
时间:2022-08-11 07:19:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我的暑假生活过得多姿多彩,不仅见识了许多新奇东西还学到了不少知识。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  On the day of summer vacation, I came to Huangshan Mountain, which is called the "No. 1 strange mountain in the world", with incomparable excitement.

  Huangshan Mountain is located in the south of Anhui Province, covering an area of 1200 square kilometers and 72 peaks. Huangshan has been a tourist attraction since ancient times. After visiting Huangshan, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in the Ming Dynasty, highly praised Huangshan and said: "the five mountains do not come back to see the mountains, and the Huangshan Mountain does not come back to see the mountains." This sentence means that after visiting the five mountains, you don't need to see the other mountains. After visiting Huangshan, even the five mountains can be ignored. Huangshan is indeed unusual. It has the grandeur of Mount Tai, the precipitousness of Mount Hua, the waterfall of Mount Lu and the smoke and cloud of Mount Heng. It is famous for its "four wonders" of strange pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs. It is known as "the first strange mountain in the world".

  The highest peak in Huangshan is lotus peak. At an altitude of more than 1800 meters, the peak that stands outside the sky is shrouded in clouds and fog. It is mysterious and unpredictable, making people feel that it is difficult to climb. In particular, those grotesque rocks on the mountain seem to be falling, which makes people tremble.

  The scenery of Huangshan is beautiful and magical, especially those strange rocks, which are extremely interesting. Let's say "fairy plays the piano". The beautiful fairy plays the piano, and the melodious sound of the piano reverberates in the mountains for a long time, as if people were praising her. Look, there is a lovely dog on the steep mountain. He looks up at the moon. It seems that he wants to go to the moon to have a look. This is the interesting "dog watching the moon". There are also many strange stones in Huangshan, such as "lions fighting for the ball", "monkeys watching the sea", "turtles and fish looking at each other", and so on.

  Near the Yuping building, there are several ancient pine trees, one of which is called the welcome pine, which seems to welcome tourists all the time. There is also a pine tree called "see off pine". It seems to be saying: "I wish you a good trip. Welcome to come again next time!"

  It has been many days since Huangshan came back, but the beautiful scenery, like beautiful pictures, still comes to my mind. I want to tell you: Huangshan is worth visiting. If you don't go, it will be your lifelong regret.


  My summer vacation life is rich and colorful, which makes people miss and yearn for. The most unforgettable thing for me is to go to the countryside to pick fresh vegetables.

  On the second Sunday of summer vacation, my good friends and I drove our car to the hot spring to experience the rural style of picking vegetables. When I got off the bus, I was shocked by the beautiful scenery here. A large area of green leeks, red tomatoes, like red lanterns, bright purple aubergines, and cucumbers hanging on the branch rack, were greedy. The slender kidney beans sisters are competing with each other. Red peppers are hanging on the branches, and there are white radishes with big white stomachs and green hats.

  These things that could only be seen in the vegetable market in the past are actually seen in the field and on the branches today. It really excites me. We came to the field with small baskets under the hot sun. I first came to the red tomato field. I gently picked red tomatoes one by one. Soon I picked a basket full of tomatoes. At this time, I could not help but put one in my mouth. It was sweet and sour. It was delicious.

  I came to the radish field again. I squatted on the ground, grabbed the leaves of the radish with both hands, and held them tightly. I thought that I could pull out a large radish. I tried to pull it back, but my hands hurt, but the radish didn't move. My good friend saw that I was trying hard and ran to help. I pulled out the radish leaf and she pulled my arm. Ha ha, it's a bit like "pulling Radish" in the comic book. At this time, I heard a "jump" and a big radish thicker than my calf was pulled out, but we both sat in a big pile. We both looked at such a big radish and smiled happily.

  After half a day, we put the fruits we picked into the cart. A large bundle of leeks, a large basket of cucumbers, kidney beans, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and my big radish filled the cart. Look at the fruits of our victory. We laugh so happily and sweetly.

  In this summer holiday, I felt the hardship of labor and the joy of harvest in the "village picking garden". Let me never forget.


  One day in this summer holiday, my father and I went fishing in Pingzhen.

  That morning, I got up early, with a happy and excited mood, and my father took the fishing gear and set off. Along the way, I was humming songs.

  When we got to the fish pond, I saw the water clear to the bottom, which could reflect the reflection of the tourists. People's reflections rise and fall with the water, which is very interesting. The water is so clear that there must be fish. Dad put the fishing gear and food... Then, put the bait on the hook, and then throw the fishing rod into the water, patiently waiting for the fish to take the hook. I thought to myself: fish, fish, come on, I'm still waiting to eat your delicious fish!

  After a while, a big silver carp weighing two Jin was hooked. Dad pulled the rod fiercely. Ah, I caught it! I laughed and jumped three feet. I also followed my father's example, putting the bait on the hook, then throwing the fishing rod into the water and waiting. I had just waited for 10 minutes. I scratched my ears and scratched my cheeks. I was impatient. So I pulled the hook and saw that there was no fish. It was very disappointing. Dad smiled and said to me, "be patient in fishing. If the fish is hooked, the rod will sink. If you see this situation, pull the rod again, or it will be in vain."

  After listening, I threw the fishing rod out again and stared at it. After 20 minutes, I found that the fishing rod had changed - it was sinking. I hurried to pull, but the fishing rod was bent like a hook. A fat big grass carp was caught by me, and I immediately felt like eating it. My father and I fished from eight in the morning until seven in the evening. Although it was late, the harvest was not small - a total of 12 fish were caught, and all of them were fat. My father and I looked at our "masterpiece" and smiled happily.

  This day, I not only played well, but also learned knowledge. When I think of this thing in the summer vacation, I will laugh and think it is very interesting.


  During the summer vacation, I went to Zhengzhou and went to the aquarium in Zhengzhou.

  The main project of Zhengzhou aquarium has seven segmented venues, one scene for each. What is amazing is that there is an undersea tunnel about 70 meters long in the undersea tunnel Museum. When walking in the undersea tunnel, tourists can not only see sharks, rays and other large marine fish swimming above and around. Walking in the tunnel, there is blue sea water on the top and on the left and right sides. There are fake stones and a big shark inside. This is the first time that I have been so close to the shark. I feel that it is not so fierce, but so friendly.

  I also enjoyed the large-scale "Mermaid" performance. The "Mermaid" wore a fish tail. It's beautiful to swim with fish in the water.

  In the aquarium, I also watched the performances of dolphins and sea lions. Dolphins performed jumping circles. Sea lions are really powerful and can calculate. Give yourself a hand when you perform. They all performed and sang. That's funny!

  There, we visited many fish. For example, silver pomfret is called "ferocious silver pomfret". I also learned a lot about it: silver pomfret is produced in the Amazon River Basin of South America. Because its body shape and habits are similar to those of piranha pomfret, it is also called "piranha pomfret". The lower jaw of silver pomfret is upturned and developed. Its teeth are firm and sharp, and it has an extremely keen sense of smell. My character is very fierce. It is extremely vulnerable to the stimulation of bloody smell and splashing sound. There are also beautiful African princes and flower dinosaurs.

  On the second floor, there are coral chars and big turtles.

  We also saw the sea dragon and the seahorse. They are only ten centimeters long... What a happy summer holiday.


  The two-month summer vacation is coming to an end. I don't think how this summer vacation can go so fast! During this holiday, I participated in many activities, such as table tennis training, visiting the animal museum, watching movies, reading books, "playing ducks"... Among them, my favorite is playing table tennis.

  Speaking of playing table tennis, we must first talk about our coach. There are four coaches who have taught me. They have their own characteristics. Coach Fu is fat, but he is flexible. He plays very fast and often makes us feel at a loss and overwhelmed. Coach Yang is good at adjusting the ball and often makes us fly all over the court. The expressionless coach Xu is very patient. When our actions are not standardized, he will come to us and take the trouble to teach us hand in hand. Coach Li is very tricky and always gives us problems. If we want to catch his ball, we must concentrate and use our brains.

  Table tennis training is very hard, and I often encounter difficulties. Once, I played a single ball with coach Yang, but I couldn't get through 50 balls. I'm worried. I'm so worried that my face turns red. But the more I worry, the worse I can play. So I left the table, sat aside and thought carefully, "what's my problem?" It suddenly occurred to me that maybe I was too hard, so the ball could not touch the platform and went out of bounds.

  After a while, it was my turn to take the stage. I stood by the pool, staring at the ball in the teacher's hand, holding the racket tightly, taking a deep breath and preparing to catch the ball. The table tennis ball approached me step by step. I gently waved the racket in my hand, and the ball accurately landed in the boundary. I continued to play this way, and all 50 balls fell within the bounds. I'm so happy that I finally got through.

  I have gained a lot this summer holiday. Table tennis training let me exercise my body and temper my will; Visiting the animal museum let me know a lot of animal knowledge and broaden my horizons; Reading makes me understand Bethune's great deeds... My summer life is really rich and colorful.


  A pleasant summer life is like an endless stream. This "stream" is singing joyful songs all the time, among which shrimp fishing is a very beautiful song.

  It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon. The sun father-in-law smiled and sprinkled his fiery "golden sword" on the earth. The whole place suddenly became a big stove. Under the leadership of the teacher, we went to the shrimp fishing ground with great enthusiasm against the scorching sun. First, we saw an oval shrimp pond. The shrimp pond was like a piece of green jade. A gust of wind blew over it, and the water surface immediately ripples. It was very beautiful. As soon as the uncle of the shrimp farm saw that we had come to "visit the door", he opened the door with a smile, held a sun umbrella, distributed bait and net bags... The students took the shrimp pole and the small stool, and each chose the most ideal position to sit down. The quiet shrimp pond immediately became lively.

  I took the shrimp fishing tools to the place where I found it easy to catch shrimp. After sitting down, I began to "work". I put the chicken heart on the shrimp hook, then threw it into the water, and then waited for the "patronage" of the shrimp. For about 15 minutes, the floating float fixed on the water jumped up and down, and my heart kept jumping with the floating float. I held the shrimp rod tightly with both hands and suddenly lifted it, but the bait was gone, and even the shadow of the shrimp was not seen. This "guy" is really cunning. I put on the shrimp bait again and threw the shrimp hook into the water. After a while, the buoy jumped several times. This time, I was not in a hurry to lift the rod. At this time, the buoy suddenly sank into the water. I saw that the time was ripe, and I suddenly lifted the rod. But who would have expected that the shrimp had escaped with a move of "golden cicada shelling". This time, I was so angry that I wanted to drop the shrimp rod and stop fishing. Just as the teacher came over and said to us, "children, no matter what you do, you must be patient. This shrimp bite is very tricky! It first 'wanders around' with bait, and then 'tastes' when it is dragged to a safe place. So we must not be impatient.".

  After listening to the "secret" spread by the teacher, I threw off the shrimp hook. After a while, the shrimp got hooked. I slowly put the dying shrimp into the net. After winning the first battle, I threw the hook into the water and waited for the next "enemy"

  Before we know it, the day is approaching. This seemingly simple little thing tells us that patience and perseverance are the "cornerstones" of a successful career. Otherwise, nothing will be achieved.


  Summer life, like a kaleidoscope, colorful; Like all kinds of lollipops, sweet, sour, spicy and bitter; Like the leaves on the big tree, each piece is a memory. Among them, the "identity" of one leaf is very special.

  One hot summer evening, the sun scorched the earth. When I came home from my interest class, I suddenly found a mantis bowing to me in the flower bed on the roadside, waving this "big knife". What a praying mantis! It is dressed in green "armor" and equipped with a pair of huge wings. Its front legs are like two "big knives". It really looks like a gatekeeper; The small green eyes were turning around, and the two tentacles were swinging leisurely. I like it so much that I can't wait to catch it.

  So I launched an arrest operation. First, he approached the mantis carefully, but it responded quickly. He felt that the visitor was not good, so he posed for the fight. I'll make a "swift attack" first and catch the mantis with one hand. Unexpectedly, it dodged quickly. The praying mantis waved a "big knife" and was proud, like a majestic general who had won a battle.

  I'm not willing to lose to a mantis. I thought and thought, looked and looked. I finally understand that Mantis's dagger is the general's sword. To catch it, we must first control its "big knife". So, I found two small wooden sticks. First, I let the mantis clamp one small wooden stick, then I pressed the mantis's "big knife" with another wooden stick, and then I caught it at once. Ah, I finally succeeded! Now the mantis has been caught and cannot move. It looks like a general who has lost a battle.

  Ha ha, I was so excited that I jumped three feet high. The contest ended in my victory.


  One day in this summer holiday, my father and I went fishing in Pingzhen.

  That morning, I got up early, with a happy and excited mood, and my father took the fishing gear and set off. Along the way, I was humming songs.

  When we got to the fish pond, I saw the water clear to the bottom, which could reflect the reflection of the tourists. People's reflections rise and fall with the water, which is very interesting. The water is so clear that there must be fish. Dad put the fishing gear and food... Then, put the bait on the hook, and then throw the fishing rod into the water, patiently waiting for the fish to take the hook. I thought to myself: fish, fish, come on, I'm still waiting to eat your delicious fish! After a while, a big silver carp weighing two Jin was hooked. Dad pulled the rod fiercely. Ah, I caught it! I laughed and jumped three feet. I also followed my father's example, putting the bait on the hook, then throwing the fishing rod into the water and waiting. I had just waited for 10 minutes. I scratched my ears and scratched my cheeks. I was impatient. So I pulled the hook and saw that there was no fish. It was very disappointing. Dad smiled and said to me, "be patient in fishing. If the fish is hooked, the rod will sink. If you see this situation, pull the rod again, or it will be in vain." After listening, I threw the fishing rod out again and stared at it. After 20 minutes, I found that the fishing rod had changed - it was sinking. I hurried to pull, but the fishing rod was bent like a hook. A fat big grass carp was caught by me, and I immediately felt as if I was

  It's like eating. My father and I fished from 8:00 in the morning until 7:00 in the evening. Although it was late, the harvest was not small - a total of 12 fish were caught, and all of them were fat. My father and I looked at our "masterpiece" and smiled happily.

  This day, I not only played well, but also learned knowledge. When I think of this thing in the summer vacation, I will laugh and think it is very interesting.


  One sunny afternoon in the summer vacation, I rode my bike to play in the small park at the gate of my home. Under a stone, I found a watermelon BUG by accident.

  I took it home and wanted to build a new home for it. But I looked for a long time, but I couldn't find the right material. When I looked up, I found the LEGO in the window.

  So I started to build while designing. I used different colors of LEGO to build the floor, walls, doors and windows of the house, and also designed a maze. The maze starts from the living room and goes along the large French windows to the revolving door, the swimming pool, the backyard and the watermelon worm's bedroom.

  When mother saw it, she asked happily, "this maze is so creative! Where is your inspiration?"

  "Ha ha, to tell you the truth, when I saw the body rolled up by watermelon worms, I thought of the small steel balls in the maze toys." I pointed to a corner of the garden and said, "look, I'm afraid the watermelon worm is too lonely in such a big house. I even specially found a pet dog for it!"

  I put the watermelon worm into the new home I designed for it. It looked curiously and seemed to like this home very much


  Time is like water, with the scorching summer, ushering in my long-awaited summer vacation. My summer vacation life is full and colorful.

  I like dancing. I get up in the morning and catch up early. When the weather is still cool, I practice martial arts. Look at my horizontal fork standard? In addition to dancing, I also like the violin. During the holidays, I have to take a grade test, so I insist on practicing the violin every day. Sometimes the melodious sound of the piano attracts early birds, standing outside the window chirping and humming a tune, dancing with my piano.

  I have arranged a reasonable time for myself to study. I practice calligraphy, read books, do math problems, recite ancient poems, and combine work and rest. To practice calligraphy is to practice the mind; To write is to be a man! Practice calligraphy, calm down, calm down, let people enter the wonderful realm of soul, and enjoy the pure fun of writing. I like writing!

  In my spare time after dinner, I will take the initiative to help my mother do the housework - wash the dishes. The work of washing dishes seems simple, but in fact it is a lot of knowledge. Too little detergent, the bowl is greasy and cannot be washed clean; Too much, it's full of foam, which is difficult to clean; Sometimes when the bowl is washed, there is still a fish that has escaped the net. I'm slowly summing up my experience, and now I can handle it with ease.

  In the scorching summer, if I didn't have such a rich and colorful life, wouldn't I die of suffocation?
