

时间:2021-08-04 21:52:36 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】成功=时间+方法,自制力是这个等式的保障。世上无天才,高手都是来自刻苦的练习。而大家往往只看到“牛人”闪耀的成绩,忽视其成绩背后无比寂寞的勤奋。®文档大全网为大家准备了2021年下半年英语四级大纲词汇带音标,供大家参考阅读。



  jet lag时差反应

  join hands with互相合作/携起手来

  join in参加(活动)

  join up参军/入伍/联合起来 j

  udging by从…判断

  jump at急忙接受/立即抓住

  jump off开始/开始进攻

  just about差不多/几乎

  just as正象/正当…的时候

  just now现在/眼下/刚才

  just the same完全一样



  identify with认为…等同于

  if any若有的话

  if only只要/要是…就好

  improve on对…作出改进/超过

  in a hurry匆忙/立即/很快地

  in a moment立即/立刻

  in a sense从某种意义上说

  in a way在某种程度上

  in a word总而言之/总之

  in accordance with与…一致/按照/根据

  in addition另外

  in addition to除…之外(还有)

  in advance在前面/预先

  in advance of在…的前面/超过

  in all总共/共计

  in all directions向四面八方

  in and out进进出出

  in any case无论如何/总之

  in any event不管怎样/无论如何

  in brief简言之/以简洁的形式

  in case假如/免得

  in case of假如/万一…

  in charge of主管/掌管/照管

  in common共用/公有/共同

  in comparison with与…比较

  in consequence结果是/因此

  in consequence of由于…的缘故

  in danger在危险中/垂危

  in debt to sb.欠某人的债

  in detail详细地

  in difficulties处境困难

  in due course在适当的时候

  in effect实际上/正实行中

  in error弄错了的/错误地

  in every way在各方面/以各种方式

  in excess of超过

  in exchange for交换

  in face of面对/纵然/即使

  in fact其实/实际上

  in faith确实/的确

  in favour of赞成/支持/有利于

  in focus焦点对准/清晰

  in force(法律)有效的/大批地

  in front of在…前面/面对

  in full充足/十足

  in full swing活跃/正在全力进行

  in future今后/以后

  in general通常/一般地说

  in good health身体好

  in half成两半

  in hand现有在手头/在进行中

  in itself本质上/就其本身而言

  in light of按照/根据/鉴于

  in line成一直线/整齐/一致

  in line with跟…一致/符合

  in memory of纪念…

  in nature性质上/实际上

  in no case决不/无论如何不

  in no time立即/立刻/马上

  in no way决不/一点也不

  in one's honour向…表示敬意

  in order整齐/状况良好

  in order that以便/为了…

  in order to以便/以…为目的

  in other words换句话说/也就是说

  in part在某种程度上/部份地

  in particular特别/尤其/详细地

  in person亲自/身体上/外貌上

  in place在适当的位置/适当的

  in place of代替

  in point of实际上/就事实而论

  in practice在实践中

  in proportion to与…成比例/与…相称

  in public公开地/当众

  in quantity大量

  in question正在谈论的

  in regard to关于

  in relation to关于/有关/与…相比

  in respect that因为/考虑到

  in return作为回报/作为报答

  in return for作为…的交换

  in school在求学

  in search of寻找/寻求

  in season(水果等)应时的

  in secret秘密地/私下地

  in session在开会/在开庭

  in short总之/总而言之

  in sight被见到/看得见/在望

  in so far as(程度等)就…/至于

  in spite of尽管/不顾/虽然

  in step协调/同步/合拍

  in support of支援/支持/拥护

  in tears流着泪/含泪哭

  in terms of根据/以…的措词

  in that既然/因为

  in the air在空中/未定

  in the case of就…来说/至于

  in the course of在…期间/在…过程中

  in the dark在黑暗中/秘密地

  in the distance在远处/远方的

  in the end最后/终于

  in the event of如果…发生/万一

  in the first place起初/本来/首先

  in the future将来

  in the heat of在(辩论)最激烈的时候

  in the interest of为了…的利益/为了

  in the least一点(也不)/丝毫(不)

  in the long run从长远来看/最后

  in the main基本上/大体上

  in the mass总体上/整个儿地

  in the name of以…的名义/代表

  in the nature of具有…的性质的

  in the negative否定地/否决

  in the open在户外/在露天

  in the past在过去

  in the shape of呈…的形状

  in the way挡道的/妨碍人的

  in the way of妨碍/在…方面/关于

  in the world究竟/到底/天下

  in this case既然是这样

  in time及时/适时/还早

  in touch联系/接触

  in truth事实上/的确

  in turn依次/轮流

  in use在使用着

  in vain徒劳/白辛苦/轻慢

  in view of鉴于/考虑到/由于

  inquire about询问/打听

  inquire after问起(某人)的健康情况

  inquire for询问(商店、地点等)

  instead of代替/而不是…

  interfere in干涉/干预

  interfere with打扰(某人)/妨碍



  had best/顶好

  had better do sth.还是…好/还是…

  had rather...宁愿…

  hand down把…传下来/传给

  hand in交上/递上/交进

  hand in hand手拉手/联合

  hand on传下来/依次传递

  hand out分派/把…拿出来

  hand over交出/移交/让与

  hang about闲荡/聚在…临近

  hang on抓紧不放/坚持下去

  hang on to紧紧握住

  hang up把…挂起来/挂断

  happen on巧遇/偶然发现

  happen to碰巧

  hardly any几乎没有


  have a ball玩得高兴

  have a dislike of不喜欢/讨厌

  have a good time过得快乐/玩得高兴

  have back要回/收回

  have mercy on对…表示怜悯

  have no business没有权力或理由做某事

  have no lack of不缺乏

  have notice of接到通知

  have on穿着/有事/进行

  have one's day走运/正在得意的时候

  have respect for尊重/考虑

  have sth. to do with和…有关/和…打交道

  have to不得不/必须

  have to do with与…有关/和…打交道

  head for朝…方向走去

  head on迎面地/正面地

  head up在…上加盖子

  hear from接到…的信

  hear of听到/听说

  heart and soul全心全意地/完全地

  heart to heart坦率地

  help oneself自取所需(食物等)

  help sb. out帮助/帮忙

  help sb. with sth.在…帮助某人

  here and now此时此地

  here and there到处/各处/偶然

  hold back踌躇/退缩不前/阻止

  hold down压制/抑制(热情等)

  hold in约束/抑制

  hold office担任公职

  hold on握住不放/坚持下去

  hold on to紧紧抓住/控制/克制

  hold one's own坚守住/不被打败

  hold oneself in尽力不叫

  hold out伸出/坚持/支持

  hold up举起/耽搁/抢劫

  hold water(容器等)盛得住水


  How about?…如何?…怎么样?

  hurry up(使)赶快/迅速完成

