss the question again and again.

  A. worth

  B. worthy

  C. worthwhile

  D. worth while


  解析:be worth+名词:值……的,be worth doing sth.:值得做,be worthy of+名词:值得……的,be worthwhile to do sth.值得做某事。

  16.Many countries face some serious problems of land use, __________result from population growth and the demands of modem technological living.

  A. which most

  B. most of which

  C. most which

  D. of most which


  解析: 这是由which引导的非限制性定语从句。

  17. Our boss told me my plan was still __________discussion.

  A. in

  B. under

  C. of

  D. with


  解析: under discussion表示“在讨论中”,类似的还有under consideration(在考虑中)等。

  18. Tom looks so pale today.He __________ill.

  A. must be

  B. had to be

  C. should be

  D. shall be


  解析: 情态动词must表示推测。

  19.He said he __________the next day.

  A. will come back

  B. come back

  C. would come back

  D. came back


  解析: 主句谓语动词是过去时态,从句的时态应与主句一致。而从句中表示的是过去的将来,所以从句中的谓语动词应用过去将来时。

  20. George did __________than anyone else.

  A. much work

  B. more work

  C. work much

  D. work more


  解析: 当比较级结构中的more、less等词为限定词时,名词只能置于比较级结构中间。




  1.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。

  A. exercise

  B. except

  C. coffee

  D. journey


  2.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。






  3.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。

  A. stop

  B. program

  C. soul

  D. below


  4.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。


  B. professional

  C. hospital

  D. oral


  5.请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项(  )。






  二、词汇与语法知识 (共15小题,每题1.5分,共22.5分)从每小题的四个选项中选出的一项。

  6.She had changed so much that I could hardly __________ her.

  A. differ

  B. find out

  C. explain

  D. recognize


  解析: 本句句意是:她变化如此大,我几乎认不出她了。

  7.Little __________ what others think.

  A. does he care about

  B. did he care about

  C. he cares about

  D. he cared about



  8.He was busy yesterday; otherwise he __________to the meeting.

  A. would have come

  B. would come

  C. could come

  D. had come


  解析: 表示对过去发生事实的假设要用虚拟语气。

  9.Excuse me, are you waiting for the bus?

  Yes, I am. But the bus is so late. __________,how can I get to No. 1 Middle School?

  A. In the way

  B. On the way

  C. Out of the way

  D. By the way


  解析:从整个语境中可以看出,所填部分为一独立成分,是引起所问问题的插入语,应用by the way,意思是“顺便问一下”。

  10.__________ more careful, his ship would not have sunk.

  A. If the captain were

  B. Had the captain been

  C. Should the captain be

  D. If the captain would have been


  解析: 由主句谓语可判断,从句应表示与过去事实相反的情况,虚拟条件句中的谓语应 用过去完成时。动词放句首的倒装形式表明是虚拟语气。Had the captain been=If the captain had been。

  11. I'd met her many times before yesterday.


  A. did I

  B. had I

  C. I did

  D. I had


  解析: 本句是对上句的重复,尽管用so开头,语序也不倒装。

  12.Happily for john's mother, he is working harder to __________ his lost time.

  A. make up for

  B. keep up with

  C. catch up with

  D. make use of


  解析:make up for意为“弥补”;keep up with意为“跟上”;catch up with意为“赶上”;make use of意为“利用”。约翰的母亲很高兴看到他为了弥补浪费的时间而努力。

  13.I will go back to my hometown as soon as I __________ my examinations.

  A. will finish

  B. finish

  C. has finished

  D. would finish


  解析: 时间状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。

  14.Tom writes as __________ as her brother.

  A. clear

  B. more clear

  C. clearly

  D. most clearly


  解析: as...as...表示“和……一样”,本结构中用形容词或副词的原级。

  15.I recognized John __________ he entered the room.

  A. hardly

  B. the minute

  C. no sooner

  D. at once


  解析: the minute引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”。

  16.I enjoy the concert last night; they played __________ beautiful music.

  A. such

  B. such a

  C. so

  D. so a


  解析: 这里要强调的是名词:音乐。所以应用such修饰。so修饰形容词。music是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词。所以应选择A项。

  17.It is not polite to __________ a speaker when he is making a speech.

  A. interrupt

  B. cease

  C. oppose

  D. inquire


  解析: interrupt意为“打断”;cease意为“停止”;oppose意为“反对”;inquire意为“询问”。

  18.Fond of singing as she is, she is __________ a good singer by profession.

  A. everything but

  B. something but

  C. nothing but

  D. anything but


  解析: anything but意为“绝对不”;nothing but意为“仅仅,只”;but一般不与something、everything连用。

  19.Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and __________.

  A. the others are not

  B. another is inexperienced

  C. the other is not

  D. others are inexperienced


  解析: 表示两者中的“另一个”用the other。

  20.__________the more you are aware of content and meaning.

  A. The more words you are familiar to

  B. The more words you are familiar with

  C. You are familiar to more words

  D. You are familiar with more words


  解析: 句型“the more...the more...”表示“越……越……”;be familiar with表示“熟悉,通晓”。

