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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿的内容要根据具体情境、具体场合来确定,要求情感真实,尊重观众。在不断进步的社会中,演讲稿在我们的视野里出现的频率越来越高,为了让您在写演讲稿时更加简单方便,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于开学典礼的英语演讲稿》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于开学典礼的英语演讲稿 篇一

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  It is an honor to speak at the opening ceremony of the school. It is another autumn breeze, and in this crisp autumn season, we returned to our dear school with hope and joy. In the new semester and new atmosphere, we should also have new ideas, new goals, and new actions. As a member of a certain elementary school, we have no glory yet. Because a young and brilliant primary school is full of youthful vitality, with a good school spirit of diligence, practicality, and innovation, each and every one of us feels sincerely happy and extremely proud of this.

  Teachers and classmates, with the joint efforts of school leaders, staff, and classmates, a certain primary school has achieved remarkable results and won widespread recognition from students, parents, and society.

  Both teachers and students conscientiously implement the various rules and regulations of the school, cultivate good study, work, and life habits, learn from others' strengths and make up for their own shortcomings, be humble and cautious, steadfast in learning, rigorous in teaching, unite as one, pour hope with sweat, and forge ideals with hard work. Classmates, time flies like water. A certain elementary school recorded your growth process. Laugh and tears, plow and harvest, each day and night linked footprint is the mark left by your struggle, and it is also the starting point of your success. You have learned to appreciate and cherish. The teachers of a certain elementary school are always selfless in their dedication, looking forward to your comprehensive development, containing your ignorance and stubbornness, correcting your shortcomings and mistakes, and looking forward to your health and growth.

  I sincerely hope that all students must establish lofty ideals, learn to be a person, learn to seek knowledge, learn to survive, learn to cooperate, learn to exercise, have self-esteem and self-love, self-discipline and self-improvement, cultivate good study habits, good behavior habits, good living habits, and strive to achieve success and glory!

  The waves wash away the sand, only then can the true color of gold be revealed; When the rainstorm rushes through, we can see the towering pines! After learning and training, you will become more mature, steady, and confident. In the new semester, our hearts are filled with anticipation: looking forward to the fruitful results of the next semester. Finally, I wish all teachers success in their work, good health, and a happy family in the new semester! Wishing students progress in their studies, comprehensive development, and early success! Wishing our primary school a more prosperous and brilliant future!

  Thank you all for listening. My speech is over.

2.关于开学典礼的英语演讲稿 篇二

  Dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  Today is a special day, as we gather to hold the opening ceremony of the new semester. Standing on the threshold of the new semester, I am filled with emotions.

  In the new semester, we need to have the ability and confidence. Learning, in the final analysis, is to cultivate various abilities, such as reading ability, thinking ability, communication ability, sports ability, and so on. As long as we dare to try and be good at practice, we can see a new self in an infinite and vast space, and accumulate strength for our lifelong development.

  In the new semester, we need to have vitality and energy. As long as we are full of confidence, start from now on, listen attentively, complete assignments with quality and quantity, follow the teacher steadfastly, and lay a solid foundation, we will definitely achieve excellent results.

  In the new semester, we need to have vitality and health. We should actively respond to the call of "Sunshine Sports for Billions of Students nationwide", establish the concept of "I participate, I exercise, I am happy, and I am healthy", seriously and happily participate in the "Sunshine Sports" fitness series activities with the theme of "exercising for one hour every day, living a healthy life for a lifetime", and welcome every day of life with full enthusiasm and energy.

  In the new semester, we must have ambition and ambition. As long as we have dreams in our hearts, we must constantly pursue them, never give up, and believe that the new and greater glory will belong to all the teachers and students of XX Primary School.

  In the new semester, we need to be polite and cultured. Good habits are the qualities of future citizens. We should establish a sense of rules from a young age, understand what should be done and what should not be done. We should start from small things, speak and act in a civilized and polite manner, be gentle in every move, respect teachers, care for classmates, and be moral and cultured people.

  In the new semester, we need to have perseverance and perseverance. We need to learn self-control, self-control, and a solid understanding of knowledge. Don't give up on yourself due to temporary discomfort, and be fully prepared for our future studies.

  Finally, in the new semester, I wish teachers good health, smooth work, and success in their dreams!

  Wishing students happiness in learning, growth, and soul!

  Wishing the first grade children to study hard and make progress every day in the new environment!

  May our school become more and more beautiful, grow stronger, and become a paradise for us to soar!

  My speech is over. Thank you all for listening.

3.关于开学典礼的英语演讲稿 篇三

  Dear leaders, teachers, and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  With the refreshing autumn breeze and the fragrance of osmanthus, accompanied by the golden sunshine of September, we have entered the gate of XX University and are about to embark on a journey of youth. It is a great honor and excitement for me to speak on behalf of all the new students in the 20xx level today. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I am xxx, a new student from xx College of xx University. On behalf of all new students in the 20xx level, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the leaders and teachers who have worked hard for the registration and enrollment education of new students in the past month. Teachers, you have worked hard!

  The waves wash away the sand, only then can the true color of gold be revealed; When the rainstorm rushes through, we can see the towering pines! Having experienced the baptism of the college entrance examination, I still vividly remember the excitement at the moment of receiving the admission letter. I find it difficult to express it in words because all words seemed so pale and powerless at that moment! I have been at home looking forward to the day when school starts, hoping to personally unveil the mysterious veil of college life!

  University is a valuable experience in life, providing us with a platform to showcase and surpass ourselves. Strolling through the elegant and scholarly campus, we feel a strong learning atmosphere. We need to adapt to the new university life as soon as possible and set ambitious goals. Cherish time, strive to learn professional knowledge while constantly enriching the mind and expanding horizons, laying a solid foundation for future ideals and life goals.

  The parents' advice still echoes in their ears, but in a hurry, four years of college life has begun with the first warm greetings and caring eyes from leaders and teachers. Perhaps, in these four years, we may have lost the companionship and careful care of our parents, but I believe we will gain more touching teacher-student relationships and classmate friendships! Flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young; timely encouragement, and time waits for no one. Classmates, at this moment, we are young and in the prime of our youth. Let us be with 'today' and walk with our dreams; Take the first step of a journey of a thousand miles and firmly take every step of the long journey. At the same time, please rest assured that we will live up to the expectations of our parents and teachers, study cultural knowledge diligently, actively explore and forge ahead, and contribute our own efforts to achieving the goal of building a distinctive and high-level university in our school. Today, we are proud to be members of Agricultural University, and tomorrow, xx University will definitely be proud of us!

  Finally, I wish all new students joy and excellent results in their lives for the next four years. Wishing the conference a complete success, thank you all!

4.关于开学典礼的英语演讲稿 篇四

  Dear leaders and parents, dear teachers and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  I am xxx from Class X, Grade 3. I am honored to represent all Grade 3 students here and share my thoughts with teachers, parents, and classmates.

  In the golden autumn season, the autumn wind blows brightly. With joy and excitement, all of us in our third year of junior high school entered the gate of XX Experimental Middle School with high morale for the third time, marking the beginning of the new semester's battle. On the occasion of the opening ceremony, please allow me, on behalf of all the third year students, to say to the parents who came to Wenchang Middle School to attend the xx xx academic year new semester opening ceremony and the third year learning mobilization conference: You have worked hard! To the teachers who have diligently nurtured and earnestly taught us how to grow: Thank you, teacher!

  After ten years of studying hard, sharpening our swords, and testing our skills on the battlefield in June, it is time to truly test the will and perseverance of our junior high school students. It is time to truly determine whether we can enter the ivory tower and continue our further studies in the future. Classmates, please put in a good mindset and put in all your efforts to participate in the third round of the junior high school competition. Realize hope with hard work, harvest the future with courage, repay diligence with the law of heaven, and serve parents, teachers, and ourselves with achievements.

  The crown of honor always shines on the thorny and perilous peaks, and the beautiful rose always loves to emit fragrance on the thorns. The flowers of success are soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice. Classmates, let's rest on our laurels, rely on our strong swords, compete fiercely in the middle school entrance exam, and compete in the exam room!

  Just like a young student, he is in the prime of his life, full of scholarly spirit, and wields his power. In our growth, we must take unity and friendship as the core, and strive for excellence as the spirit. We vow to leave our own inspiring words in the Wenchang calendar and our thick footprints on the land of Wenchang!

  We are fighting, we are striving. When reading at night with the lights on, my eyes are hard to open and sour; At the sports meet, the stubborn person who is physically exhausted and unwilling to give up; In the classroom, in order to uphold the honor of our class and school, we strictly adhere to the "Three Noes" discipline of evening self-study, strive tirelessly, and strive to compete with the heavens.

  We think, we pursue. During the ten-minute break, mathematical problems disappeared amidst our lively conversation and laughter; In a 45 minute classroom, the brain is running at high speed; Silent evening self-study, homework like a wind rolling through clouds, this is silent competition, this is a battlefield without smoke!

  Finally, on behalf of every third year student present, I would like to once again thank our parents for nurturing us. Thank you for silently caring for us, supporting us, and watching us. Over the past decade, we have always kept in mind the most warm and harmonious scenes of family relationships in our lives. Please rest assured that we will definitely become strong in life and learning, and not disappoint your nurturing kindness. Please wait for the good news of the high school entrance examination next June.

  Perhaps not everyone can achieve their dreams, but we must strive for them. In the new semester of the third year of junior high school, we must put all our energy into studying, make the final sprint, and add another spark to our lives! I am willing to join hands with everyone and conquer the sky! Pursuing excellence and creating one's own glorious years

5.关于开学典礼的英语演讲稿 篇五

  Dear leaders, dear teachers, and classmates

  Hello everyone!

  Today, I am honored to speak on behalf of a freshman in high school. Thank you to the leaders, teachers, and classmates for your trust in me! The ancients said, "A good year is worth remembering, especially when it's orange, yellow, and green." In this beautiful autumn, we freshmen entered this beautiful campus with beautiful aspirations. Because there are classmates who work hand in hand to point the way for each other. Boating in the boundless sea of learning, we fight against the wind and waves; Standing on the stage of youth, we are passionate; Walking on the bumpy path of life, our steps are firm. After three years of ups and downs, I have never changed my ambition, and after ten years of hard work, I have never changed my bandwidth!

  Of course, we must strictly abide by the daily behavioral norms of the school, consciously restrain our own behavior, and gradually transform the various requirements of the daily routine into conscious actions. At the same time, we must also abide by social order, cultivate noble social ethics, and showcase the good demeanor of the students of the Fourth Middle School to the whole society.

  Here, on behalf of all the students in the first year of high school, I would like to express to the school and teachers that in the next thousand days and nights, we will always remember our parents' earnest expectations, listen to our teachers' earnest teachings, and take the proud students of the college entrance examination as examples to lift our dream sails. Achieve: never bow in front of difficulties; Never bend down in the face of setbacks; In front of achievements, never be proud. I believe that our smiles will be as bright as today in three years!

  Finally, I sincerely wish all teachers good health and smooth work! Classmates are making progress in their studies and their dreams come true!

  Thank you all!
