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  【篇一】开心时刻 The Happy Moment

Last week, my parents told me the good news that my family would go camping with my uncle’s family. I felt so excited about it, because I could spend the whole night outside, which never happened before. When the day came, we brought the equipment and bought some food. In the afternoon, the two families settled down, then we started to walked around. My cousins and I rushed to the forest and went to the highest point, where we can appreciate the whole sight. Standing on the highest place, I felt so great. The world was in front of my eyes and I thought of the old poets’ desc ription. At night, we set the the fire and talked happily. The parents were talking about the family chores and the kids were playing games. It was such a happy moment for me. 上周,我的父母跟我说了一个好消息。我们家要和我叔叔家一起去野营,我很兴奋,因为我从来没有在外面过夜过。这一天来临的时候,我们带了工具,买了食物。下午,两个家庭就驻扎完毕,然后我们开始到处闲逛。我堂兄弟和我跑到树林的处,在那里我们看到了整个风景。站在的地方,我有着古代诗人一览众山小的感触。晚上,我们升了火,开心的地聊天。父母们在谈论家庭琐事,孩子们在玩游戏。这对我来说是一个快乐的时刻。

  【篇二】的偶像 The Best Idols

Most young people have idols, and the popular stars are always treated in the first place in their hearts. In order to see their idols, some people will do a lot of crazy things, such as skip class or save money to buy a concert ticket. While in my heart, the best idols are our soldiers. They stay away homes and stand in the border to protect our safety. When we feel lucky to live in the peaceful time, we should think of these respectable guys. They sacrifice so much to protect our country. They are real idols and deserve our praise. When I see them in the TV, I admire them so much. Their images present people the sense of security. We see the power and courage from them, and they are the real idols. 大多数年轻人都有自己的偶像,而流行明星总是排在第一位。为了看到他们的偶像,有些人会做很多疯狂的事情,比如逃课或着省钱买一张演唱会的门票。在我心中,的偶像是我们的士兵。他们远离家人,在边境站岗保护我们的安全。当我们因为生活在和平年代而庆幸时,我们应该想到那些可敬的人。他们牺牲很多来保护我们的国家。他们是真正的偶像,值得我们赞扬。当我在电视上看到他们时,我很钦佩他们。他们的形象给我们呈现了安全感。我们从他们身上看到了力量和勇气,他们是真正的偶像。

  【篇三】学习的方法 The Best Way to Learn

I always feel it a burden to learn knowledge after I go to school. As a small girl, I just want food and hang out to play for fun. Study seems the most difficult thing for me. Later, I figure out that the reason why I refuse to study is because I lack of interest. Some day, my teacher asked me to her office and she asked me to watch a TV show with her. Both of us laughed out loudly. When the show was over, she asked my opinion about the characters, then I gave her my own idea. My teacher said the things I learned from the show were the same as the book described. At this moment, I found the interesting way to learn knowledge. As the saying that interest is the best teacher and I am lucky to have it. 自从我开始上学后,我就觉得学习知识是一种负担。作为一个小女孩,我只想着吃喝玩乐。学习对我来说似乎是最困难的事。后来,我发现了我不喜欢学习的原因是我缺乏兴趣。有一天,老师叫我去她的办公室,她让我和她一起看一个电视节目。我们都大声笑了出来。节目结束的时候,她问我对里面角色的看法,我给了她自己的想法。老师说我从这个节目中学习到的东西跟书本上的是一样的。此时此刻,我发现了学习知识的有趣方式。兴趣是的老师,我很幸运我拥有了它。

高中英语作文:开心时刻 The Happy Moment.doc
